
Blessedly, closing time finally arrived. As we staggered to the door, I surrendered to Mansi the keys to the car. Rohit said something about a nightcap at his place and, for an instant, my heart stopped. But, for some reason, Mansi declined. I poured myself into the leather passenger seat of our Maruti Aulto. Before Mansi got in she said "Ooops, just a second I think I left something in the club."
I was able to watch Mansi in the passenger rearview mirror as she walked back to the club. But, she didn't go in. Instead, she went up to Rohit as he was unlocking the door to his Mercedes. Again, they kissed...not very long though. I could see Mansi and Rohit exchange brief words. With a sly smile, Rohit placed his hand on Mansi's right tit as she turned to walk back to the car.
Mansi made a little small talk on the drive home, but her thoughts were clearly elsewhere. Although my cock was turgid all evening long, the alcohol caused me to elect sleep over a desperately needed fuck once we got home. Yet, during the night, I slept fitfully, awakening often. At least twice, I heard Mansi breathing heavily and the rhythmic sound of her hand vigorously at work between her legs.

(To Be Continued)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 17-04-2019, 01:49 PM

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