Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"We're just going to have lunch and invite the press, then?" Julie asked. "Also, my money's on 'Sandy Fin' for your obnoxious media nickname."

Helen reached into her purse as she replied.

"We're having lunch because we'll need our strength. We're inviting the press, so they'll follow me around all day." She produced an American Express Centurion Card. "And then, whether you fucking like it or not, I'm taking you two shopping!"

* * *

Troy Equals sat at his computer. With the information to start looking into Triad connections for Whyte, the hackers were making headway. He looked at a couple of spreadsheets that they'd been able to get out of Hong Kong thus far. A smirk grew on Troy's face.

"He's got his fingers in a lot of pies." Troy told Carlito Cortez, head of the San Finzione Ministry of Intelligence's Electronic Intelligence Gathering Division, over Skype. "Smuggling arms, medicine, drugs of the other kind..." Troy paused a moment. "Women. Whyte Electronics certainly gives him a distribution network to work with. I'd imagine Customs probably waves them through to keep the unruly mobs who've lined up around the block for the newest Whyte smartphone from revolting. I really think his bank records are going to be the key. Any luck with those?"

"Afraid not." Cortez replied. "Money goes to the Caymens and Switzerland. We'll never get warrants. And we'd need better access than we can forge here to hack in."

Troy's phone rang at that moment. He recognized the international prefix for San Finzione. He only knew five phone numbers in the country: Helen's direct line, Maria's, Stavro's, Colleen's, and the main number for Castle Finzione. Had he given the Yia-Yia his number?

"Just a moment, Carlito. Someone from San Finzione is trying to call, and practically everyone I know there is with the government." He answered the phone. "Hello."

"Señor Equals." The voice of Generalissimo Hernando Ramirez, Supreme Commander of San Finzione's armed forces, said. "I trust things are going well?"

"Yes, sir." Troy responded. He wondered for a moment if Helen gave the Generalissimo his number, supposed that was ok; then remembered that as close personal friends of La Contessa, the Ultimados had files on him, Julie, and Susan that would certainly include phone numbers. There were a few ways Ramirez could have gotten his number. "We've made some progress; however, there are avenues we can't pursue without access to international banking systems."

"I see." Ramirez responded. Troy heard him lighting a cigarette on the other end. A familiar sound from calls with Helen. He looked over at the pictures of the three ladies on his desk. "You have the Skype, si?"

"Yes. I'm working with Carlito in the Ministry of Intelligence on it now. I can give you the number if you like." Ramirez said that he would, so Troy gave it to him. "Maria and Stavro should have it, too. Is something going on with them, sir?"

"Oh, no. That is not why I call you." Troy heard him take a long drag. "I call because I wish to know how La Contessa is doing, and I call you with this question, rather than her, so that I might receive a straight answer."

Troy nodded. Ramirez apparently did know Helen quite well.

"She's trying to downplay everything that's going on; hide her worries with humor, the usual. I think we've gotten through to her, though. She knows we're here for her and that she's not in this alone. Julie, Susan, and Mander are with her now. While we're seeking straight answers, Generalissimo, what do you know about Mander?"

Ramirez thought for a moment.

"I know him. I would not describe him as 'a good man,' more of a 'talented' one. He respects La Contessa, and he knows that she delivers on her promises, so whatever she has offered for his protection, he knows he will receive it if she survives; and she will beat any other offers he receives. I don't think that he is a danger to any of you for the same reason. I would, therefore, not question his... let us call it 'loyalty;' however, there are a great many other things that I would question."
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-04-2019, 11:27 AM

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