Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"And we DO have cats, and our streets are NOT paved with cheese."

They looked each other in the eye and smiled. Troy kissed the tip of her nose. She returned it. She yawned. He returned it, too.

"It's late. Early. That period where either works." He said.

"Yeah. I set an alarm for eight. Got a blanket or something?" Helen asked him, with a look that said that either sleep or something else could happen about now. She glanced over to her cigarette and saw that it had burnt out. "Mander passed out on the bed in the master bedroom, and it's pretty crowded in all the other rooms."

"You going to be all right without him over here?"

"Troilus, how many of the Ultimados do you think are really sleeping on the lawn across from us right now? And how many do you think are out lurking/skulking/quietly eliminating anything that even looks at your neighborhood funny? He knows to come here if I'm not there. I'm good right here, if you want to go to bed."

Troy gently stood up and extended his hand.

"Like Contessa Helena de San Finzione, Helena Medina, OR Helen Parker is going to sleep on the couch. Come to bed, Petalouda."

She took his hand. Troy turned his head to shout down the upstairs hallway to Julie in her studio.

"Mistress, Helen's here."

"I heard Camelot, Master!" Julie shouted back. "Hey, Girl. Everyone ok?"

"Hey, Also Girl." Helen replied. "Yeah."

"We're gonna get some sleep, hon." Troy shouted. He looked over at Helen. "Say... 55% chance of just sleep. I'll know more when we're in there and naked." Helen nodded agreement and he continued. "You want in?"

"Nah, I'm going now. You get some rest... or some Helena; whichever or both. Night, Master. Night Mistress."

"Night, Also Mistress." Helen shouted back.

"Night, Mistress." Troy shouted back as well.

He led Helen into the bedroom.

* * *

Hi, Susan back. We'd gone down to Sick Bay to see if Sue could give Suzy-Q a medical scan. She laid on the bed and we listened to the "bum-bup" of the monitors while Sue ran her medical scanner over Suzy-Q, before concluding that she was still not a real fucking doctor and had no idea what to make of any of the scans' results. I hadn't expected much from trying to scan an aspect of my personality with imaginary futuristic equipment, but it was worth a try. We decided that the next place to tour should be the Ready Room, and had Suzy-Ho join us while we considered everything.

"If you can arrange for me to be Scotty next time," Suzy-Ho said upon taking her seat. "I'll see if we can get, like, Memory Porn on the Main Screen."

"I'll see what I can do." I told her. I turned to Suzy-Q. "Ok, fact: Helen and I care more about each other than we let on, that's established. Fact: The Thing We Can All Do binds us in some deeper way than we guessed. This all seems to be about you now, Suzy-Q. You changed, and now you can do this new thing."

"What I make of it all," Suzy-Q replied. "Is that when you released me from that role, the world opened up for me; the same way it opened up for you when you met Troy. Like Helen said about her husband, he reached into your heart and pulled out the person you wanted to be. I think that's what you did to me, too. And the person I've always wanted to be is the same one you have, Susan: Someone who helps people. Helen needed help, I was ready and waiting, and this Thing we all do; I think Maisson is right, it MUST alter, if not your brain, then the way you think. Then you have us in here on top of it. I think it was just that Helen needed help, I was available, and The Thing... I dunno, created a path or something. Maybe, if it happens a couple more times, I'll be able to find it on my own."

"But so far," I said. "It's only happened when Helen is unconscious and in trouble in her mind. It's going to be kind of hard to test that."

"There's one Star Trek thing we haven't tried yet." Sue spoke up. "Computer, what do you make of all this?"

The lights on the little box on the table started blinking, there was a whirring sound, and the voice of Majel Barrett-Roddenberry came out of it.

"Working." More 60s-computery noises and lights. "Both instances of connection with Contessa Helena de San Finzione have happened while she was unconscious. Perhaps under sedation, she may achieve the state which allowed Suzy-Q to reach her Subconscious."

"So, knock Helen out, and Suzy-Q can get some practice?"

More whirring.


I thought on this.

"Well, we've found something." I told the other Mes. "I think that's the best we're going to get for now."

"The Subconscious is a place for ideas." Suzy-Q commented. "Not facts. I think this is all it can give us, yeah."

"You're right." I told her. "And the others need me now, so it's time I woke up." I thought a moment. "But hey, if I've gotta leave the Enterprise, you KNOW I've gotta do it the RIGHT way."

The others all smiled as we ran to the transporter room. I stood on the pad while Suzy-Q moved the sliding controls. The transporter kicked in, I saw my arms and body turn into static, and then...

* * *
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-04-2019, 03:45 PM

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