Fantasy A Little Night Music by TMaskedWriter
Susan Bailey had thought that the best bed in the world was the one that she often shared with Troy and Julie Equals. Her own was nice, a closer fit for three, with no real room for more, unlike theirs. The ones in the Contessa Class suites on Air Finzione were a pretty even match with the Equals' bed.

She hadn't tested La Contessa's bed when she'd been in Helen's room. A part of her had suspected that Helen might secretly keep recording equipment running in her bedroom at all times, so she'd been wary of snooping too much.

Then there'd been that explosion, and she'd panicked and gone back down to the Study to wait for Jeanne to come show her to her room.

She had a feeling that Helen's bed was probably better than this one, but Susan couldn't see how it was possible. Thus, until she received further information, she declared the one she was in to be the best bed in the world.

Susan felt for the first time that she was in a palace, rather than a castle. Castle Finzione was technically "Finzione Palace," because La Familia Royale were in residence. Count Vincenzo's father, Count Ernesto, had changed the name at the start of World War II, because, as he'd stated, "It was always meant to be a stronghold of hope for The People in a time of war."

After the War, the name had been made permanent; to show that although it now also housed Società Finzione, La Familia's corporation, the castle's purpose would always be "To Protect, Defend, and Serve the People."

Wiklpedia had prepared Susan a little for her visit, but if it had known about the guest beds in the Palace Wing, it had said nothing.

And she wore nothing, Jeanne having said what she interpreted as having her clothes laundered. Since everything she'd brought needed washing now anyway, Susan didn't protest, and all of the other women in her head were now relaxed, too, and too grateful for the silks and satins brushing against her entire body to complain. She hadn't had much experience with the idea of "luxuriating," but imagined that was the word for what she was doing now in the bed; spreading out, rolling around, feeling it everywhere.

Either or both of two things would have made it perfect. The male one carefully opened the door.

"Susan?" Troy whispered.

"Mmm... in here," she replied, looking over at him. "I thought you'd have it.

Where's Julie?"

"Staying at the hospital. They've moved Helen to a room now, so they brought in a recliner and blankets for Julie. I left it with her.

"And how's Helen doing?"

"Sleeping off a different sedative now. Hopefully, she comes out of this one better."

Susan nodded.

"So, coming to join me, Good Sir Knight?"

"Merely awaiting milady's invitation."

"You e'er have it, good sir," Susan giggled. They'd done this bit before, but now they were doing it in an actual castle. "Did you get to see Maria?"

"Just for a bit," Troy said, closing the door, and walking to the bed. He undressed as he spoke. "She and Stavro were turning in as well when I got here. Got a few minutes with them. I'd only met Stavro briefly the last time we were here, good guy."

"Yeah," Susan said, rolling onto her side, and watching Troy get naked.

"Doesn't talk a lot."

"He does in Greek," Troy replied, crawling into bed, and wrapping his arms around her. "If we're here in three nights, we're invited to his parents' house for dinner."

"Will we be? Claire told me to take as long as I needed, but it would be nice to give her an estimate."

"If Helen's going to be all right, it'll probably be a week before she and Julie get on each other's nerves." He turned to look her in the eye. "If you'd rather not stay that long, Susan; if you think you'd be uncomfortable, we can put you on plane home any time sooner."
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