Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi informed to Mahesh that she will be going to swethas house tomorrow . Mahesh said ok . Swathi got up early next day and prepared food for son and Mahesh ... Nirmala aunty asked Swathi to give the keys to neighbour before she goes to swetha's house . Nirmala aunty went to temple along with uncle . Swathi got into bathroom and got fully fresh , cleaned herself and checked her wardrobe. She was not happy with any saree .. she wanted to wear some jeans or Punjabi dress, but she knew nirmala aunty would not like that.
After lot of thinking she took black saree and she was in confusion to wear a sleeveless blouse or full one.... she decided for the later and put a full blouse on ... she applied lil make up and glossy lipstick ... she started admiring her beauty , as she received msg from Rohit that he is waiting at the super market.
Swathi quickly took the hand bag and walked towards the super market ... she got another msg from rohit no Jaguar TS 09 x 2312. As she approched , shes realised that is another car rohit owns she quickly slipped into the car and was wow for the car
Swathi - Wow what a car rohit ... this is awesome.. is this yours too...?
Rohit - Yes mam ... this is mine too .. . one of them i own (smiles)
Swathi - it feels like a servant with this saree in this car ..Rohit ..
Rohit - Comeon swathi bhabhi.. you look fabulous.. you make the saree. beautiful . saree doesn't make you
Swathi - Flirting.. is something seems to be your newly acquired talent.... you have to remember that ... you cant flirt with married women Rohit..
Rohit - Btw ... you look gorgeous...
Swathi - Shutup and drive..its getting late
Rohit - Its a mile away we should be there anytime.. he took lanes interior to main roads, and they reach the mall in 5 minutes
Swathi - Wow had we come from main road it would have taken definitely 15 mins.. you know how to reach a place .....
Rohit - You know bhabhi , bill gates said.. give the toughest work to the laziest person..he will find a easiet way to do it ... im the laziest..what to do
Swathi- Wow..self dabba (she teases him]
Rohit - Ya what to do ... i have to keep impressing you na ...
Swathi - Ya ya i have high standards rohit sir
Rohit - i love that....
Swathi - so its safe right...
Rohit - Yes swathi ... it is....
It s a premium box and all the seats were of recliners... they both reached 5 mins before
Swathi - wow Rohit i always wished to spend time like this... like a princess....
Rohit - You are not a princess....
Swathi- I know (dull)....
Rohit - You are a queen ....
Swathi - Shut up...
Rohit - yes princess is before marrige....queeen after marriage...
Yes my princess [he holds her hand and kisses like a queen]
Rohit took a redrose from his pocket and gave it to her... she took it and smiled .. im impressed more [she smiles]
The movie started.. and Swathi was so relaxed..she put the recliner and was semi sleeping..and watching the movie..start.. Rohit was looking at her and her lips often..he also noticed that she is put full blouse today ..
Swathi - No dish today the movie..
Rohit move near her and put his face in her hairs.... hmm no probs... even dish is served or being around is a pleasure
Swathi- Looked at him and smiled... she blow air on his face making him feel good...
Rohit - Closed his eyes and moved near and touched his face into her neck and smelled her
Swathi - ( Shrugged him off) watch the movie....
Rohit - You came for the watch it.. i came for you ill watch you
Swathi- chi ..go .. pls its so awkward to get stared so long...
Rohit - ok ..i won't stare at u [and he put his lips on her earlobes and kissed them]
Swathi - Pls dont start this again ... hmmmmmmm
Rohit - Bhabhi you enjoy the movie na.. and let me enjoy mine..
Rohit entered his tip of the tongue in her earlobes..she was moaning. Rohit let his hands occupy her shoulders and slowly gripped them as he played his tongue over her ear lobes and softly sucked them
Swathi was moaning..she knew no one was around..and she was enjoying it as she was watching the movie.... Rohit slowly moved from ear lobes to neck and kiised her.. Swathi pushed him to his seat.. and asked him to watch the movie ..
Rohit took the red rose from her hands... and looked at her face.. she smiled and asked him to watch the movie... she rubbed her ears and felt his wet saliva there... she just wiped it to her blouse...

Swathi - watch the movie rohit .. pls...
Rohit - you watch the movie na bhabhi. i wont disturb.. you
Swathi - pls i cant ..if u see me like that..
Rohit - touched the rose to her lips and said.. you know bhabhi... the rose petals.. and your lips have somethign in common...
Swathi - what is that...??
Rohit - Both are red .. and both are soft...and both are [he kissed the rose petals..]
Swathi - [Hit him jovially ...] you are such .. a bad guy....
Rohit kissed the petals again .. this time..and slowly took his tongue and licked it... .Swathi was watching his act...and feeling shy...and suddenly he bite the petals ..and ate... she completely got shy and just started watching the movie... her cheeks were completely red.... as that feeling made her... go blush ..and embarrassed...
Rohit could not withstand more than five minutes.... sitting so far.. Swathi ..was feeling ... so nice.. getting so much attention ..... Rohit moved slowly again near her and kissed her ear lobes and licked her cheeks softly... Swathi ... could not stop him this time......he moved his lips from ear lobes to cheeks and to neck..his warm kiss was making her feel wet down...
she knew he had the art of igniting a women.. she put his hand on his shirt and allowed him to kiss her neck ..she spread it more allowing him......both were enjoying the touch of the bodies.... and swathi was moaning... and heavily breathing..that encouraged rohit to occupy her more and ksis her neck more and he made smooching sound.. there... aaaaaaaaaaaaah ..and making her feel his hotness for her...
he slowly pushed his hands and made her so near to him..being a recliners it was cosy for them.and not much problem though.. being separate seats... he took her face in his hands and looked at her..she closed her eyes in pleasure and shy..she wasnt able to see his eyes..she could sense he was close to she could feel his warm breath on her face...
Rohit - oh swathi .... bhabhi.. my lovely beautiful .. ...these red petals are .... can i eat them
Swathi- pls rohit stop ... dont do this.... [her hot breath was falling on his lips as she spoke.. it ignited him more]
Rohit - bhabhi.. psl .. give me them na.. i want your ... lovely ..straw berries [he moved his finger on her lips ]
Swathi- [feeling his fingers on her lips ... she felt so hot.and waves of hot breath floooding in her lips opened her eyes and looked at him...] pls rohit...
Rohit - Bhabhi pls serve me the lovely taste na [he spoke on her lips .. which are closed now]
Swathi just closed her eyes and stayed still.... Rohit took that as a yes and slwoly moved near.. he could feel both of their breaths were uncontrollably warm.. he let his lips touch.she shuddered and held him tight... he planted his lips completely on her lips ...
Swathi felt his lips and was fully nervous.. she never did this with anyone in life...other than mahesh ... she never dreamt too ...other than Mahesh..but now she is feeling her lips being occupied freshly by Rohit...
Rohit knew she was so struggling. So he took time.. and slowly made small small kisses on her lips ..kissing and leaving. and again kissing... mutliple times...she was breathing hardly....
once he felt her lips got now accustomed to his lips..she slowly moved making her near to him.and completly planted his lips... on her...she wasn't opening her lips at all... he slowly took his tongue out and slwoly licked the lips and ate the entire lipstick...she could not withstand and slwoly gasped makng her lips open..he slowly let his lips take her lower lips into his and suck them ... her upper lips on his lips and he was sucking her lower lips...hmmmmmmm
swathi..he moaned as he sucked her lips.. .pls don't ... this Rohit .... she responded... but made more space in her lips.... as she was falling short of breath .. he made her take some.and then slwly locked her lips again ...
but this time he introduced his tongue along with her lips and slowly let his tongue in her lips... hmmm .Swathi by now was not able to control and let him play with her tongue inside her lips and responding to him slowly yet firmly...Rohit made get up from her seat without even leaving there lips as they kissed..she sat in his chair .and slowly they made love of their lips... the english movie was playing its duty .. and they were doing theirs... the lips made sound of smoooching now... and occasionally calling their names.. . Swathi started giving him her tongue and in return getting ti back ..
they were sweating.and his manly aroma made her weak and responded fully and never kissed for so long... they were now eating each other and both were hugging fuly tight.. Swathi slept almost in his heart as he sucked her lips... he thought that's the most delicious lips he ever had...the slurrppy sound of kissing never stopped.... her upper lips and his lower lips.. his lupper lips his lower lips.. his tongue over her and her tounge over was a duel going on ... and this time its a love duel... until... the movie ended...rohit tired to get her into his lap..but the seat wasnt co operating with them they continued to hug and rohits hand were touching her back and hugging madly as her lips was compeltey in his mouth now..and he sucked them and let the tounge inside. both of their saliva was oozing .... and getting licked without dropped by each other...
the movie came to and end and lights came out...both got separated..and swathi closed her eyes and face with her hands... she knew that she enjoyed it.. but she dint want to do it... but rohit made h er... he is killling her ....... both by pleasure and pain... they both walked out and swathi sat ... they dint speak with each other in car.. he dropped her and said bye...she loooked at him .. and said bye.. and could not smile...
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... - by enjyxpy - 17-04-2019, 01:22 AM

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