Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Mahesh and Rohit had a long chat and had nice food along with a peg of whisky..mahesh had couple more as he was so happy … Swathi was fully exicted..she scared that she dint even lock the door, what if mahesh had seen them..she was sweating a lot…. She went to washroom to wash her face..her face was glowing…. And her lips have become so red as if lipstick has been applied..the w hole lipstick is in rohits belly now she smiled thinking…so long kiss had made her lips so smooth and red…she could feel rohits broad chest on her bblouse and her wasit had red grip marks of Rohit..such a grip he has .. she thought… her guilty ness potion wasn’t like yesterday..she … started feeling like wanting to have more…

Rohit msgd her as she was in washroom and Mahesh talking to Rohit

Rohit – Bhabhi .. serve me more na..

Swathi- Shut up !!! you had the dish for too long…

Rohit- bhabi whats the ingredients in that .. that makes it so tasty …

Swathi- How would I know..its you who tasted it …

Rohit – Bhabhi …. I could not taste the dish like long .. in the movie hall…

Swathi- Shut up…. No more..

Rohit – Pls bhabhi ….. feeling thirsty…

Swathi- Shut up .. Mahesh is idiot

Rohit ( felt happy she dint say no.. but was worried about Mahesh)- ya ..but somehow want more..pls serve me na .. somehow

Swathi- Nothing … no more.. ok .. be a good boy.. now…

Swathi came out of the washroom..both exchanged smiles without Mahesh seeing… Mahesh was sharing the details he had been busy collating from aman’s database..
Swathi came to check about the food…

Swathi- Mahesh shall I serve dinner now..if your are done with your work and already had 3 pegs and Rohit had 2 now you guys should stop
Mahesh- Let me have couple of them more na..rohit gave me my first cheque.. he showed 50k cheque to her.. let me party my first salary

Swathi- (smiled) – Ok…

Mahesh- Some more omlet pls…

Rohit- Yes the omlet is really good .. serve me also some more…

Swathi- No more eggs…. You guys had a you should stop..

Mahesh- No pls…let me get a dozen more…. (He took bike keys.)

Swathi (took the keys)- no driving when you are drunk

Mahesh- ok let me take a walk then ..

Rohit- Mahesh its ok … don’t bother… lets stop

Mahesh- No no Rohit…. You had so much love for swathi’ s omlet..let me serve you more

Rohit- NO doubt I really love Swathi taste Mahesh

Swathi was shocked. When he said that.. Mahesh dint give any cognizance to that words. Aunty was busy watching her serials… they were sitting in guest bedroom aunty could not see anything..

Rohit knew he had a chance to taste his dish again. And he looked at Swathi.

Swathi instantly knew what he had in mind…She showed a fake anger and signalled she will beat him… Mahesh started walking slowly down to get the eggs

Rohit signalled swathi to come near and sit..

Swathi – Shut up … just sit quiet .im going ….

Rohit- If you are going outside… im gonna come along with you then (he stood)

Swathi- Aunty is there outside …. You sit .. shut up and sit…

Rohit- Then you have to join me… or else ill come..

Swathi sat where Mahesh had sat… ok now ? she said. Rohit came and sat near her…

This time he dint waste time and moved quickly near her lips…

Rohit- Oh bhabhi ..what a lovely dish you have (he said on her lips his scotch breath hit her face)

Swathi- (she felt his breath hit her face… she never allowed Mahesh even to come near her when he was drunk..she is surprised that first time she is liking such a breath) – pls Rohit .. Mahesh will come..

Rohit- Bhabhi let me taste my dish ..dont say no ok (his breath mixed with scotch was acting on both of them)

Swathi – Pls Rohit , aunty and chotu are around ..pls..

Rohit- Bhabhi ..let me taste my dish.. for more time na.(he whispered more and more nearing her lips)

Swathi closed her eyes inviting him .. Rohit took his tounge out and lined his tip on her lips making her lips wet… her fingers went into his hairs..and stayed still allowing him to lick her lips over .. he completely licked her closed lips ….he was cleaning the lips completely as his saliva oozed on her lips.. making her slowly open her lips…

Swathi voluntarily let her tongue inside his lips , this is the first time she is openly cooperating with him in swallowing her to him…. Rohit was massaging her waist and completely falling on her… the slurping sound of kisses increased, but vanished due to sound of serials being played…

They were in heaven their lips were playing and enjoying each other.. Rohit slowly moved one hand of his to her back making her near him he could feel her back so smooth… he inserted his hand in the back to caress her back…
Swathi was moaning and tried to stop him..but he dint leave her lips and was sucking on …. His hands entered her back .. but he knew he cant fully as it will make the hooks come out of the blouse tearing… they took breath whenever required and continuing the kiss … Swathi herself was offering now her lips to him.. he locked her lips in his.. and let the tounge invade hers..inside…

Swathi hugged him tightly .. and was offering her lovley soft lips to Rohit… his one hand was on her back and other on her waist….her hands were in his hairs and head … and giving him full support now… she never knew she could get a orgasm down as she was leaking… just with a long kiss…

Rohits hands were weaving a magic… his fingers were rough on her smooth body … but she was enjoying his touch .. and more so his tongue in her lips…
Swathi was giving all that she had… and slowly Rohit was moving his hands up … from wasit .. slightly .. touching her side boobs now..she opened her eyes and looked at his .. as the kiss continued..she warned him not to go there…

Rohit pleaded her by making his eyes small…. Swathi was saying no with her eyes by making them her tongue went inside his….. Rohit slowly rubbed her boobs from side..he wanted to feel them badly now…

He slowly held her boobs from side and rubbed them as he was sucking her tongue in his lips…. They could hear the bike sound of Mahesh and Swathi pushed him… Enough of your dinner now u leave..if u r here..u will keep eating only .. (she pushed out of the room )
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... - by enjyxpy - 17-04-2019, 01:26 AM

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