Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
"Well, Dillon may have been the compromise, because fucker's dead in the walk-in. I told him to keep his head down. That lady Dani is not one to fuck with." The first voice came through from almost the same area and they heard glass clink.

"Those two head guys know her right? Said she messed up their last chance at this and now they were going to use her kid. I think she was supposed to be ex-CIA or something right?" The second man joined as they heard liquid being poured.

"Yep, and let me tell you, she looks tough as nails. But, she's as good as dead. They're going to leave her a note or something saying where her daughter is and then after she sees them fuck her up; it'll be goodbye mama bear."

"You're such a tool. Who says shit like that?"

Vince felt Dani's hand on his side digging in and looked over to see the anger in her eyes. He nodded and mouthed, "She's still alive," to her. Dani nodded back, but didn't remove her hand.

"And there's the rest of 'em now." The first man spoke once more as they heard cars pulling up in the parking lot.

"Jesus, that dude looks fucked up. Why is his head wrapped up like that?"

"Don't question. He's paying you well and when he takes over the planet or whatever shit we'll be in the top ranks. Besides, you don't want him as an enemy."

"I know, but the whole rotting thing is just disgusting. Smells like beef jerky or something."

"Such a fucking tool." The door opened ending their conversation as Vince and Dani stood ready. From the look on Dani's face, Vince wouldn't be surprised if she took them all out single-handedly, but he sure as hell wanted his share of these assholes.

"What? He's not coming inside?" The man behind the bar's voice caught them both by surprise.

"He will in a minute. He just sent us ahead to make sure that you two were still on the same page." A British accent suddenly came from the direction of the bar door.

"Of course, although killing Dillon doesn't exactly inspire confidence. He's the one that brought us in on this."

"Well, things must be done and Dillon was a loose end. The two of you; however, are not expendable at least if you brought everything that will be needed." The tone of the Brit's voice made Vince's skin crawl.

"We do, but if you kill either of us then you won't know where it all is." A bravado entered the first man's voice and Vince felt his finger itch at the thought of ending that false confidence once and for all.

"Come now, we're all amenable here. Just need to be sure everything is set up properly."

"It is. I've got the keys right here to the trunk and the rest is here in the bar. Just bring in the money and we'll get it all and we're happy to head to the ritual thingy with you." Vince smiled to himself. The man was clearly not a professional tipping his hand like that. A soft chuckle came from the Brit.

"I don't think you're presence will be required." In another instant, two shots rang out and two corresponding thumps sounded as the first two idiots hit the floor. Two less to kill for the two of them Vince figured, although tearing them apart would have been a pleasure.

"Should I have the rest come in and search the place?" A deep voice came from the direction of the doorway suddenly.

"Yes. But first take the trunk keys out and fill in the boss. He'll want to know that all the loose ends are tied. Oh, and Jeffrey don't tell him that he could have made this easier by not killing Dillon. He hates to be corrected if you know what I mean." The Brit said the words smugly and Vince released a breath waiting for the moment. It sounded like they all wouldn't be coming in so as soon as they got wind that Oz and Nick were there it was show time.
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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-04-2019, 11:35 AM

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