Fantasy A Little Night Music by TMaskedWriter
Helen took a deep drag and pulled a thick manila envelope from within the depths of the smoking jacket.

"Besides, I'd never ask an artist to work for free. I've always intended to pay you."

"You know I don't want money, Helena."

"I said 'pay,' not 'insult.' Those will always be on the house for you, Hon." She tossed the envelope onto the table, toward her. It landed with a jingling noise. "I know the day The Houses sold was the saddest day of your life. You were so sad, in fact, that you never stopped to think 'Who the fuck would pay asking price for both your parents' houses, a few hours apart, on the same day?'"

Julie gave Helen a shocked look, letting her know that she really hadn't thought about it much. She let out a small "fu..." sound before stopping herself. Helen continued.

"They were my home too, you know. Deed and keys to your new summer place in Anchorage are in there. It's one property, now that I finally got that tunnel we always talked about put in. Now, don't pull that shit again."

Troy and Julie smiled in silence, but they gave each other a shocked and happy look at the mention of the secret tunnel they'd talked about digging between their two houses since they were all kids.

"Well fuck, thanks, Helena! I'd show you how grateful I am, but I don't think you'll be up to it before we have to go home." Julie looked at her phone. "We'd better get back and see how Susan's day's been. We'll try to be here to wheel you home in the morning."

"No." Helen replied. "I can't be seen leaving the hospital in a wheelchair. I have to show that this fucker hasn't gotten to me in the slightest."

"You were stabbed." Troy commented. "And everyone leaves the hospital in a wheelchair. I think it's a law or something."

"Troy," Helen asked the man that she thought of as "The first boy I ever truly loved." "Who do you think is the most hated woman in the world?"

"Hilary Cli-"


"You." Troy answered without hesitation.

"Exactly," Helen replied. "You'd have liked Vincenzo, Troy. He believed that kindness could work, too. Do you know just how many people's agendas that very concept; that kindness can work in this world, fucks with? San Finzione is converting to 100% solar and wind power within the next three years. We're expected to generate a surplus that we can sell to our neighbors. How many oil and nuclear power companies do you think that idea sits well with? The government and Società Finzione have a true working partnership that benefits both, but always puts The People's needs first. How many industries do you think would just shut down if Vincenzo's ideals took hold in America? With the warlords scattered and in retreat, our troops in Uongo are helping the Uongoians take back their homeland; like the proud, strong people that they'd always been, and I knew that they could be again with a little help from their friends. Anything you do in Africa, good or bad, pisses off somebody. Our minimum wage, retirement, and disabled pensions pay enough to survive with dignity. Do we have people on TV arguing that the poor should die, simply for BEING poor! That part happens here, too. But we sure as fuck don't give someone like that power!

"The man who stabbed me was NOT the only person in the world to wake up that morning, plotting my death. He got through, but Maria can show you the Ultimados' after-action reports about the couple of hundred that they've taken down since Vincenzo and I announced our engagement. Sometimes, I don't even learn about them until I read about it in the next morning's report."

Helen took a breath before continuing.

"Lately, especially after our talks the last time you guys came here; I've remembered the importance of his vision. Propappou would have liked it, and someone told me he wouldn't appreciate how I got where I am today."

Troy looked down, remembering telling her that, before learning more of her side of the story. She turned to Julie.

"Yeah, you thought I'd really fucked an old man to death to get his crown. It was one of the first things you said to me after all that time." The look on her face was too sad to match the anger in her words, as was her voice. "And I encouraged it in you, I admit; because I'd rather have your disgust than your sadness, Julie. I got enough of that when we were kids."

She turned to look at the pair of them, wincing.

"So, no, I can't afford to allow myself weakness, even in the eyes of the people that I love the most. Those other people who get to leave in a wheelchair aren't surrounded by cameras when they do it; or have enemies constantly seeking any advantage to exploit. I could take the helicopter, but the doctors are concerned about my stitches and turbulence. Yes, it's about image; however, no, it's not about my ego."
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RE: A Little Night Music by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 19-04-2019, 10:57 PM

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