Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I did not speak to Pervez. He did not speak to me. He just stepped out and left. And I shut the door finally, glad this humiliation was over.
I stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to get over the shameful experience I had gone through.
I would have to confront Kavita about this brazen behavior. Today. There was no point delaying it.
I was thirsty as well. My throat was dry, from all the swallowing I had been doing. Especially, the sight I had just taken in, of Kavita on Amir's bed, for the first time, that too in that suggestive manner, had left my throat dry. If I was going to have to confront her, I thought I might as well drink some water first.
I drank some water. As I did, I choked as I heard a sound: a sound I had by then heard many times, a sound I had resigned myself to, and yet dreaded hearing, right then.
I looked towards the bedroom door. It was open, there was sunlight coming through from inside the room.
I walked towards the room on trembling legs. I turned into the threshold to the doorway, when I met with a sight that was worse, much worse, than what I had just seen, a few minutes back.
Kavita was kneeling on Amir's bed, supporting herself with her arms.
The only piece of clothing on her person was her partially undone blouse, still hanging on to her by the sleeves of her arms. Her torso was arched downwards.
And Amir's penis was pumping away, in and out of her pussy, fucking her into oblivion.
I was shocked beyond anything I had seen, heard, until then.
I knew they had been doing it. She knew that I knew it. But until now, it had never happened in front of my eyes.
I had subconsciously known for a while, that I would probably have had to face this moment, some day.
Kavita's face was looking downwards. She couldn't see me. Amir could if he turned, but he was focusing on what he was doing, gripping her hips as he thrust in and out of her.
I now saw that Amir was wearing just his sleeveless t-shirt. His shorts and underwear lay by the bedside. His long snake-like penis seemed to be buried deep in her. I couldn't see the head of his penis at all, even though he was thrusting in and out.
And now, as though enough harm hadn't been done to my ego, for the first time, I SAW, and heard Kavita moan,
"Aaaaaaaah...Aaaahhhhh...slower please, Amir....Aaaaaahhhh...."
I couldn't stand it any more.
The brazenness, to flaunt it before other people, and now, to go this far, before ME.
The complete lack of respect for ME.
The total disdain for ME.
I stepped away, and walked towards our bedroom.
I lay down in bed, and started sobbing uncontrollably.
This was, surely, the last straw.
There were no straws left to grasp at.
There was nothing to hang on to: no love, no kindness, no consideration, no respect, no hope, nothing at all.
The tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-12-2018, 02:59 PM

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