
The next day, Rohit called and invited me to lunch. I hoped that he would simply take pleasure in the fact that he had groped my wife, and let the "wager" drop. But, this hope was dashed almost immediately.
"Ravi boy! How are you feeling after all that booze. Probably not as good as I was "feeling" last night, if you catch my drift."
The sinking feeling in my stomach again sank in, and I could actually feel my manhood shrink.
"Look," I implored, "why don't we just call the bet a draw"
"No go, Ravi. That wouldn't be very sporting. Especially after all my hard work. But, I'll tell you what: Let me try to ask Mansi out alone just once. If she turns me down, I yield the point."
"Okay. It's a deal." I reluctantly agreed, believing that Mansi would never risk being seen alone, in public, with Rohit.
Rohit was smirking like a cat with canary feathers hanging out of its mouth.
"What the hell are you smiling about?"
"Well, Ravi, I forgot to share one little fact before you agreed: I already asked and Mansi accepted. We're going out tonight."
I felt as if I was going to implode. That morning, Mansi had asked for me to watch the kids because she was going to have a dinner with two of her best college friends, Kavita and Sulochona. We had allowed one another "night's out" since our last child was born as a method of preserving our sanity. I never dreamed that Mansi might use this arrangement to fool around on me. Of course, Rohit could be bullshitting me. I'll never put that above him.
"Tell you what Ravi," Rohit continued, "at the end of the evening I'll give you a call to let you know that Mansi's on the way home. Just to make it interesting, I'll let the phone ring once if nothing happens, twice if she only allows a little petting like last night, three times if she blows me and four rings if she is well fucked."
When I got home that evening, Mansi was busily getting ready to go out. But, she didn't act or dress any differently than on other occasions. I rationalized that Rohit was simply torturing me, and that Mansi was really going out with Kavita and Sulochona.
On the way out the door, Mansi gave me her traditional peck, and said: "We are going to catch that new Hindi film after the dinner. It's a three hour movie, so I'll probably be late... no need to wait up."
Initially, ignorance was bliss. I chose to disregard Rohit's boastfulness and, instead, trust Mansi's honesty. Yet, once I put the kids down, my mind began to wander. A combination of jealousy and uncertainty gnawed at my brain. But, at the same time, I felt bad about doubting Mansi.
By 10:30 PM, my stomach became unsettled in the same fashion as the night before when Mansi and Rohit were on the dance floor. By 11:30 PM, my paranoia overcame reason and I thought about ways to confirm Mansi's fidelity.
So, in a very sophomoric manner, I called Kavita’s telephone number. Embarrassed, I almost hang up after the second ring, but then a groggy voice answered "hello." It was unmistakably Kavita's voice, and it sounded as if I'd awakened her from a deep sleep. Flabbergasted, I set down the receiver without saying a word.
To my ironic dismay, I'd proven that I wasn't paranoid. Mansi was out with Rohit.
As midnight eased into the early morning hours, my mental imagery was torture. I would alternate between fantasies of Rohit fucking Mansi in all different positions, with fantasies of Mansi resolutely turning down Rohit's advances, saying "No, I'm a married woman!"
Tellingly, my cock was rock hard as I imagined Rohit plowing into Mansi's pussy. With guilty perversion, I stroked myself to an incredible orgasm, which brought on sleep.
Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of the telephone. I looked at the clock; it was 2:26 AM! It seemed like an eternity before the phone rang for a second time. I quickly rationalized that Mansi had already engaged in a heavy petting session with Rohit, so this second ring should not be that surprising. But, just then, the phone rang for a third time. The shock of the thought of Mansi sucking on Rohit's dick staggered me. I waited with dreaded anticipation, wondering if the caller had hung up.
BBBRRRRIIINNNGGG! The fourth ring pierced through the darkness of my bedroom. Instantaneously, my cock erupted in another climax without the aid of manual stimulation.

(To Be Continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 17-04-2019, 01:49 PM

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