Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 3

The next morning went similar to the routine I had gotten used to: an empty bed, making coffee and waiting for Kavita (and Amir) to return from the gym.
I now started wondering how many people at the gym would recognize her. If Aslam and Pooja could recognize her even though she was in a saree yesterday...
On a hunch, as I waited for Kavita to return, I went and checked the medicine shelf.
The number of birth control pills that had been consumed, had gone up.
There was no doubt about it. Kavita was having birth control pills, I needn't worry on that front.
We had a largely relaxed Sunday at home. Amir went out in the afternoon. It didn't help me any, because my penis was flaccid as it could have been. The incident at the movie had sapped my confidence again. Kavita did try to stroke my penis alive, but she didn't manage to. She smiled and kissed me, and told me not to worry, as we had a siesta.
When I woke up in the evening, Kavita was already awake: the bed was empty.
I woke up with worry: would she be in bed with Amir?
I stumbled out towards the hall. I paused at the doorway to the hall: Amir was in the hall, watching TV alone. I then heard a sound from our bathroom, and breathed a sigh of relief.
Momentarily, Kavita stepped out. She had changed from the saree she had been wearing, into a full body length orange nightie. She had a plastic bag in her hand, which she went and kept in the cupboard containing her clothes. She asked if I wanted tea, and I accepted. I joined Amir in the hall. He was wearing an odd smirk. I had seen him smirk many times, but somehow, his smirk seemed mysterious now. Perhaps it was my own insecurities. I got a better idea about why he may have been smirking, after dinner. Kavita announced that we were running low on eggs again. This was bound to happen more frequently since Kavita was also working out and having eggs, now. But this was also their 'cue' for me to go out, so they two of them could have sex.
I went out after dinner, and walked to the closest grocery store. When I came back, the hall was empty. I couldn't hear tell-tale moans, but I knew what was likely to be happening, inside, on Amir's bed. I waited in silence, hoping to hear something, or see them come to the hall. As I waited, I realized one thing that hadn't occurred to me until then. Since the Tuesday incident, when I had 'wetted' my pyjamas, Kavita hadn't asked me to wear those feminine pyjamas that Amir had 'got' for me. She must have realized SOMETHING, even though she hadn't seen what Amir had been doing. In my shameless desperation, I added that to the list of 'optimistic' signs, that Kavita, my Kavita who was getting fucked by Amir right now, was still 'on my side'.
I presently saw her walk out of Amir's room. She was still wearing the orange nightie. I gulped, and rang the bell. She opened the door for me. I handed her the eggs, and she put them away before we retired for bed, a bit early.
In bed, Kavita spoke to me briefly, "Manu?"
I asked eagerly, "Yes, Kavi?"
"Prem was finding his room getting hot, and summer's coming. We have the A/C there but you know its not working. He gave a number for a repair crew he recommended, can you call them tomorrow and set up an appointment for next Saturday, please?"
I gulped. We were living in Bangalore, it wasn't that hot anyway. Granted summer was round the corner, but it wasn't like the weather was oppressively hot. Our parents had stayed in the same room and had never complained about 'heat'.
Maybe his room was getting hot because of all the sex and sweat from sex, I thought. I had avoided this repair because I had seen it as a needless expense, I didn't see how I could say no. And it might help to have a working option, when our parents would visit next time.
I nodded, "Sure, Kavi."
She turned on her side and said, "Thanks, Good Night Manu."
I sighed. I wasn't going to be able to do anything with her, in bed. Not after knowing that she had just had another session in bed with Amir. And she too, apparently, wasn't interested, tonight. With a sense of unknown dread, I went to sleep.
The next morning, I got up to the now familiar empty bed. I freshened up, read the newspapers, prepared coffee and waited for Kavita and Amir to arrive. They arrived at the same time they usually arrived. Kavita smiled at me, and said, "Good Morning Manu!" I greeted her back, and waited for them to get their footwear off, so I could give them their coffee.
Kavita was dressed again in workout clothes. The pants were black, and tight, but didn't seem as tight as those obscenely tight pants she had been wearing a week back. Her top was short-sleeved and orange in color, and revealed around three inches of her midriff.
As she turned to take off her shoes and socks, I noticed a spot of grease on the exposed part of her midriff, on her back. She must have used some greasy equipment today, I figured.
She now came towards me and took her coffee cup from the tray, and said, "Thanks Manu!"
Presently, Amir had taken his footwear off. Kavita took the last cup of coffee from the tray, and handed it to Amir.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-12-2018, 02:06 PM

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