30-06-2021, 02:39 AM
The next day, Mina got dressed and started her dance class. Sharma ji said he had to leave to do some business and would be back later, Hari would be in charge. Mina carried on with her chores and felt uneasy being alone with the staff. They had been teased by Mina's dressing for so long, they were frustrated and wanted a piece of her, she waited anxiously for one of them to take her but if they did she would complain to Sharma ji who would sack them she thought.
After lunch, Hari came in with a chocolate bar and asked if she wanted some. Mina was craving chocolate and looked at Hari's warm face as he handed it to her. Mina was so excited as she opened the gold wrapping, placing a piece into her mouth, it tasted so good, Hari got up and stood closer, but she didn't realise as she was so engrossed eating, then strangely she heard him shout, 'what are you doing?' she opened her eyes and looked to see Sharma ji standing by the door.
Hari ran over to him shouting that Mina had stolen the chocolate and he had caught her. Mina protested, but a few other staff members said the same and Sharma ji started to believe them. Mina started to shout that they were lying, but Sharma ji was angry and took her into his office, he had his back to the staff outside but Mina could see them laughing. Sharma ji was livid claiming Mina had betrayed him and he was going to sack her, post her video's to her home and leave the community to punish her.
Mina still protested, but Sharma ji slapped her and she fell to the ground, the crowd outside loving it. He dragged her up and bent her over the desk, pulling up her skirt and inserting his cock deep in her ass, she screamed in pain, she hated anal anyway, but his fat cock was hurting her the most. He came in her ass then sat down, Mina stayed still crying still bent over the desk. Sharma ji told her to go to the car he was taking her home.
Mina turned and begged Sharma ji not to, getting on her knees pleading for mercy. Mina then admitted she stole the chocolate and only did it because she was hungry and was so sorry. Sharma ji told Mina to dress up and get showered and meet him by the car. Mina went upstairs, her heart beating as she showered, all these thoughts running through her mind. As she came out of the shower she saw Hari standing by the door, he looked at her and smiled.
“ You bastard!” shouted Mina “ Ha Ha –why Mina baby? You shouldn't steal!” he gloated
“ I didn't steal!” she said still angry but lowered her voice
“ You admitted it and Sharma ji gave me bonus for catching you!” he said smirking
“ Go away!” she said as she passed him
“ Mina, I just wanted to show you that he will believe us over you” he said as he walked off Mina changed, wondering what he meant but also wondering whether Sharma ji was to take her home and expose her.
She dressed in her fishnet dress and ran downstairs tothe car. Sharma ji refused to say where they were going, however they were driving in the direction of her house. Mina cried and Sharma ji laughed. They approached her road and Sharma ji asked Mina if her mother would like her outfit.
They pulled up outside and in a looked at Sharma ji scared, Sharma ji turned the engine off and stared at Mina. Mina's heart beat faster as she saw her neighbour, he was not looking over but she was dreading if he had looked over and managed to see her through the windscreen. Sharma jitold her to take off her coat, Mina removed it slowly wondering why her neighbour was taking so long in his garden. Her firm boobs poked through her fishnet dress, she looked at Sharma ji who was smiling so much from enjoyment.
Sharma ji started the engine and laughed as they drove off. Mina caught her breath realising it was not about to happen, but where were they going. They drove for about 30mins, to a run down bed and breakfast. Sharma ji parked up and told Mina to put her coat on. Mina followed Sharma ji into the hotel, walking straight to a room and knocked on the door. A guy opened the door, who looked familiar but she couldn't place from where. In the room was another 3 guys all in their 20's, all looking familiar.
Sharma ji spoke to the men and then walked towards the door, Mina ran after him and he turned. “ No Mina, you stay here and give me your coat” he said “ What do you mean? Where are you going?” she said as she gave him her coat “ I told you, you are sacked!” he said and then closed the door as he left She was about to open the door when the guy pulled her away and pushed her in the centre of the room.
They all got up and started to feel her body in her dress, all laughing and getting excited, then she remembered them, the guys whoshe flashed at the traffic lights. But how? Then she realised Sharma ji had given them his business card. The guys started to talk about whether they should do her one by one or together, Mina stood there partly excited as they were young and good looking. They decided one by one and Mina walked to the sofa, they spread her legs and took it in turns to fuck her.
Mina came each time. The whole thing lasted 2hrs and Mina was tired, they told Mina to go and shower which she did. When she came out of the shower, the guys had gone but there was a box with a dress in it, it was still raunchy but much more covering than what she wore. She quickly put it on and then read the note from Sharma ji. “ Mina, I sacked you today but am willing to take you back if you come back to the shop by 10pm. You can change and I will take you home. If you fail I will tell your mother you left early and then slowly your video will be released”
Mina's heart was beating, she did not even know where she was, she had no money how can she get back. It was 5pm, already dark she had 5hrs. She was still dressed slutty and it was a bit unsafe outside. She grabbed her fishnet dress and left the hotel room, she came out onto the street and went to the bus stop, she was about 20miles away too far to walk. She walked down the street, men staring at her as she did, but she didn't care. She had no idea of where she was going, she saw an '. video shop, maybe they would help her as she was '. too.
She walked in and all the men stared. The owner came out and looked at her, told her to come in the back. She explained she was lost and needed to get back to her town, he stared at her firm fine body and offered her 100rs for a Blow Job. She realised it was a good offer and agreed, getting on her knees and sucking away being sure to swallow so he didn't cum on her face. He gave her his business card and 100rs and she ran out of the shop feeling disgusted but pleased she had money.
She ran to the tazi stand and asked how much it would be for a taxi to her town, 500rs said the driver and Mina's stomach turned as she looked at her 100rs note. Mina thought that she could give 4 more blow jobs and be home, it was already gone 6pm and had no other ideas. Mina walked around the street, wondering how she will do this, how she would prostitute herself, she went into another shop, a kebab shop and asked to speak to the owner, quietly proposing to him and tell him her plight. He asked her to come to the back and said he felt she was very desperate to which she agreed and then offered her 100rs to suck him and the other two men who worked there. Mina was so disgusted and refused so he told her to leave, Mina looked at him and said she would for 200rs but he was still insisting 100rs, Mina looked at the clock and agreed. She sucked the excited greasy men one by one as they felt her body and slapped her ass. She collected her 100rs and ran out of the shop, wiping the cum off her lips as she did.
It was now 7pm, Mina was still short of money and she was wondering what she could do. She looked at a betting shop, she walked in and all the men stared as she walked in, the manager gave her a look and ran towards her asking her to leave. Mina pleaded and he just didn't listen, throwing her on the street as men looked on laughing. Mina felt so humiliated and quickly got up, an old man came over and asked her how much. She looked at him, smelling the beer on his breath “ For what?” she asked “ For a fuck!” he said
“ 300rs” said Mina
“ Too much!” he said as he walked away Mina chased him asking how much he would pay, he agreed on 200rs and Mina agreed following him down an alley, pressing up against the wall as he inserted his cock inside of her. She closed her eyes as he licked her face with his alcoholic breath and finally he came.
He went down his pocket and gave her 150rs in change, Mina screamed saying they agreed 200rs but the man laughed and said he had no more. Mina ran out of the alley, realising after that her knickers were still in the alley. It was nearly 8pm and she was just 150rs short. She went back to the cab station, looking at the drivers outside. She went to 3 of them and said she only had 450rs but needed to get to her town by 10pm and would do anything if someone took her. The men looked at each other and they took her to the back where a large van was parked, they all climbed in and she joined them. She sucked them all off and then climbed on one inserting their hard cock inside of her bouncing as fast she could.
Finally 45mins later all 3 had cum and one took her to the car and drove towards her town. She looked frantically at the clock, it was 9.45pm and they were stuck in traffic, finally she arrived to the shop, she gave the driver the money she had earned and ran to the back of the store, the door was locked. She banged and banged knowing Saharma ji was in as his car was there. He opened the door and smiled. She ran upstairs to change, Sharma ji drove her home has she told him what she had done to get back.
After lunch, Hari came in with a chocolate bar and asked if she wanted some. Mina was craving chocolate and looked at Hari's warm face as he handed it to her. Mina was so excited as she opened the gold wrapping, placing a piece into her mouth, it tasted so good, Hari got up and stood closer, but she didn't realise as she was so engrossed eating, then strangely she heard him shout, 'what are you doing?' she opened her eyes and looked to see Sharma ji standing by the door.
Hari ran over to him shouting that Mina had stolen the chocolate and he had caught her. Mina protested, but a few other staff members said the same and Sharma ji started to believe them. Mina started to shout that they were lying, but Sharma ji was angry and took her into his office, he had his back to the staff outside but Mina could see them laughing. Sharma ji was livid claiming Mina had betrayed him and he was going to sack her, post her video's to her home and leave the community to punish her.
Mina still protested, but Sharma ji slapped her and she fell to the ground, the crowd outside loving it. He dragged her up and bent her over the desk, pulling up her skirt and inserting his cock deep in her ass, she screamed in pain, she hated anal anyway, but his fat cock was hurting her the most. He came in her ass then sat down, Mina stayed still crying still bent over the desk. Sharma ji told her to go to the car he was taking her home.
Mina turned and begged Sharma ji not to, getting on her knees pleading for mercy. Mina then admitted she stole the chocolate and only did it because she was hungry and was so sorry. Sharma ji told Mina to dress up and get showered and meet him by the car. Mina went upstairs, her heart beating as she showered, all these thoughts running through her mind. As she came out of the shower she saw Hari standing by the door, he looked at her and smiled.
“ You bastard!” shouted Mina “ Ha Ha –why Mina baby? You shouldn't steal!” he gloated
“ I didn't steal!” she said still angry but lowered her voice
“ You admitted it and Sharma ji gave me bonus for catching you!” he said smirking
“ Go away!” she said as she passed him
“ Mina, I just wanted to show you that he will believe us over you” he said as he walked off Mina changed, wondering what he meant but also wondering whether Sharma ji was to take her home and expose her.
She dressed in her fishnet dress and ran downstairs tothe car. Sharma ji refused to say where they were going, however they were driving in the direction of her house. Mina cried and Sharma ji laughed. They approached her road and Sharma ji asked Mina if her mother would like her outfit.
They pulled up outside and in a looked at Sharma ji scared, Sharma ji turned the engine off and stared at Mina. Mina's heart beat faster as she saw her neighbour, he was not looking over but she was dreading if he had looked over and managed to see her through the windscreen. Sharma jitold her to take off her coat, Mina removed it slowly wondering why her neighbour was taking so long in his garden. Her firm boobs poked through her fishnet dress, she looked at Sharma ji who was smiling so much from enjoyment.
Sharma ji started the engine and laughed as they drove off. Mina caught her breath realising it was not about to happen, but where were they going. They drove for about 30mins, to a run down bed and breakfast. Sharma ji parked up and told Mina to put her coat on. Mina followed Sharma ji into the hotel, walking straight to a room and knocked on the door. A guy opened the door, who looked familiar but she couldn't place from where. In the room was another 3 guys all in their 20's, all looking familiar.
Sharma ji spoke to the men and then walked towards the door, Mina ran after him and he turned. “ No Mina, you stay here and give me your coat” he said “ What do you mean? Where are you going?” she said as she gave him her coat “ I told you, you are sacked!” he said and then closed the door as he left She was about to open the door when the guy pulled her away and pushed her in the centre of the room.
They all got up and started to feel her body in her dress, all laughing and getting excited, then she remembered them, the guys whoshe flashed at the traffic lights. But how? Then she realised Sharma ji had given them his business card. The guys started to talk about whether they should do her one by one or together, Mina stood there partly excited as they were young and good looking. They decided one by one and Mina walked to the sofa, they spread her legs and took it in turns to fuck her.
Mina came each time. The whole thing lasted 2hrs and Mina was tired, they told Mina to go and shower which she did. When she came out of the shower, the guys had gone but there was a box with a dress in it, it was still raunchy but much more covering than what she wore. She quickly put it on and then read the note from Sharma ji. “ Mina, I sacked you today but am willing to take you back if you come back to the shop by 10pm. You can change and I will take you home. If you fail I will tell your mother you left early and then slowly your video will be released”
Mina's heart was beating, she did not even know where she was, she had no money how can she get back. It was 5pm, already dark she had 5hrs. She was still dressed slutty and it was a bit unsafe outside. She grabbed her fishnet dress and left the hotel room, she came out onto the street and went to the bus stop, she was about 20miles away too far to walk. She walked down the street, men staring at her as she did, but she didn't care. She had no idea of where she was going, she saw an '. video shop, maybe they would help her as she was '. too.
She walked in and all the men stared. The owner came out and looked at her, told her to come in the back. She explained she was lost and needed to get back to her town, he stared at her firm fine body and offered her 100rs for a Blow Job. She realised it was a good offer and agreed, getting on her knees and sucking away being sure to swallow so he didn't cum on her face. He gave her his business card and 100rs and she ran out of the shop feeling disgusted but pleased she had money.
She ran to the tazi stand and asked how much it would be for a taxi to her town, 500rs said the driver and Mina's stomach turned as she looked at her 100rs note. Mina thought that she could give 4 more blow jobs and be home, it was already gone 6pm and had no other ideas. Mina walked around the street, wondering how she will do this, how she would prostitute herself, she went into another shop, a kebab shop and asked to speak to the owner, quietly proposing to him and tell him her plight. He asked her to come to the back and said he felt she was very desperate to which she agreed and then offered her 100rs to suck him and the other two men who worked there. Mina was so disgusted and refused so he told her to leave, Mina looked at him and said she would for 200rs but he was still insisting 100rs, Mina looked at the clock and agreed. She sucked the excited greasy men one by one as they felt her body and slapped her ass. She collected her 100rs and ran out of the shop, wiping the cum off her lips as she did.
It was now 7pm, Mina was still short of money and she was wondering what she could do. She looked at a betting shop, she walked in and all the men stared as she walked in, the manager gave her a look and ran towards her asking her to leave. Mina pleaded and he just didn't listen, throwing her on the street as men looked on laughing. Mina felt so humiliated and quickly got up, an old man came over and asked her how much. She looked at him, smelling the beer on his breath “ For what?” she asked “ For a fuck!” he said
“ 300rs” said Mina
“ Too much!” he said as he walked away Mina chased him asking how much he would pay, he agreed on 200rs and Mina agreed following him down an alley, pressing up against the wall as he inserted his cock inside of her. She closed her eyes as he licked her face with his alcoholic breath and finally he came.
He went down his pocket and gave her 150rs in change, Mina screamed saying they agreed 200rs but the man laughed and said he had no more. Mina ran out of the alley, realising after that her knickers were still in the alley. It was nearly 8pm and she was just 150rs short. She went back to the cab station, looking at the drivers outside. She went to 3 of them and said she only had 450rs but needed to get to her town by 10pm and would do anything if someone took her. The men looked at each other and they took her to the back where a large van was parked, they all climbed in and she joined them. She sucked them all off and then climbed on one inserting their hard cock inside of her bouncing as fast she could.
Finally 45mins later all 3 had cum and one took her to the car and drove towards her town. She looked frantically at the clock, it was 9.45pm and they were stuck in traffic, finally she arrived to the shop, she gave the driver the money she had earned and ran to the back of the store, the door was locked. She banged and banged knowing Saharma ji was in as his car was there. He opened the door and smiled. She ran upstairs to change, Sharma ji drove her home has she told him what she had done to get back.