Adultery Sleeveless Shylaja, Cougar Srilekha & Milfy Anu - Triple Adventures by JwalaJumpa
12.f – Back to Reality

12.f – Back to Reality

For the first time in their life, Anu and Shylaja were caressing each other. The heat sent a special feeling all over their body. It was surprising for Anu to feel her titties turning firm and standing upright. Shylaja noticed the hardness on her nipples and they were in the right mood. As Anu kept stroking up and down, Shylaja moved lef and right as her bubble butts kept rubbing over Anu's ample titties. There wasn't enough time for the pair to make out a full length lesbo session. But with what is available, they made full use of it. The heat on her ass increased as Shylaja started to come over Anu's titties. Anu could feel her pussy hole giving way and opening wide as Shylu's cum dripped over her titties. Women are indeed poetic!

The creamy cum made Shylu's buttock slide over Anu's massive hanging titties. It made a kinky sound “trrk trrk trkk”, as she kept rubbing fast. Anu kept biting Shylu's buttocks now and then and the bite marks were so tempting on that fair ass. Thud! A noise came from the door and they have to dress up within a few seconds. Ensuring things were alright, Shylaja rushed to the door to open it. A bright stream of light fell on the room. It was so blinding that they could see nothing except a bright white flood of light. Anu's head started to spin. Lot of voices filled her head and she could not figure out where she was standing. The door kept banging. She was in her rest room holding the wall. Sweating heavily it took some time for her to realize the present and come out of her flashback.

“Anu.. For god's sake open the door”, a voice resonated outside the door.

As she opened, he was shocked to see her completely wet in sweat.

“Anu, are you alright? What is happening?”, concern started to grow.

“hmm. Nothing, I am having a bad headache. Need some sleep badly”, she did not wait for him to respond. She hurried forward pushing him to her side and went into her bedroom and slammed the door. He stood puzzled without knowing what has happened.

Anu sat on her bed wiping off all her sweat with a towel. She stood near her dressing table to watch her on mirror. A broad round face. Perfectly aged to ultimate milfiness with a round tits, curvy hips. Every feature of her added much beauty to her. She looked tired. The anal experience with her husband last night and the slim dick of Venkat made her hell tired. Her husband came in and sat. Lot of things kept coming back. Her tantalizing experience with her office friend on Skype while her husband was watching created lot of doubts on her husband's mind. None the less, he is also a pervert staring and fantasizing on almost all women he see. This very act kindled all her hidden desires and made her a step bolder than how she normally used to be.

“Anu, boy slept. I prepared him dinner. '

“Ok”, a brief response from her.

“How did the occasion go? Did you meet everyone?”, he asked.

“Yes.”, again a brief response. It annoyed him.

“What is wrong Anu? You seemed to be upset over something”

“Yes. I am. But if you leave me to sleep it will be great. Let us argue tomorrow”, she cut short him.
“Ok then. I was concerned.”, he was vary.

“Did you buy vegetables?”

“Yeah Anu. I did. Radish was not there”

“Ok. So did she come here or you bought somewhere else”, the pin sharp reply maddened him.

“Oh fuck! Do you think I will keep doing that? I am...”, she interrupted.

“Ok. So you bought outside. Now you can leave”, her replies irritated him. Without saying a word, he turned back and came to the hall. He could hear the door slamming hard. He lost all his respect and trustworthiness. Now Anu knows his dirty deeds on Shylaja and the vegetable seller. He could lose all his control over her. The very thought of Rajesh, his wife's office friend made him red angry. But he does not have the rights to get angry. The relationship became complicated all of a sudden.

The door opened after some time. But there were no noise from the inside. After 15 minutes, he stepped into the room silently. Anu was on her pale golden yellow night down. She thrusted a pillow between her thighs and was hurled over it. There was a big deep cut on the back of her gown which shown her silky smooth shining fair brown back. Her hair was bunned and she was asleep. Son was next to her by the wall. He could see her thick thighs as the gown was lifted on her right leg above her knees. When he moved further to the front, he could see her chubby arms in that sleeveless gown holding the pillow. As he went near her, he could see her folded cleavage as she slept by her sides. The chains ran deep in between her cleavage. Without disturbing her, he lied down next to her and stared at the ceiling.

[Image: 13a1.jpg]

Thoughts kept running in his mind. How good once his life was after the wedding and now he is in deep shit with a troubled relationship. He was not sure if he will have Anu. Last night sex looked more of a retribution than a pleasure thing. Her force and brutality when moaning added more doubts. She moaned like a bitch who needs more pumping. Wiping off his thoughts he turned towards Anu and admired her back. It was smooth as a banana leaf. As he looked down, he could see her big bulging ass crack. The thin night down ran over her butts revealing the full shape. He made sure she is asleep and moved him slowly down the cot.

He rubbed his cheek slowly over ass cheeks to feel the heat. Then, he ran his fingers slowly over her knees and pushed the night down upwards slowly. He moved it inch by inch until her hips without disturbing her. Two round jiggly buttocks neatly rested by its side with a beauty sleeping! He felt like spanking and biting them hard but he does not want Anu to know. He ran his face near to them, sniffing and licking it light with the tip of his tongue. He ran his tongue in between her buttocks till her lower ass. With the wetness, he took his cellphone and snapped her beautiful ass.

[Image: 13a2.jpg]

After admiring her for sometime, he came to other room and switched on his desktop. It is his regular habit to browse kinky sites when he is not active with his wife. As usual, he edited the photographs he took and posted to one of his favorite site called xb.

Within minutes of posting, comments started to come. One comment caught his attention. It read, “great ass bhai! Those spank marks are so hot. Please post more bro! Repped. +25”

What? Spank marks? Where? He double checked the photograph by zooming it. His heart skipped a beat. There were multiple faint spank marks. He missed them somehow. Taking his torch, he rushed to his wife's bed room, lifted her gown and blew the torch over her ass. The flash has revealed what he never dreamt of seeing. The spank marks looked fresh. He saw her in the morning naked and did not see any such marks. God! What is this?

In utter shock, he stood there staring at her ass, speechless !

Stay tuned for more interesting episodes in life of Anu, Shylaja & Srilekha...
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RE: Sleeveless Shylaja, Cougar Srilekha & Milfy Anu - Triple Adventures by JwalaJumpa - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-04-2019, 04:10 PM

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