Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
A few minutes went by as they listened patiently, hearing the Brit whistle some stupid tune. Then, things suddenly started moving very quickly. Vince looked down to his phone and nodded, mouthing that they had two minutes. She nodded back as they heard the bar doors open. Suddenly, the place was filled with a lot of foot falls. Vince felt his reflexes dial up as he waited to hear his partner and Oz come in. Somewhere in the background he swore that he heard the sound of the GTO engine, and it made him acutely aware of all the other noises in the room.

"Ok, fan out and search. We're looking for a green amulet on a long chain. When you find it, announce and let's get the hell out of here." The Brit spoke again, clearly he was in charge of the group.

Footsteps suddenly approached where they stood and they both shuffled down the hallway ducking behind bathroom doors that opposed each other. They were waiting until someone approached, hoping to take them out quietly if need be.

"And who the bloody hell do you think you are?" The Brit spoke again and it was just in time for a man to appear between Dani and Vince before attempting to duck into the men's room. Vince quickly grabbed him with a hand over his mouth and a knife to his throat followed. The man was left a bleeding mess on the ground.

"CIA. Now, are you coming in quietly or..." Oz's voice was clear from the other room and suddenly someone yelled and gunfire erupted. Dani and Vince flew from the bathroom and started firing at anyone in the way.

The bar was momentarily engulfed in gunfire from every direction. The agents were far better trained though, and far better shots. Dani herself had dispatched four or five guys before they even caught sight of Nick and Vince. In another few moments, the Brit was in Oz's grasp. His arms were firmly pulled behind his back and Nick and Vince went to make their way into the kitchen.

"I've got it!" An exclamation came from just beyond the door before another five guys flooded out. The gunfire resumed and Dani only saw from the corner of her eye as the Brit rolled Oz's arms around somehow and helped usher the young man, who had made the exclamation out the doors. They hunkered down shooting when they could on opposite sides from the door as they heard the van spin gravel outside and speed away.

"Damnit!" Dani yelled out before standing with Vince as they both fired at a few figures that had emerged from the back rooms. Vince turned suddenly at the sound of gunfire from off to his side and took out a guy that he had seen. It was all quiet suddenly and Nick gestured that he was heading into the back to do a final sweep. Vince turned back to Dani and froze.

"Fuck. I think I'm not okay Vince." The color drained from Dani's face in front of him and her body slumped to the floor. A second ago she had been standing next to Vince as he gunned down the last man in the room, who had come from seemingly nowhere. Now, the fight was nearly over.

"Dani?" Vince watched helplessly as the beautiful woman collapsed to the floor. His eyes drew wide and all the other sounds grew muffled as he dropped down next to her.

"I think he shot me." She coughed as she lay limp in his arms. Vince pulled her head onto his lap as he heard Nick proclaim the all clear. Oz was looking outside somewhere else and saying something, but Vince heard none of it.

"Vince? Hey, we have to go. The van left with the mummy guy and Lily." Nick ran around and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Lily..." The single word came from Dani's mouth as Vince watched her grow impossibly pale.

"Dani, hey come on perk up. I'll take you to a hospital, but you have to perk up." Vince shook her a little and her eyes flicked back open after a momentary closure.

"Oh shit, Oz, Dani's hit." Nick froze looking down. Blood was spreading over the fabric of Dani's shirt as he saw terror across his partner's face. In an instant, Vince was tearing off his white shirt and had it pressed to Dani's stomach. The blood seeped into the fabric in a shocking pattern as he held it there.

"Shit. Listen, you and Vince go, get Lily and kill that son of a bitch. I'll call someone to come take her to the nearest hospital." Oz went into triage mode instantly. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first agent he saw in trouble, or the first person he cared about.

"I can't leave her...I can't. Dani, baby, come on keep your eyes open." Vince put his hand to the side of her face.

"Vince, you have have to save Lily. Please. Save Lily." Dani looked into his eyes, pleading with him. He was frozen, though, unable to move from her side. The woman he loved was barely moving and he couldn't leave her, not like this.

"I can't leave you. I can't...I can't lose you."

"Alright, help is on the way kids, now you two have to go." Oz hung up his cell phone and tried to suck it up.

"Vince, come on. Oz's shoulder is dislocated. He can't fight like you can. I need you man and we have to save the girl."
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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-04-2019, 11:35 AM

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