20-04-2019, 09:54 PM
So Night Follows Day Pt. 21
By T. MaskedWriter with special guest author Susan Bailey.
"Watch her every move. Superconductor. (Superconductor)
She can manipulate reactions. (Superconductor)
Watch her every move. Superconductor. (Superconductor)
Pin the donkeys on her tail. Fantasy for sale.
That's entertainment!"
-Rush, "Superconductor"
Leonard Whyte CBE looked at his phone and swore at it. More specifically, he swore at the stock ticker on the phone that showed Whyte Telecom had dropped one-hundred and twelve points today already and showed no signs of stopping. Whyte Computers and Whyte Electronics were following it down the drain as well. He watched the numbers plummet as his business empire was; very legally, with every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed, being taken down by Troilus Equals.
Whyte had found the video of the "hacker group's" statement to the media. The hacker's voice was on a scrambler, which they'd been certain to point out was a Whyte Electronics model, and his or her face was obscured by an oversized full-head Halloween mask that hung down and completely obscured the person on the video's identity.
Whyte immediately recognized which famous celebrity the mask was meant to caricature. It was a goofy novelty head mask of Contessa Helena de San Finzione. The person he was pretty damn fucking sure was Contessa Helena de San Finzione herself under the mask prattled some screed about how Leonard Whyte CBE; she made certain to spell out each initial, shared the hackers' dream of a utopia free of all technology except Whyte Brand products, or why would he create the devices that were allowing them to disable the communications of the good people of Seattle so easily? She started talking about how the superiority of the Whyte Phone over the lesser brands was undeniable, and Leonard could hear her suppressed giggle when she gave a "Whyte Power" at the end of that part of the speech.
There were other bits of "Heil Leonard" diatribe, mostly crediting him with being on the crackpot side of every STRANGERS issue, which was why the hackers were sabotaging the conference for the glory of technology's new Fuhrer. He could see her almost cracking up again when she started talking about "the purity of each circuit in the Whyte master phones."
He caught a slip in her grammar that La Contessa never would have made, and realized he was wrong. That under the scrambler, it was more likely an Italian woman affecting an American; specifically, Alaskan accent. It wasn't the first time that Miss Parker had stung him, but Leonard couldn't help feeling a bit more stung by the fact that Rita Delvecchio was not only taking a role in his downfall as well, but was improvising much better on the video than she did in person. She had Helen's mannerisms down well enough to convince him until that point that it was La Contessa under the mask, since she wasn't comically exaggerating them, like she did on her show. So, of course, it would be absurd to think that she had anything to do with it, because La Contessa was on the other side of the planet, on television, at STRANGERS, when the video hit the media. The woman couldn't be two places at once, after all. It was the perfect alibi, and worst of all, it was fucking clever, was what it was.
He pounded the glass coffee table, making a fist-shaped crack in the glass. Whyte looked up at the eight men in body armor, carrying AK-47s. He turned to the sign-language interpreter.
"Tell them that I would appreciate it..." He waited for the man to start signing. "No. GREATLY appreciate it; if one of them would be so kind as to KILL THAT FUCKING CUNT!!"
The interpreter hesitated. Whyte grabbed a .45 automatic pistol from the coffee table and pointed it at the man.
"Christ, if YOU can't hear me either, I want my money back." He made mocking sign gestures with his free hand. "TELL THEM TO KILL... THAT... FUCKING... CUNT!!"
He followed instructions.
* * *
By T. MaskedWriter with special guest author Susan Bailey.
"Watch her every move. Superconductor. (Superconductor)
She can manipulate reactions. (Superconductor)
Watch her every move. Superconductor. (Superconductor)
Pin the donkeys on her tail. Fantasy for sale.
That's entertainment!"
-Rush, "Superconductor"
Leonard Whyte CBE looked at his phone and swore at it. More specifically, he swore at the stock ticker on the phone that showed Whyte Telecom had dropped one-hundred and twelve points today already and showed no signs of stopping. Whyte Computers and Whyte Electronics were following it down the drain as well. He watched the numbers plummet as his business empire was; very legally, with every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed, being taken down by Troilus Equals.
Whyte had found the video of the "hacker group's" statement to the media. The hacker's voice was on a scrambler, which they'd been certain to point out was a Whyte Electronics model, and his or her face was obscured by an oversized full-head Halloween mask that hung down and completely obscured the person on the video's identity.
Whyte immediately recognized which famous celebrity the mask was meant to caricature. It was a goofy novelty head mask of Contessa Helena de San Finzione. The person he was pretty damn fucking sure was Contessa Helena de San Finzione herself under the mask prattled some screed about how Leonard Whyte CBE; she made certain to spell out each initial, shared the hackers' dream of a utopia free of all technology except Whyte Brand products, or why would he create the devices that were allowing them to disable the communications of the good people of Seattle so easily? She started talking about how the superiority of the Whyte Phone over the lesser brands was undeniable, and Leonard could hear her suppressed giggle when she gave a "Whyte Power" at the end of that part of the speech.
There were other bits of "Heil Leonard" diatribe, mostly crediting him with being on the crackpot side of every STRANGERS issue, which was why the hackers were sabotaging the conference for the glory of technology's new Fuhrer. He could see her almost cracking up again when she started talking about "the purity of each circuit in the Whyte master phones."
He caught a slip in her grammar that La Contessa never would have made, and realized he was wrong. That under the scrambler, it was more likely an Italian woman affecting an American; specifically, Alaskan accent. It wasn't the first time that Miss Parker had stung him, but Leonard couldn't help feeling a bit more stung by the fact that Rita Delvecchio was not only taking a role in his downfall as well, but was improvising much better on the video than she did in person. She had Helen's mannerisms down well enough to convince him until that point that it was La Contessa under the mask, since she wasn't comically exaggerating them, like she did on her show. So, of course, it would be absurd to think that she had anything to do with it, because La Contessa was on the other side of the planet, on television, at STRANGERS, when the video hit the media. The woman couldn't be two places at once, after all. It was the perfect alibi, and worst of all, it was fucking clever, was what it was.
He pounded the glass coffee table, making a fist-shaped crack in the glass. Whyte looked up at the eight men in body armor, carrying AK-47s. He turned to the sign-language interpreter.
"Tell them that I would appreciate it..." He waited for the man to start signing. "No. GREATLY appreciate it; if one of them would be so kind as to KILL THAT FUCKING CUNT!!"
The interpreter hesitated. Whyte grabbed a .45 automatic pistol from the coffee table and pointed it at the man.
"Christ, if YOU can't hear me either, I want my money back." He made mocking sign gestures with his free hand. "TELL THEM TO KILL... THAT... FUCKING... CUNT!!"
He followed instructions.
* * *
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