Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Chapter 118 - Anger Versus Rage {Season 4, episode 5, time: PAST}

{In previous episode of Season 4 - 
Evening came and so did Chai
Samantha was really hoping and PRAYING that Chai would say “Did you like those flowers I sent you?”
Instead, as she feared, he said: Who sent those flowers?
And Samantha’s anger boiled and turned into RAGE
(where the rage takes her and Chai, we will see in next episode of Seaon 4 "Anger Vs Rage")}

Some days passed by.

Things stayed the same. Whether Chai is ignoring her because of work
or he is choosing to bury in work to ignore her, Samantha did not understand.
But, by intent or coincidence, Chai's behavior towards her changed after the Rana disaster.

Samantha herself was trying to come out of the trauma of being drugged and abused by Rana.
And Chai's behavior was not helping the cause. In fact, it is making her trauma worse.
Now, as if she did not have enough troubles, this anonymous person is sending her flowers and romantic poems.

Although the words sound similar and used interchangeably, Oxford dictionary defines
ANGER as "the strong feeling that you have when something has happened that you think is bad and unfair"
and defines RAGE as "a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control"

Now more and more, Samantha is becoming angry at this anonymous person but her rage is firing at Chai.

Anger at the anonymous guy for sending her flowers, writing romantic poems and showing her love,
And rage at Chai for not doing all of those with his beautiful and adorable wife.

Chai's psychology is complex and harder to explain.

Does Chai think Samantha is defiled because Rana touched her?
Or Chai is simply unable to handle the emotionality of the situation that he looks at work as an escape route?

Whichever of these or be it something else, he was being quite insensitive to his wife who needs his support,
comforting and presence to heal after Rana drugged and -_d her.
He is being a real CHUTIYA to Samantha!
Call it KARMA or any other, this insensitive behavior will come to haunt him in future.


Again, one morning, the doorbell rings and it is Chanakya the courier boy standing with a flower bouquet.
Samantha decided to deal with it once and for all.
With an angry face she opened the door and started scolding him.

[Image: angry-sam.jpg]

Chanakya who seemed to anticipate Samantha’s behavior, silently stood there not responding.
“Go away before I call the watchman” she said.
He seemed to have prepared for this. With a sad face, he spoke.

"Madam, please listen to me. I don’t know anything about who sends couriers and why they send.
I just deliver them and get paid, which helps me with my college fees.
And these are special and rare flowers, Madam…
I get couple of hundreds for safely delivering them... it is useful for my studies..."

Sam’s heart softened a bit.
She already knew he was a 3rd year MBBS student, trying to make money on the side for his studies.

"OK, Chanakya. Go now."
"Mam, need your signature, Mam. Else, I don’t get money for the delivery. And I will lose this job..."

Sam is sympathetic and takes the flower bouquet and throws it near the dustbin...
She gives him couple of hundreds and tells him to study well.

"Mam you are so kind and beautiful. Thank you so much Mam"

Sam feels flattered a bit and gives a mild smile.

"Mam, these are all very rare flowers. They are not the usual bouquets.
Very expensive flowers. Very romantic flowers.
Whoever is sending them, they really admire you a lot. They must really love you"

Sam gets annoyed a bit but doesn’t show that to Chanakya. 
She again gives a faint smile and says asks him to leave.

Samantha went to the sofa and sat down thinking, trying not to look at the flower bouquet.
In a couple of minutes, she couldn’t help but look at those flowers.
They were really beautiful. Just the way she liked them.
Unable to resist, she picked them up brought them to the sofa and looked at them.

Lovely multicolor Orchids. Fresh and fragrant
[Image: orchids-bouquet.jpg]

And attached to the bouquet was a note:
“Dear Samantha, you are the sweetest angel on earth. You deserve nothing but the best.”

And a beautiful poem:
[Image: orchids.png]

Samantha couldn’t help but become FIDAAAAAA on this guy for a couple of moments.
Whoever he was. Sending her beautiful flowers, poems and romantic notes.
How the hell is he guessing my favorite flowers? Is he someone I know?
And she remembered what Chanakya the courier boy said:
"Whoever is sending them, they really admire you a lot. They must really love you"

That thought ran through her mind again and again as she looked at the flowers and admired their beauty.
Samantha’s anger on this anonymous guy turned to curiosity.
He is giving her what she needed in her situation: attention & soft touch.
Who is he? Why is he sending me these flowers? How much does he know about me?

Her anger is now turned towards her own self and her helpless situation.
Her rage is firing even more on Chai, her useless husband, who is ignoring her.

Samantha took her phone and dialed Chai. He answered it telling her he is busy and ended it. 
Samantha burst into tears and cried uncontrollably. She is now feeling helpless and desperate.

She knew this cant go on forever. She needs to do something. All the books and online content
she read recommended talking openly to husband about problems as the best solution in such situations.
She decided to do exactly that.
She thought about what to speak and how to speak and how to get Chai’s attention.


Evening on Chai’s arrival, she tried to greet him with a sweet smile,

took his office bag, and greeted him. She gave him his evening tea. Chai gave her a faint smile and sipped his tea.

"Chai, I need to say something. This is very important. Please listen to me."

Chai’s looked at her for a moment and said,
“Sam, I have a meeting in 5 minutes. We can discuss this later.”

“But Chai, I am feeling very worse and depressed. I need your help. Please. It wont take long.
You are busy all day and you take these calls until late night. We are not getting the time to talk to each other.”

And tears were welling up in her eyes as she said this.

Chai was not ready to handle this.
“Sam please not now. We will talk in the weekend.”

“There is someone sending me flowers and everything.
It maybe Rana, Chai. Please you have to do something.”

Samantha was desperately trying to get his attention but Chai responded saying,
“Ignore it, Sam. He will stop. Tell the watchman. I don’t have time for all this”

That was the worst thing he could say to his wife.

“What do you mean you don’t have time for me?
You are not paying attention to me or my problems.
At least this bastard is giving me some attention.
What is more important for you? This office call or me?

This is the first time Chaitanya is hearing Samantha use an inappropriate word.


So saying, he silent goes to his office room, setups his laptop and began to get engrossed into office work.
Again, one of the biggest mistakes Chai made. He was being totally disregardful and awful to Sam.

Samantha felt devastated to hear this from her husband.
Her dear Chaitanya, whom she entrusted to be her partner in good times and bad.
And depended totally for all her needs. And gave him her everything.

She cried and cried
[Image: samcrying-12.jpg]

After sometime she stopped.
In the fit of the moment, she took the Orchids flower bouquet, put them in a flower vase,
poured water and put it on display right on the sofa table.
She put the note and poem sent by the unknown guy next to the flowers and went right to bed without dinner.

After a full 5 hours of office work, Chai came back to this world.
He got up and noticed Samantha is already in bed. He didn’t try reconciling.
He silently sat down to eat and finished his dinner.

It was before he went to dinner when he saw the flower bouquet that Samantha put on display on sofa table.
He looked at it with a bit of contempt and then noticed the note and poem alongside.
Seeing the following note from a stranger to his wife “Dear Samantha, you are the sweetest angle on earth.
You deserve nothing but the best” would make most men angry.

Curiously, Chai was not angry. A thrill ran through his spine. His cock tingled excitedly.
He had a mixture of recklessness towards it but also a tinge of sexual arousal.
He felt shame on being aroused this note.
He threw the note and poem in the dustbin and went to bed.
No attempts to talk to Samantha or care for her.

Whether it was his brought up as a prince of an elite family – protected on one side,
pampered on one side, dominated in every stage of his life – that resulted in his emotional disconnection with his wife?

That is a question to Psychologists bar Psychiatrists!

But it was true, that he got weird dreams of Samantha with strangers, in sexual situations

[Image: samwithsomeone.jpg]
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 07:47 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 16-01-2021, 08:55 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 11:33 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 11:47 PM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:15 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 17-01-2021, 01:36 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 01:48 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 17-01-2021, 01:36 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 01:49 AM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:40 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:44 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:46 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 04:11 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 17-01-2021, 04:32 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:08 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Raviraj45 - 17-01-2021, 05:14 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:09 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:28 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:45 PM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 20-04-2021, 06:33 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:49 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Raviraj45 - 17-01-2021, 09:59 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 10:07 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 10:17 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Mr Strange - 17-01-2021, 11:38 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Babyma - 17-01-2021, 11:52 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 18-01-2021, 01:18 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 18-01-2021, 06:59 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:23 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:25 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:37 PM
RE: Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife - by Saravroman - 20-07-2021, 12:03 PM

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