Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
excursion with girls 50.26
we did move to some distance later it was
too difficult for her to climb , then she requested me to hold her . without grumbling I
stretched my hand behind me . she took my hand into hers and with my support of hand she
started climbing , prema too was having bit difficulty , but was trying pose herself like a
brave soldier .
next path was bit wide even two or three people could walk together , this time vaishali came
beside me , still holding my right hand with her left hand . it was plain path , no undulation
still she was holding my hand while we walked through jungle . now and then I was looking
at her face while we walked . seeing plain road ahead she withdrew her hand from mine .
her soft fingers in my hand were making its magic , so I took her hand again in my hand and
hold them . she didn’t respond any thing , but let me hold hers . we were chatting , I saw it to
that prema was also involved in conversation , to keep her busy in talking . I was feeling bit
thirsty after walking so much , I asked prema who has water bottle as all were carrying
small back packs . prema without turning said , its with vaishali . then vaishali too said its in
her back pack , she turned a other side and asked me to collect it from her bag . I opened
bag and took out bottle . I took few gulps and wanted to keep it back , she asked for bottle , I
handed to her . she had some water , I offered prema , after she drank she handed me the
bottle back . vaishali again turned and asked me to place bottle inside her bag . I put it in
her bag and closed flap , then I placed my hand on her shoulder . she just looked into my
eyes and smiled . so it was green signal for me to carry on , or she had no problem in resting
my hand over her . we were getting more closer as my arm was over her shoulder and she
had to walk almost touching my body . we were chatting and making jokes all the time , now
and then I pulled her at me in pretence of replying to her joke .
 excursion with girls 50.27
time was passing nicely ,
though prema was couple of steps ahead , she too was actively participating in our talk , it
was necessary as to keep her engaged so that she should not turn and see me placing my
hand over her , she should not get jealous . we continued walking enjoying the beautiful
scene . some animals could be seen and there were lots of birds flying . I was enjoying my
trekking with these additional two birds also . I was watching swaying of prema’s tight ass .
vaishali was almost in my arms , it was disturbing neither of us as path was plain . I let my
hand loose on her shoulder , but kept away from her tits , I didn’t want to scare her . after
some time she too placed her hand on my waist , from below the back pack . so she was
comfortable with me , we were walking like lovers , I thought so . I don’t know what she felt ,
it could be brotherly too . now and then we were joking and talking on various subjects .
time was passing , we were really enjoying our walk in forest . it was first experience in
forest for vaishali , she was enquiring so many things , what tree it is or what bird that is , I
was giving all details I knew .
after some time vaishali wanted to pee , she asked prema to accompany her , prema wanted
to go , but I gestured her not to go . she raised her eye brow to inquire , I gestured to keep
quite . so prema asked her to go alone . vaishali thought for a moment for prema
disagreeing but she had to go , so she placed her back pack on grass and rushed behind
shrubs . I pulled prema and hugged her . she was protesting , but I assured her , don’t worry
darling she needs some time , till then you be with me . prema kept mum , I pulled her closer
to me , she was in my arms . I placed my arm over her shoulder and pulled her face near to
mine .
I wanted to smooch but prema was not ready , I was horny enough by touches of vaishali I
wanted to kiss her , but our friendship had not gone to that level or I was in fear , so I didn’t
attempt . now my old mate was in my hands , I pulled her face and smooched her , initially
she didn’t respond , but she also is an human being , and that too tasted blood . she was
aroused and started responding to my kisses .
 excursion with girls 50.28
my hand slowly traveled to her tits , I started pressing each tit a time , continued kiss and tit
press for few minutes . I got separated when I heard coughing sound and foot steps on dry
grass . so vaishali was moving in our direction , prema again moved few steps away from me
and stood facing other side wiping her lips . vaishali joined us , I collected her back pack
from ground , put on her shoulder . we resumed walking , vaishali was walking beside me
,but with some distance . she was quite for some time . I had drag both of them into
conversation , both indulged into talk like previous as if nothing had happened . we were
walking as before , after some time I moved closer to vaishali , our bodies almost touched to
each other . she had no problem with it , but she looked at me and smiled . it was good sign ,
she has no complaint about it . when again steep path came , I knew vaishali need support
from me , instead of holding her hand ,I took her by waist , she reciprocated with smile . it
was better support for her , she could climb with least difficulty . we were nearing to our
place for lunch . we had almost half a kilometer left , now were near to a stream . we had to
walk along the stream . this was nice place so cool with breeze , entire area was covered
with tall trees . then prema saw a wild bear , she ran back to me , she was shivering like hell
. I had not noticed it , I was aware only when she show me . this vaishali also was frightened
, and she too hugged me . I thanked that bear a lot for giving me opportunity of hugging two
beauties at a time . I was also shocked , but pretending like a brave man . of course it was
far from us , but it stopped moving and looked at our direction . now I was also losing my
confidence , I asked them to be stand like statue . it was second time I had seen bear in
jungle at short distance .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 15-12-2018, 04:16 PM

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