
The following day I forgot about all this as a serious problem cropped up at work. One of my customers called to complain about some missing tasks in the contract I had negotiated with them. They asked me what I was trying to pull on them. I had to rewrite their contracts to include the missing tasks. I was confused as I was sure I had written the contract properly.

I later discussed the problem with Ravi.

"This is not good,' he said. "We have to keep the board from finding out about these mistakes or you'll be in serious trouble. I will keep quiet over this one, but promise me you will work out a solution. You have been doing this long enough that you don't need me to read your contracts before they get sent out but you have to make sure they go out right or it will be both of our asses. Besides, I wouldn't know if something was left out unless I was with you when you met with the customer to negotiate the contract."

Ravi seemed to be on my side but it didn't make me feel better.

That evening I discussed this new problem with my contracts and the conversation I had with Ravi with Monisha.

"How can you be so certain that you didn't make a mistake?" she asked.

What was I missing? Was Monisha beginning to think that I wasn't as competent at my job as she used to think I was? That was the impression I was getting from her.

"I don't know what's going on but I think someone is trying to make me look bad," I said.

"You can't be serious," Monisha said. "You just said that you mail the contracts as soon as you are done with them. No one has access to your contracts once your finish with them. If someone could get to the contract, who would want to do that to you? Who could possibly benefit by making you look bad?"

I thought about what Monisha said and realized I really had no answers.

"I guess you're right. Maybe I did make a mistake," I said but I didn't for a moment believe that.

"So what if you made a mistake," she said, "everyone does. Now that you know what happened you can take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe you could ask Ravi to start proof reading your contracts with you again."

"No, I still don't believe I made any mistake," I said. "Someone is out to ruin me."

"Do you have any idea how paranoid that sounds?" Monisha asked. "I am beginning to think that you are just stressed out. Maybe all you need is a vacation."

"I am getting stressed out but that is not what is causing these problems," I said.

"I think you need some professional help, honey," Monisha said. "I am really beginning to worry about you."

"I am beginning to worry about us," I said. "Not once since this started have you taken my side."

"That's nonsense. Of course I am on your side. I just wanted to help you."

That was the end of the conversation for that night. Monisha went off to bed and I retired to the family room with a large glass of scotch. I wasn't sure if it was my ego but I just couldn't accept that my wife having doubts over my abilities. I recalled her conversation with Nisha, how she confessed finding Ravi good looking and sexy. Now she was taking his sides too.

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