Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I got up from my seat, and walked out of the movie auditorium. I made a brief visit to the bathroom, before going to the refreshment area. There were other people who had come out for refreshments early. Evidently, I wasn't the only one who found the movie uninteresting.
I got a bottle of Pepsi for Kavita, and started walking towards the movie room, when I heard a voice call my name from behind me, "Manu?"
It was a woman's voice, and it was obviously not Kavita's voice.
I turned in the direction of the voice.
I was looking at a somewhat plump lady clad in a burqa. She had her veil up over her face.
I couldn't recognize her face at all. Who was this woman?
She asked, "You're Manu right? Manu Sharma?"
I asked warily, "Who are you madam?"
She smiled and asked, "Don't you recognize me?"
I stared at her, but I couldn't recall ever meeting this woman. How did she know my name?
She evidently figured from my blank expression that I couldn't recognize her.
She smiled and held her hand out, "I'm Pooja, don't you remember me? We went to college together!"
I couldn't recall her face, still. Further, she was wearing a burqa, a traditional '. dress, yet she had introduced herself as 'Pooja', typically a ***** name.
I took her hand and shook it, but said, "Am sorry, I'm still unable to place you....Pooja Madam."
She laughed and said, "What's this Madam business about? I studied with you yaar! Can't you still remember me?"
In a flash, it suddenly came to me.
She was the classmate of mine, who had got pregnant by a '. classmate of mine, and had 'eloped' with him.
Pooja, while she had been cute, hadn't been a stunner in college. But now, she had put on a fair bit of weight. Even her face seemed to have swollen up a bit. Plus, the burqa made it harder for me to recognize her.
I smiled and said, "Yeah now I am able to recall, sorry!"
I was wondering what her husband's name was. He was my classmate, and I had forgotten his name, as well.
She presently pointed to my arm and asked, "Are you OK? When did that happen?"
I waved it off, saying, "Oh, I fell recently, it's nothing serious. So when did you move to Bangalore, Pooja? I thought you were in Delhi still?"
She said, "No, Aslam got a good job here, so we moved here 4 years ago."
Aslam. Now I recalled his name, too.
It was just in time, because, presently, a man strode over beside Pooja, with a smallish boy in tow. He seemed familiar, and I could recall him now.
He hadn't gotten as plump as Pooja, but he too had put on some weight, and didn't look as rugged as he used to in college.
He held out his hand instantly. Evidently, he remembered me better than I remembered him.
"How are you man, Manu? What a surprise meeting you here!"
The boy he had in tow seemed smallish. I guessed they must have had a 2nd child somewhere around the corner, because she had been pregnant when they had gotten married.
Presently, Aslam introduced me to his little son. I learned that the elder one was a daughter, and she had gone to the bathroom.
Aslam now asked me, "I heard you got married, Manu. Congrats man! Where's your wife?"
I gulped. She was sitting in the hall, with Amir.
I said, "She's in the hall."
Aslam smiled and said, "Great, maybe we can meet her too!"
This was not what I had wanted.
I gulped, as I contemplated what might happen in such a meeting.
Kavita might see how this classmate of mine, Aslam, had impregnated his wife Pooja twice already. And she might draw conclusions from that about me, conclusions I had been dreading already.
I tried to deflect, by asking Aslam, "Oh, so you heard about my wedding. Why didn't you come man?"
He grinned and asked me, "Why didn't you come to our wedding yaar?"
I stuttered making up an explanation about something that had been going on at home then.
The conversation had gotten a bit uncomfortable.
Pooja sensed it, and started talking about other classmates: who was where, etc.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-12-2018, 02:02 PM

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