When the plane took off from Mumbai, I was still thinking about what Kushal had just told me. The rumor of how Ravi had seduced and enjoyed a guy's wife during a seminar had been going around since his first day in office. I did not know Kushal was the guy and Sanjana was the woman.

Kushal's wife Sanjana comes from a wealthy family and by all standards, she was soft spoken and well brought up. She has always been rather reserved about letting people get too close to her and does have that certain untouchable look, which often proves an irresistible challenge to people. I personally found her very attractive; and like most guys, secretly wished to seduce her, purely for the thrill of doing someone who looks, acts and is, so much the upper class girl.

I felt a very strange sensation imagining her with Ravi. Driving in a taxi back home, I felt a frisson of sexual excitement and realized that my own cock had hardened sufficiently to force me into making adjustments in order to get comfortable in my seat. For reasons I did not quite understand, I found myself getting horribly aroused imagining Ravi ravishing her right in front of her husband.

When I reached home, I hurried to the bedroom and locked the door. I opened the cupboard and slowly sorted through my wife's dresses, and lingerie. I found the black dress Monisha had worn the other night at the party at Desai, and brought it to my nose, smelling the familiar scent of Monisha's perfume. I felt my penis stiffen in my pants.

My mind couldn't help but think back to the journey Monisha had together with Ravi in the car, and that day at the party when I could not find Monisha and the feelings that went through me.

Then I found Monisha's panties, and my throat went dry. I fell into my chair, my body shaking, my heart pounding.

Thoughts of what happened between Ravi and Sanjana kept flooding my mind. But instead of him plunging into Sanjana, I found myself imagining what it would be like for Ravi to do Monisha. I imagined Monisha crying out with moans and multiple orgasms as he plunged into her, stroking in and out, going at it again and again, all night long. I pulled out my hard penis, and wrapped one of Monisha's panties around it. With a shaking hand, I began stroking myself. Within seconds I came, catching my sperm in Monisha's panties.
(To Be continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-04-2019, 01:03 PM

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