Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
She came in a few minutes, with a tray and 2 cups of tea. She excused herself, saying, "I don't feel like having tea today, so I made tea just for the 2 of you."
I took a cup, and she then handed Amir the other cup. She then withdrew, and went back to the kitchen.
I drank my tea, nervously avoiding any eye contact with Amir. as I finished up, I finally looked at him.
I was hoping I could take his tea cup, and mine, and go to the kitchen, thereby avoiding his company.
He hadn't finished drinking his tea. And now, as I saw him, he grinned maliciously, and tipped over the dregs of the tea in his cup onto the floor, near his feet.
It was a stupid, and somewhat inconsiderate thing to do, but I didn't understand why he did that.
Right then, he called out, "Kavi, am sorry, I spilled some tea on the floor."
I heard Kavita's voice respond, "Uff! Am busy cooking! Can you guys take care of it, please?"
Amir shouted back, "Sure."
And then, he snapped his fingers at me.
He meant for me to wipe it off.
I had suspected that, by now. I got up hurriedly, and returned with a towel.
I bent down to start wiping the tea stain, when Amir stretched his foot out blocking me.
He whispered, "On your knees, P.B."
I stared at him with fear. Not that it did me any good, because he grinned in his menacing manner and said, "NOW."
I got down on my knees slowly, as best as I could with my left arm in a cast.
I bent down, kneeling, and started wiping the tea off the floor.
That was when I felt something cold and heavy descend on my head. I tried to look up, but the pressure on my head increased, and I felt my head being pressed further down.
I knew what it was, by then.
Amir, the arrogant bully, had placed his right foot on my head, and was now pressing my head towards the floor, in the direction of where his left foot was resting, on the floor.
I tried to resist the pressure. But it was difficult, with one arm in a cast. I brought my right hand around to take his foot off. Even as I did, I felt him catch it in his strong grip, and twist it behind my back.
I then tried twisting,wiggling with my legs to move backwards, to get away. He then started twisting my right hand until it hurt.
He bent down and whispered, "Unless you want your right hand in a cast as well, you had better stop wiggling, P.B."
I stopped wiggling my legs immediately.
He continued increasing the pressure on my head from his foot, until slowly, my eyes were level with his ankle.
I gave up resisting, at that point. I knew what he was trying to do, and decided to get it done with.
My lips landed on the bony part of his foot, between his toes and ankle.
As I grappled with the sensation of another man's foot against my lips, I heard a whisper close to my ears. Apparently Amir Ali had bent down to whisper, "What are you thinking NOW, P.B?"
I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I really wasn't thinking about anything, and didn't want to think about anything.
Sure, I could hope for some support from my wife Kavita. But I didn't hold out much hope on that front.
She hadn't given me a whole lot of support, when Amir Ali had put my arm in a cast.
I silently lay kneeling, crooning under the pressure of Amir's foot, my face resting on his other foot.
He whispered again, close to my ears, "Answer me, P.B."
I whispered parting my lips to the extent I could, given that his right foot was still pressing my head down, "Nothing."
He whispered again, "I want you to think the following, again and again. Don't speak it loud. I KNOW if you're thinking it or not anyway. When you've thought about it enough, I'll let you go, OK?"
I shook my head to the extent I could, trying to nod.
He whispered again, "Start thinking, P.B: Master Amir, my wife Kavita is now your concubine."
I heard no more, from him.
And then, time started stretching as I kneeled in this posture, with Amir's right foot pressing my head against his left foot.
Hadn't he had enough? He had fucked my wife again, and again, and again. He had fucked my wife just a short while ago. What was he trying to achieve, with this?
This was nothing but inhuman arrogance on his part.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-12-2018, 01:37 PM

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