Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi had a weird feeling that whole day, she dint knew she was happy or she was feeling guilt …. But one thing she was sure was the way they kissed it and killed was an eternal feeling of the tounges and lips..she thought…
That whole day swathi could not look into anyone’s eyes at the home…. Mahesh asked her about dullness..she compained that she had a headache and slept early at 9 … around 11 pm she got up for water and she saw her phone..the msg read with a “lovely taste” a erotic good night kiss. She archived that msg and slept…. She remembered the kiss and looked at Mahesh..he was snoring and sleeping…she cursed herself and her fate…. Why is she doing this…. She thinks herself to be strong…. But why is she becoming weak. Another msg came from Rohit ..and she looked it… “ Thanks for the lovely taste bhabhi …its been like into heaven”. She too knew she had the same feeling too …
Swathi- Heaven !!! you are making hell for me ( she replied back)
Rohit- (feels relaxed seeing her msg..) – Well sometimes you need to go through hell to get into heaven
Swathi – You are good at words….. but im feeling so guility …
Rohit – Bhabhi …. Just ask that to your heart..if its feeling guilty or pleasure
Swathi- I don’t know…. What it says….. but im feeling embarrassed, awkward, guilty , cheating…. Not able to look into anyones eyes… at the house
Rohit- Bhabhi tell me one thing from deep your heart.. did you enjoy it or not ?
Swathi – Yes I did …without any fraction of doubt..but it is something which I should not …
Rohit- Do you enjoy when you do something wrong ??
Swathi- No I don’t enjoy when I do something wrong
Rohit – That means you did the right thing..that why you enjoyed bhabhi
Swathi – Don’t play with words and confuse me ..rohit… you have to remember that mahesh is my hubby and your dear friend
Rohit- Ill never forget that , ill make sure he is happy .. and you are happy and enjoying it
Swathi- Thanks Rohit.
Rohit- Thanks bhabhi for the wonderful really made my day..wish to have many more
Swathi- Shut up..that was the first and last time you will get to me… pls know that we have our limits
Rohit – No limits for me in friendship..
Swathi – There are … we are social and we live in society..and now don’t argue with me and convince me… what we did is wrong..and never it should be repeated… Good night Rohit
Rohit- Good night bhabhi …. Thanks for the day. It was so lovely and juicy
Swathi could not hide her smile when she has got such an appreciation.. h er guilt was soothed a little and she slept very sound ..that day after so many days..
Swathi got up at 7 pm and realised that she got late… she realised that she slept without even waking for any chores in the night…. She looked for Mahesh and Mahesh was having his coffee… she conveyed a sorry to him for getting late…. Mahesh offered his coffee to her ..she smiled and took it….
Swathi began her normal day..and finishing things..mahesh was busy on his phone and laptop durin breakfast..she dint disturb him much …. She got chotu ready and dropped him to the school bus..and she came back..Nirmala aunty got up..swathi served her tea..and aunty was happy with such gesture of hers… she spoke to her well..
Mahesh got ready and informed Swathi that Rohit would be coming today in the evening and would be discussing the plans for Bangalore office. Swathi heart raced..thinking of Rohit coming..she knew if he comes she will become weak.. She asked Mahesh why not to go and discuss at his office..why trouble Rohit … Rohit had asked mahesh not to come to office for the next 3 most of the industry people know him and would reveal their secrets….
Swathi then asked Mahesh to come early by 5 so that he can discuss with Rohit.. Mahesh nodded he is already informed aman that he will be leaving office by 4.. Swathi got relaxed….
Rohit was excited that he is going to meet swathi again .. He msgd swathi a erotic lip lock with tounge of the women touching the guys… Swathi had looked at it..and was red …with a angry overrided by shy. She sent a angry smiley to him.
Rohit- Bhabhi would be there by 5pm… pls keep ready my food
Swathi- No food nothing..i am not even going to talk to you
Rohit – ya how would you, if they are busy doing some other thing
Swathi- Shut up Rohit.. pls lets be in our limits…
Rohit- Bhabhi …. Pls enjoy your life…
Swathi – I am are only making it miserable…
Rohit – Can you swear it on your lips and tell me if I am making your life miserable or enjoying…swear it na
Swathi - (she left a serious smiley without any reply).
Rohit – Kept sending variety kiss pics till evening… Swathi … was looking each of them and admiring.
Swathi was smiling to herself whenever she saw the msgs… she kept archiving as they came…. Rohit knew swathi was watching
Swathi got fresh after lunch …she was getting ready as if she was going to meet a boyfriend …she memorized the college days back..where she had dated a guy …and was almost feeling the same excited…
She got ready around 3pm ..and this time she wore a sleeveless blouse and applied thin make up and glossy lipstick again …she knew this will tempt Rohit but he wont be able to get her as mahesh would be around home by 4 30pm..she loved to tease him that he wont get what rohit wanted… swathi thought.
Swathi made chotu feed with snacks and made him sleep by 3 30 pm ..and was thinking that Rohit will be coming by 5 pm .. she applied lil more lipstick and a thin liner of kajal too on her eyes… nirmala aunty went to sleep…
Swathi was watching tv..and watching a romantic song… she remembered the kiss with Rohit and unknowingly her tongue wet her lips…she came to senses , on a knock on the door…She got up thinking Mahesh was more than on time looking the clock hit 4pm…
She opened the door and Rohit was smiling at her . Her heart race like a F1 car..she was shocked with surprise…
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... - by enjyxpy - 17-04-2019, 01:24 AM

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