That's how we spent our Thanksgiving weekend in the year 2000. It was the first time we had heart-to-heart discussions about our polyamorous relationship, which in reality was more of a polyandrous relationship. It was the first time Mansi requested me to go to bed early (on Saturday) so that she could spend some time with Rahul. I had sensed that the decision to continue this relationship rested with me.

We moved out of Rahul's place in March next year. Having established myself in the new firm, we felt it was about time to move on. As expected Mansi put an end to polyamorous relationship; we met frequently and were still on good terms with Rahul and Rohini.

Rahul and Rohini were disappointed with sudden turn of events. Rohini was happy that at least Rahul got a taste of Mansi and hoped that she would change her mind someday. Rohini and I often discussed how much fun we had and how much both of us missed getting together. Rohini meticulously kept a log of Rahul's sessions with Mansi and one fine day she shared with me the details.

In the year 2000, Rahul mated with Mansi 309 times, compared to 123 (approximately) sessions I had with Mansi that year. Mansi did have a bumper year with a total of 432 sessions with both of us. About 1/3rd of Mansi's sessions with Rahul were actually blowjobs she gave him in the shower. According to Rohini they indulged in other activities in the shower but the session culminated with her long blowjob that on an average took twenty minutes. She also rimmed him 76 times, mostly in the shower, primarily to make him ejaculate quicker.

In all, Rahul had 408 sessions with Mansi over the period of a year and 3 months. It was staggeringly high compared to my total (approximately) of 550 sessions over the period of past 4 years. It was not the quantity but the quality of sessions that astounded me. On an average their leisurely sessions lasted for a little over two hours, whereas their quickies (mostly morning sessions) lasted for half an hour.

They hit the crescendo in the last 3 months of our stay since Rahul knew it would end once we moved out. Mansi rimmed Rahul on every possible opportunity during the last 3 months, except the times when it would be unhygienic to indulge in such an act and finished with 151 rim jobs. She let Rahul ejaculate in her mouth a mind-boggling 197 times. In comparison, she let me do that only once and that too was an accident.

All this had a very positive effect on our sessions and they were much longer and the sex was more varied. We had more sex than we had in the previous years and considering the amount of time we were together, it was truly incredible.

As days passed the thoughts about what we missed after ending the relationship with Rahul and Rohini plagued me. Rohini and I frequently discussed about what transpired in the last year and half and each time I would unearth something that I didn't know.

I wondered when Rohini would try to convince me to reinitiate the affair but she never did. Despite the fact that I had let her know how sorely I regretted Mansi's decision on several occasions, she didn't try to stoke my desire in anyway. Instead, she behaved as genuine friend, patiently listening to my ramblings.

Mansi's libido had suffered as a consequence of this breakup and she seemed like the Mansi I had known before she became Rahul's mistress. I had mentioned this to Rohini several times and each time she only mentioned that this was just a passing phase and soon she would return to normalcy. If this was normalcy then I preferred her previous avatar, I thought.

There were occasions when Mansi in hot mood would discuss her episodes with Rahul, not in great detail but cursorily. As days progressed she became comfortable talking about her relationship with Rahul and didn't mind sharing more of the details. It was clear her motivation was psychological -- letting someone other than her husband mount her any and every time was incredibly thrilling experience for her. And if that someone happened to be well-endowed and skilled in the art of making love there is no end to the pleasure one can derive from such a promiscuous mating. To her the icing on the cake was that I approved and even waited for my turn on weekends, at least that's the way she saw it. She was not keen on reinitiating the affair though.

It was on the July 4th weekend, when Rohini finally opened up and shared with me what she thought about our situation.

"It is not a good idea," she said. We were discussing if there was anyway to convince Mansi to become Rahul's mistress again.

"Why not?"

"Mansi's interest in sex has waned," I complained.

"It is for good," assured Rohini. "You can't handle that kind of libido anyway."

"Precisely my point; she should become his mistress again," I retorted.

"You don't seem to see what it entails," said Rohini. "Mansi is not on the pills," she said hinting on what she meant.

"Rahul could use a condom," I argued.

"Forget it," she said dismissing that idea.

"Mansi could use a cervical cap, diaphragm, or even a female condom," I added. Rohini laughed at my eagerness to reinstate the earlier state of affairs.

"Trust me," she said holding my hands in hers, "If this starts again then you would be raising Rahul's kids."

"She needs it," I said.

"But she is not selfish," said Rohini calmly.

"She knew Rahul would impregnate her if this continues”."That didn't deter her though -- she suspected that anyway. "What alarmed her was her desire to be bred by Rahul."


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