It has been a year since my trip to Jacksonville and Wendy never mentioned the phone call again. There was a side benefit of our time apart. It seemed to have improved our sex life. Our sex life prior to that had been good. We made love about twice a week, which wasn’t bad after six years of marriage. After I came back from Jacksonville
Our lovemaking increased to four times a week. I guessed that being apart for a week had resulted in an increase in our passion. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

A few months ago Wendy was asked to be in a wedding for one of her old high college friends this summer. Wendy was excited about being in the wedding and I promised that nothing would keep me from going to the wedding with her.

The wedding was five months ago in Oak Park. We flew up to Chicago on Friday and checked into the airport Hyatt. We relaxed at the hotel that afternoon then drove a rental car out to Oak Park for the rehearsal. After the rehearsal there was a dinner hosted by the parents of the groom. I had a good time meeting Wendy’s friends. The bride and groom Barbara and George, Barbara’s brother Dave and their parents.

The wedding was at noon on Saturday at a small church north of town. As I watched Wendy come down the isle in her pink bride’s maid gown I thought she was the prettiest girl in the church, including the bride. It made me think back to our own wedding and gave me a feeling of pride that I had won the hand of this wonderful woman.

The reception was at the home of the bride’s parents, which was about a half hour drive from the church. We had been at the reception about a half hour when Wendy asked me to make sure and take a lot of pictures. When she said that, I realized that I didn’t have my camera. It was a brand new digital camera that I had purchased for this occasion I had it with me in the church but I didn’t have it now. I ran out to the car but the camera wasn’t there. I told Wendy that I had left the camera at the church and I would have to drive back
Wendy was a little angry with me. She said, “It’s going to take you an hour to get there and back.”

“Well I can’t leave it there, I just bought it and it was quite expensive.”

“You better leave now so you can get back in time to eat.”

I said I was sorry and headed for the door.

I had driven about two blocks from the house when I remembered that I had given a ride to another couple from the church to the reception and I moved some things from the back seat of the car into the trunk to make room for I stopped the car and checked the trunk. There sitting on top of some clothes Wendy had brought to change into later was my camera. I slipped the camera into my suit jacket and headed back to the reception.

When I walked into the house. I asked someone if they knew where Wendy was and they said that they thought that the wedding party went off with the photographer to take some pictures. It looked to me as though all of the guests had arrived. The house was full and many more people were milling around in the back yard.

I decided to explore the house while I was waiting for Wendy. It was a large two-story house built in the shape of the letter L. I walked down a hallway off the kitchen and found three small bedrooms and at the end of the hall was a staircase. I went up the stairs to a landing in front of a closed door. I tried the door and it opened into a study. Straight ahead of me was a large roll top desk. To the right there were bookshelves and to the left was another door.

I went to the left and stopped in front of the door for a moment. I felt very strange about what I was doing. On one hand I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong, I was just exploring this beautiful home but on the other hand I felt like a spy or a thief sneaking around, invading my host’s privacy. I opened the door as slowly and I heard soft music in the distance. Ahead of me through the door was a short hallway that transitioned into some kind of loft, actually more like a catwalk. The catwalk was about three feet wide with railings on both sides. At the other end of the catwalk was a circular staircase like you might find in a lighthouse. The music I heard was coming from whatever room was below the catwalk.

I knew I should leave but my curiosity was too strong for common sense to overcome, so I moved out of the study into the hallway. I slowly made my way down the hallway until I reached the end of the wall. I looked to the left and could see that the catwalk overlook a bathroom and on the right it overlooked a large bedroom. I was about to step out onto the catwalk when I herd a voice form below. I got down on my hands and knees and stuck my head out past the wall and peeked down into the bedroom.

At first I couldn’t see anyone but then a man came into view and jumped onto the bed and lay down on his back with his head on a pillow. It was Dave, the bride’s brother and he was naked from the waist down and he was sporting an erection. I was debating on whether I should retreat to the study or stay and see what was going to happen when I faintly heard a woman’s voice say, Is this what you wanted?” Just then something white flew into view and landed on Dave’s chest. It was a woman’s panties which Dave picked up and held up to his face. As he smelled the panties he said, “Hurry, I need to feel my cock inside you.”

Then the woman I heard speaking stepped into view. From my vantage point all I could tell was that she was one of the bride’s maids. I could only see the top of her head and that she was wearing a pink dress. As she walked over and stood at the foot of the bed looking at Dave I thought that she looked a little like Wendy but I knew that wasn’t possible.

Then Dave said, “How long have we got?”

“We have about forty-five minutes. It’ll take Jim an hour to get to the church and back and he left about fifteen minutes ago.”

I thought, “Oh my God, it is Wendy. What the hell is she doing?’

I was frozen there. I felt sick to my stomach and I was breaking into a cold sweat. As I watched, Wendy lifted her pink gown up above her knees and climbed onto the bed and walked on her knees over to Dave. Then she lifted the dress higher and moved her left leg over so that she straddled him and then positioned herself directly over his engorged cock. Then she lifted her dress still higher and I watched in total agony as Wendy used her hand to guide Dave’s cock between her labia and slowly lower herself onto it.

I screamed, “NO!” but the only sound was inside my head, as the word did not pass my lips.

Wendy let her dress drop, covering the area of their coupling, and she began moving up and down on his shaft, She said, “Oh God Dave, you feel so good inside me. I can’t tell you how long I have been looking forward to having you inside me again.”

I thought, ‘Again?’ then I almost vomited. I closed my eyes until the nausea passed then looked again at the scene below. My wife, the woman who believed that cheating on a spouse was one of the most immoral things anyone could do, was right below me fucking another man and apparently not for the first time. I wanted to go down there and confront them, but I couldn’t move. I was being humiliated by what she was doing, but I knew confronting them and making a seen would just add to my humiliation, especially if I started shouting, which I knew I would, and drew the attention of other people at the wedding. There could be no graceful retreat from here if I confronted them so I decided to just leave.

I tried but I still couldn’t move. So I continued to watch. There was a skylight in the ceiling, which let a good deal of light into the room so I decided to get a picture of Wendy’s infidelity as evidence. I slipped the camera out of my suit pocket and began taking pictures. I wasn’t worried about Wendy and Dave hearing me over the noise they were making. Finally Wendy had an orgasm and collapsed on top of Dave. I listened carefully for any conversation after Dave climax and noted that Wendy never said, “I love you” to Dave. That was something she always said to me after sex. I don’t know why that mattered to me.

The only thing I heard Wendy say was, “I better get cleaned up before Jim gets back. Wendy got off the bed and went into the bathroom and I crawled backwards till I reached the study. I got up and closed the study door and headed back the way I had come.
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 19-04-2019, 10:22 PM

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