Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
tears were flowing , I took hanky and wiped her eyes . she placed her head on my shoulder and sat quite . when she stopped sobbing I asked her what the matter is . though she wanted to speak badly but after this incident she was not ready to open up . managed to say , we shall visit water falls , at that moment I could not deny her request . I was remembering their instruction to reach to the falls . this is new area for me , I had never visited either this place or falls . though I was completely attentive to their guidance to the place but had vague idea . I did change route and decided to visit falls . she was happy that I followed her words and moving towards her
choice of destination . we traveled in the diverted route , my memory did work , we were moving in the right direction . we had to turn from main road to interior one , road was not good enough for such a car .
but we continued , I did drive carefully in bumpy road . in
between in couple of place I was bit confused . I could not ask
any one as there was none to guide . so I had to drive as what
I had heard and remembered . I wanted to take guidance from
that uncle but there was signal problem . so relying what I had
heard I continued journey . she too ad not concentrated on the
route . I could even go back as we had traveled a lot . luckily we
reached a village , we wanted to some guidance . we searched
for some one who could help us . there we found a shop . its
village shop they are like mall , or janatha bazaar where
everything is sold under one roof .
from grocery , cigarettes to
even medicines .
I made some petty purchases before I asked for his guidance .
he said we have taken wrong turn in initial stage itself . so we
were near to top of falls than bottom . but he encouraged that
though we missed route its good thing . panorama from this
view point is much better than bottom . you can see from
where water drops into deep valley and that too from almost
near to the source . but you need to take some strain to walk
to the distance .
He did guide us properly to the destination , but at last he said
we cant travel by car as the road is too bad and single line . you
need to go by two wheeler otherwise you will have to walk for
few kilometers . we were happy to hear that panorama is
better from top but when he heard that we need to walk
several km distance we became sad . hardly we knew this are
and there was no way to lend a bike . at least if our mobile was
working we could ask for help of uncle . we were in mess . I
looked at her radfa’s face became black to hear that we need
to walk for such a long distance . then we heard a loud
streaking voice I turned that way . a middle aged lady appeared
shouting loud may be to her kids or servants . when she looked
at us and our car , she stopped shouting and looked with
interest at us . I was asking for any help that could be
extended .
Then I saw a bike parked in shade of the house . a ray of hope
appeared to me .
I asked whether he could lend me his bike for
a day . he out righted rejected my offer . and said no one is
going to give their bike on hire basis . and you cant expect
that from me . that lady was hearing our talks , I was
requesting him to lend his bike , but he was turning his deaf
ear to me . at last that lady interfered into our conversation .
she asked what the hell is going on . I said we are tourists and
how we missed road . we wanted to pay visit to top of falls and
with lot of hopes and expectations we have come from long
distance . without their help we cant see the place . and to go
back and take proper route which we had missed will take lots
of time , hence wont be able to make it . I requested her also .
she asked how can you ask for such a costly thing without
knowing you . what is the guarantee that you will return . do you
have enough money to deposit with you . I fished out my wallet
, on checking it I had few thousands bucks . not any where near
to the value of bike .
Then a idea flashed , madam we are leaving our car as security
deposit for your bike . which value is at least twenty times than
of your bike . if you want I will give car key to you plus I have
credit cards and my id . so you can be rest assured of your
vehicle . I am ready to pay for petrol expenses and hire for a
day whatever you demand . she looked at me and then radha ,
she even observed her thoroughly . she smiled mischievously ,
she might have come to conclusion that we are love birds or
else engaged pair .
she said yes you are right , I am fool to ask
for deposit when you ar leaving your precious car with us ,
agreed for sparing vehicle ,
she asked for petrol plus 100 rs as hire for a day . I readily
agreed for that , but he started abusing her for giving a
vehicle to us that too for such a low bargain . I said don’t worry
uncle I will give 150 instead of 100 rs , and I will assure if any
thing happens to your vehicle , I will be responsible for that .
he wanted to say something but she cut him off , she started
scolding him , said even if you get your ass fucked by some one
you wont earn that much . poor fellows have come here and are
ready to pay so much why should not you shut your filthy ass
and lend them . ok children you have it . tell me what else you
need . she asked whether you have brought any food with you
? . surely you will need some after exertion . she said in double
meaning , radha could not understand but I surely did , so I
blushed though I did not have such intention . we purchased
some biscuits and other snacks whichever was available . I
asked for water bottles if he has . he said they don’t sell them
here . that lady suggested you wont get mineral water here but
I will fill and give tap water which is good . so come with me , I
followed her with radha . she filled couple of bottles and
handed them to us . we were above to return then she called us
back . she said whatever you have purchased wont suffice till
evening so better I will pack some food which I have just
prepared . for ourselves . I said no need aunt , we will manage
with whatever we have brought .
she said you are fools you
don’t know how hungry you will be after all the walking and
exertion . she winked at me , I felt she is right but I could not
accept her offer . but she insisted to carry whatever she gives
. she went inside kitchen and came back with neatly packed
food , while handing over the packet she said don’t tell it to him
. or else that ass hole will think of charging at five star rates
for home food . radha took the parcel with some hesitation . we
were about to come out then she called back again and asked us
to wait . she brought mattress , you children will need it . but
don’t forget to return it ,
we came out with all the things , she gave bike key also and
warned us to check for fuel . if it is there ok or else you wont
get any where . I checked tank it need refill . shop keeper
brought two liters of petrol and fill it . he took money for it .
he gave perfect route map to reach the point . I locked car and
gathered our new luggage and left .
we were happy to have bike for us , I noted all the details as
per shopkeepers advice . it was bumpy road again but this kind
of road on bike is not much problem . she was holding luggage
with her left hand and was holding handle on right hand . on
bumps she collided with my back and her right boob touched
my back . initially I didn’t observe much but as time progressed
I felt them many times . I could not ascertain whether she did
it intentionally or not . sitting with luggage is not easy on such
rough road .
after the bump she didn’t press her chest on my
back , but whenever they touched I had tingling sensation in my
loins . whenever there were diversions or bifurcations I tried
to confirm route by asking passer by people , if they were
there . then the road ended and we had to travel in jungle .
there was single lane in forest , it was as described by that
shop keeper . we progressed few kilometers in jungle and there
were some shepherds with their sheep herd . it was not that
difficult to confirm route . at last when I asked a boy , he did
guide as the road had ended . I asked him to guide , after little
hesitation he became ready to guide on showing fifty rupees
note to him . he took a shikle ( curved weapon to cut grass or
shrubs ) . he asked to follow him after waiting for few minutes
. he went on clearing vines and making way to move . there was
one peculiarity , he was cutting from one side only . I could not
ask him as he was far ahead of us . he had made way to ride
bike . as I am expert in riding on any kind of roads , I could go
further . at one point he asked us to stop vehicle , as vehicle
cant move from there on . he concealed vehicle , covered it
with shrubs and leaves . he further made way to the river . on
asking he said cutting leaves from one side is a sort of marking
unique way . you wont miss this as I have cut from right side
only . on way back it will be left of your side . if any one has
marked it will be different than ours . don’t woory probably I
will be here some where . even if you shout from any where I
can hear it and will reach you .
he took us to river bed and
advised us to cross river so that you will enjoy . no one come at
this season here so you we be all alone and can enjoy . both
times he put stress on word enjoy . though he was hardly
twelve or thirteen years old boy .
he said its better to cross river at this point and reach other
side of falls , in fact there is sangam on this hill . two rivers
meet after some distance , so if you go from there you will
reach to the perfect point so that you can have perfect
panorama .
he even advised where and how to cross river , water is not
much only bit above waste height and current is also not much .
may be you will have to hold madams hand . better keep your
luggage on your head and cross river . don’t worry its not that
slippery but while placing foot make it sure that you place firm.
I asked him to accompany us but he denied as he has his own
herd and cant be able to spare time . if it was pre planned he
would have entrusted his work to some one , even his friend is
absent otherwise he would come with us . on his assurance we
decided to cross river , he placed luggage on my head and tied
with one vine firmly . radha was hesitant to get into water but
there was no other go . I took her hand into my hand and
walked into water . I asked boy to wait till we cross water . he
was in hurry to go back but on my request he did wait . I had
given him fifty rupees and assured equal while going back . he
should wait till we are back . looking after bike was also his
responsibility . time to time he did guide us . I was tall so it
didn’t matter much to me but for radha water came up to chest
level . she was bit scary so she hold me by my waste . she was
almost hugging me . cool water and hot body was good
combination . her dress had become almost transparent , but I
could see properly as I was concentrating on my steps and
balancing her . finally we reached other side of river . I waved
at the boy and he to waved back and ran from there . crystal
clear water was fascinating , I felt like swimming but I had not
taken her opinion .
I wanted to remove dress so that I can get them dried , as we had to walk
some distance to reach desired place . we should not catch cold was the idea .
plus clear water was fascinating for a cool swim . I could swim till clothes get
dried . I opened my shirt and then pant . radha looked puzzled to see me
undressing . I told her that I will put them for drying , as we have to walk
another couple of kilometers in this forest . we should not catch cold so its
better to put them for drying . I took out all clothes except undies . wringed
them to squeeze out water . and placed them on rock . she was standing like
statue , looking at me . I didn’t pay much attention to her and at last I told I
will prefer swimming till clothes are dried . its better if you do same . later
you should not blame that you caught cold because of me , or I didn’t tell you
. she asked how can I remove my dress here , what can I wear I don’t have
any other dress with me . its true that this is thick forest and there is no
much sun light here , already I am shivering with cold . we are in deep trouble
, if I knew I would have brought some clothes . that idiot didn’t tell us to
carry some clothes . we cant go back and get some .
she too reached bank and stood bit away from
me . then I looked at her , she had removed pajama but was in her kameej .
her dress had become total transparent . there was nothing much to imagine
as her dress was pasted like second skin . I smiled at her . you swim well she
commented . I think you are also very good in swimming , may be your dress is
hindrance . she said yes , and without this I could overtake you ., pointing at
her kameej . I said may be you could have tried it . but I am not sure whether
you can overtake me . I am gold medalist in swimming at college level . I stood
first in butterfly and second in breast stroke . she said I am also good at it .
but just by winning medal at college level , don’t think that you are champion .
I never thought that but one thing you girl can never match me , I tempted
her . till now I had no intention to compete with her , but I was teasing her .
she was bit angry for my comment , but still managed to say , don’t think that
way , always I am very good in challenges and swimming . you are not
confident let it go . I said no argument , I am not interested to compete with
you . I am not in mood so better go and sit . I never compete with
incompetent I teased her more . after another few words she looked really
angry for underestimating her .
her face became redder , she looked
beautiful when she is angry . without caring for her answer I went into water
. I took a leisurely lap to other side of river . by the time I came back she was nowhere to be seen . I stood there to bring my breath to normal . I was
above to jump again in water , she shout me to wait . I turned to the side of sound , I could not see her but heard her foot steps on dried leaves . then she appeared in panty and bra .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 14-12-2018, 10:59 AM

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