Adultery Life of Mina
It was now 10 months since Mina started working for Sharma ji, a time perfected routine of Sharma ji coming to pick her up was broken as Mina waited in the living room looking at the clock wondering where he was. Her mother was also weirdly not at home either but Mina had not noticed.

It had hit 9am and Mina was really confused. 9.30am came and Mina's mum walked through the door full of shopping, really excited. Mina was confused. Mina's mum told Mina to get in the kitchen as she needed to help cook and to get out of the western clothes they had guests. Mina tried to explain she had work but it was not being acknowledged and Mina started to help peel the potatoes.

Sharma ji, had not arrived and by Lunchtime Mina had come to the conclusion her mother had arranged a day off. Mina felt strange not being at work. 4pm came and Mina was dressed in traditional attire to greet the guests, Mina's mother shouted as the guests had arrived, Mina ran downstairs hearing an array of happy voices in the living room, heading straight to the kitchen Mina took over making the tea so her mother could play host.

Mina had no idea who it was and walked in. She froze in astonishment as Sharma ji, Mr Thakur and a younger guy she recognised were sitting on her sofa's all smiling. Mina's mum introduced them to her and she sat.

To her complete amazement the guy who she now remembered as the photographer was introduced as Mr Thakur's son, but Mr. Thakur introcuced himself as Ahmed. They clearly tricked her mother that he is a '., a fact she knew was not true. Her heart beated as she realised they were here as a proposed potential marriage partner all arranged courtesy of Sharma ji.

Mina could not believe what was going on. Mina's mum was overjoyed and Mina soon found herself agreeing to the proposal with a bit of pressure from Sharma ji,. A few weeks later Mina was married in a very small ceremony, moved to different city. Her name was changed to Nadia, she was now also known as Erotic Princess a glamour model and porn actress who made 365 movies in 1 year with 500 different guys.

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Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 12:16 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:27 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:30 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:31 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:32 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:35 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:39 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:39 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:42 AM
RE: Life of Mina - by sultanastories - 30-06-2021, 02:43 AM

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