Adultery Indian Wife Stories Collected from the Internet by Anubhav1992
"Yes that is true...I think that American-style would suit you, Priya."

She blushed again. "Oh please, I don't have the figure."

"Oh you do! You're a real sexy woman, Priya. In the west we really admire a woman with a solid, curvy figure like yourself."

She blushed some more. "Really? My friends say that here, but my husband don't agree."

I moved a step closer. "Excuse me if this is too harsh: your husband is wrong."

"Oh?" I piqued her interest.

"I work with him; I know what kinda man he is. I'm very surprised he has a wife such as yourself, you're far too good for him."

She continued to stir her pot, lowering her voice. "Please you mustn't say that."

I made my move. I put myself right infront of her, swiped aside her shiny scarf, then put my hand on her bare hip.

"I know I'd be proud to have you as my woman."

I knew what she was thinking when she saw that bulge: is this white man bigger than my husband? I can't speak for all white men or Indian men, but in this case: yes, I was -- significantly. I had 9 reasons why she needed to be with me that night, right there in my pants. I made it noticeable: I had my tight pants on. My hard-on was rubbing against her ever-so-gently.

"I, I --"

"Don't answer. Just think...I'll go help your son with the table." I grabbed the near-by plates and left. Leaving her with those thoughts, I knew what the result would be.

I saw her son fixing up the table. I helped him set the plates.

"Hey I'm Trevor, your dad's boss."

"Hello, Sir," he replied polity, also speaking in an accent. He was around 5'6, slim build, light brown skin, black hair.

"So, you like it here in America?"

"Yes Sir. Everything's great, all great, expect for..." he grumbled, then looked over at his dad who was sitting on the couch.

"Too strict?" I asked.

"Yeah, and stupid."

"I'm surprised your mother married someone like him."

"Lots of people say that, all my friends comment on how pretty my mom is. They think she's so good-looking"

"Guess he's the lucky one, huh?"

"Him?" he had a confused expression on his face, "I don't think he has the size for a woman like my mother."

"You should show him more respect though," I said trying to sound politically correct, though fully agreeing with him.

"To him? I'll show respect to a man like you, but never him. He believes in teaching with the belt and shoe, he has no intelligence. He treats me and mom like dirt, he believes following tradition is more important than being a happy family. He's a pathetic father."

I was impressed by her son's attitude. He understood what was going on around him and showed proper respect to me. I was also surprised with how open he was. Knowing he hated his father made it better for me: I knew humbling his father would give her son some satisfaction too.

"Sorry Sir," he said while looking down. "I spoke out of line."

I patted him on the shoulder, "No problem. What's your name?"


I smiled at him. I looked at the table and saw there was a chair at the head of the table. That really pissed me off. From where I'm from, all the chairs were lined up together, there was no one lone chair signifying a leader. To show that man a lesson, I pulled up the chair and sat at the head of the table.

"Umm, that's my dad's seat."

"Well I'm the guest and his boss. Don't worry, Son. He won't say a word to me."

He grinned. "Cool, very cool."

"Dinner's ready," shouted Priya.

She walked into the dining area, surprised at where I sat myself. She nodded to me and smiled.

Her husband walked by, not saying a word, and sat to the left of me, his wife to the right, and her son next to her.

She laid out the food, we began to eat. Rajesh tried starting up a conversation.

"So, ahem, Mr. Stevens --"

"This food is delicious, Priya," I deliberately ignored him and set my sights on his wife.

"Oh, thank you."

I put my hand on her leg, giving it a nice, gentle squeeze. I was staking my territory.

She cleared her throat. "So, ahem, Trevor, please tell us about yourself."

"Well I'm forty-six now, actually looking to settle down, yes I'm unmarried. I head an I.T department at work, pretty tough job, I always go home to my little apartment so tired. Oh did I tell you I'm sleeping over?"

Her husband looked shocked; he was going to say something before I but-in.

"Yes, he kindly gave me that offer." I looked at him and gave a slight glare, "That right?"

He looked down and mumbled, "Yes."

Priya nudged closer. "That's wonderful. Please, keep talking about yourself."

"Umm, well, I grew up here. Four brothers, all married. I'm not a fanatic but I like to go to the gym, stay fit."

"Oh I can see that," she said with a giggle.
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RE: Indian Wife Stories Collected from the Internet by Anubhav1992 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-04-2019, 02:48 PM

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