
"So I went to the kitchen and started cooking. The men were all outside talking. I seemed to be the topic of discussion. I couldn't hear everything, but once in a while I heard stuff like..... What a sexy woman I big my tits were..... ….how much milk my breasts can produce If I become pregnant again, and so on. At least two men joked that Sajid should make me his fourth wife, since I listen to him more than any of his other wives do. Then a guy asked Sajid how my cunt felt when he fucked it. Despite never having fucked it, Sajid was able to lie about it convincingly. He Said it was warm and tight and wet and what not."

"Ten minutes later, when I was chopping vegetables, I heard someone walk into the kitchen even as the lewd conversation outside went on. I turned around to see it was sajid

Sajid told me to come to the door and see them all off. Sajid left last of course, and did so after kissing me slobberingly. And said he'd be back after lunch. And a while after that is when you called."

"Hmmm... and you got some time to yourself?"

"Yes. An hour to myself gave me time to think, and set some boundaries. I had certainly enjoyed what was happening, but I did not want to get too carried away." Sunita said.

"Haha, I will be interested to hear what those boundaries were." I said, pinching her nipple and Sunita smiled.

"An hour later, when the doorbell rang, it was just Sajid who came back. He closed the door behind him, and started kissing me and unbuttoning my top. I started leading him towards the bedroom, but he was too impatient and pulled me down on the couch with him. My top was open, and he was playing with my boobs. Then he slid my panties off and started fingering me. And again, he made me cum with his fingers, and I reciprocated with a blowjob, and swallowed it all."

"You have become quite the swallower, haven't you?" I said.

"Hehe, yes. Once that was done, we sat there, him fondling my body all over. Me naked except for my open top and skirt. I noticed this about Sajid - he never got me completely naked. Always left something on. A while later, the doorbell rang. I started buttoning up my top, but Sajid said, leave it open. I said no, but I didn't button it up either. I just tied a knot at the bottom with the two ends of the top. That revealed half of my boobs but still kept enough hidden. I started putting my panties on and he asked me to leave them off. This I didn't agree with at all. I said I'd prefer to keep my panties on. He didn't say anything."

"I opened the door and Rasul walked in. He noticed the new configuration of my top and smiled. Sajid told him to come over to the living area and we all sat there talking. Well, Sajid and Rasul were talking about their stuff. I was just eye candy. My top was almost open, so they could see half of each boob at all times."

That's when the phone rang. Sunita's sister said Apu was getting very restless, so she was about to drop him off.

Sunita quickly concluded her story saying nothing new happened after that. They all sat around talking, checking her out. When she would get up or move, her boobs would move and all the time they got a decent look at them. A couple of times she was fondled by Rasul surreptitiously when Sajid wasn't looking. But it didn't go beyond that. They left in a while, since Apu was about to come home.

We got dressed, and Apu came home. The rest of the night was spent placating Apu who seemed to be in a particularly lousy mood.
(To Be Continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-04-2019, 11:59 AM

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