Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I then had a fearful thought: what if Kavita came by and saw me kneeling like this, with my face and lips on Amir's foot?
Amir might easily take his right foot off, and then I would be the one looking stupid.
I wanted to end this. I started thinking about the words he asked me to think about.
"Master Amir."
It was true. He was now the de facto master of the house, and my denying it wouldn't change it.
"My wife Kavita is now your concubine."
That, too, was somewhat true. Amir Ali was sleeping with his colleague whenever he wanted to, and sleeping with my wife Kavita whenever he wanted to. It was like they were both members of his 'harem'. It just so happened that one of the members of his 'harem' was married to me: my Kavita.
I summarized the thinking into the words he had said.
I spoke them out loud, in my mind. And I did it again, and again, and again.
I don't know how long I did it. I felt the pressure release from my head, after a while.
Amir Ali had finally taken his foot off my head.
I slowly got up, propping myself on my right hand.
Kavita arrived right then, and helped me up.
She said crossly to Amir, "COME ON, Prem, he has one arm in a cast, it's YOUR tea spill! Even if you don't help him wipe the tea spill, at least you can help him up, right?"
Amir didn't say anything. I felt in a way vindicated, that no matter how much Amir tried to humiliate me, his claims about "owning" my wife Kavita weren't quite true.
She was able to stand up to him, even though I was not.
Right then, Kavita spoke up, addressing me, "Uff, Manu, you'll need to change now."
I glanced downward. I suspected what I would see. I had felt it when I was kneeling on the floor, with Amir's foot on my head.
I had wetted my pyjamas.
Kavita led me by my hand to the bedroom, and took off my pyjama pants and the red panties I had been wearing. They both were wet and smelly.
I felt very ashamed, especially because of the context. I had vaguely sensed it happen, as I had been kneeling. But I had been too fearful that it would be true. And now, it turned out, it was true.
I tried to look at the bright side, as Kavita got a fresh pair of panties for me.
She then took a pair of my shorts, and helped me into them. She left the yellow pyjama top on, as it seemed to be unaffected by my pyjama-wetting.
I felt some relief at her behavior. She wasn't in cahoots with Amir, trying to humiliate me at every turn. She was being practical. There was no point trying to make me change into a fresh pair of one of the pyjamas Amir Ali had gifted me, RIGHT NOW.
And more importantly, SHE STILL CARED FOR ME.
On that relieved note, I went and sat on the sofa and flipped channels. I avoided making eye or face contact with Amir.
Even though I was sitting on the sofa now, I could almost feel the pressure of his foot on my head.
He would pay for this some day, if there was justice in this world, I told myself.
We presently got up for dinner. The rest of the evening was largely uneventful. Kavita kept her distance from Amir, which was ironic in a way. I knew she had been in bed with Amir, just before I had got back home.
Still, I also felt gratified, that she wouldn't join Amir in rubbing it in, as she seemed to be doing over the weekend.
We retired quickly to bed. Kavita fell asleep quickly. I however lay in bed awake, unable to sleep.
After a while, I realized that my arm had developed some degree of pain. Maybe it was because of what Amir had done, while I had been on the floor. I decided to take another dose of the pain-killer.
As Kavita was asleep, I got up myself, and walked across to the medicine shelf in the hall.
I found the pain-killer and took one. I was about to turn, and return to bed, when I caught sight of something that seemed unusual.
Sitting in a plastic bag, there was a few boxes of pills that appeared to have been purchased since the last time I had looked in this shelf. I hadn't seen these boxes before in the medicine shelf. I had however seen that brand before, some time.
I took one of the boxes and read the description printed on it.
They were birth control pills.
I reeled as I saw the box.
Kavita had been having birth control pills? Since when?
And how come she didn't discuss it with me?
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-12-2018, 01:37 PM

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