Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I thought I saw her eyes grow teary. But I had seen her teary eyes before. I let it pass.
I didn't answer.
"Have it as you want, Manu. So what do you want to do, now?"
"What do you want me to do, Kavi?"
"No, Manu, I asked you. What do you want to do? What do you want me to do?"
"What is the use of me wanting you to do anything, Kavi? It's not like you would listen to my wishes over the wishes of your boyfriend, right?"
I felt a sting of pain in my heart, as she finally failed to shout back as she had been shouting back, "EX-BOYFRIEND!!! NOT BOYFRIEND!!!"
It was like she was grudgingly acknowledging that it was the truth.
Not that it mattered much,it was just a name, she was sleeping with him anyway.
But the thought that she now thought of him as her boyfriend did sting.
The relationship was more serious than just a sex fling, if that was how she saw him: as her boyfriend, or her lover. Once again.
And given how much she had enjoyed her sessions in bed with him, there was no way she would come back to me. Ever. She was going to leave me for him. Sooner, or later.
We were past the point of no return, surely.
I noticed now, that she was staying silent, with a distant look.
She said, "Manu."
I just looked at her passively.
She continued, "Things are not necessarily what they look like."
I snorted sarcastically, "Yeah, Kavi, just because it looks like you're sleeping with your Prem, doesn't necessarily mean you're sleeping with Prem, right?"
She stayed quiet.
I continued, "Just because it looks like you hate me doesn't necessarily mean you hate me, right?"
"Just because it looks like you have no respect for me doesn't necessarily mean you have no respect for me, right?"
I had run out of steam, even with my bitter, sarcastic repartees.
After a few moments, she continued, "Are you done bitching, Manu?"
Her words stung me yet again, and I stayed quiet.
She continued, "What I meant was with regard to your possibly hiding something from me, and HOW MUCH it can make a difference to my actions that you're fussing about."
I was irritated, "Kavi, there's NOTHING that I'm hiding from you that you can use to justify what you've been doing with your Prem, OK? NOTHING."
"Is that your final word on this, Manu?'
"YES, Kavi. I have NOTHING to hide from you that has ANY kind of bearing on what you've been doing with your Prem."
I continued, after a pause, "I bet you would have slept with your Prem ANYWAY, even if..." My voice trailed off.
"Even if WHAT, Manu?"
I had no intention of fessing up to her over the photo album and masturbation incident.
Not after all that she had done with Amir. Which, unarguably, was far, far worse.
She pounced on my silence.
"So you ARE hiding something from me, but you don't want to tell me, right?"
I reiterated, "Kavi, as I said before, it has no bearing on your actions."
"OK, Manu. Have it your way, then. Things are as you say, then."
I felt an alarm shoot through my chest. What did she mean by that?
She then pulled a travel bag, and started packing her clothes.
My alarm was rising.
I asked with trepidation, "Are you leaving me, Kavi?"
She answered curtly as she continued packing, "No."
"Then why are you packing your clothes, Kavi?"
She didn't answer.
She continued packing more of her clothes.
She then proceeded to start packing her personal items: her cosmetics, hair clips, hairbrushes, etc.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-12-2018, 03:05 PM

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