Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
I am at hospital
I am sitting in front of shyamala . she has delivered a female
child , both are well . soon sheela aunt left us to buy
medicines from outside and she is supposed to meet some of
her friend , before she came back . aunt asked me to sit
beside her , I laid down beside her . she looked at me . her
eyes were conveying happiness as well gratitude . they were
calm with satisfaction of having a baby that too normal . she
slid towards me , now her body is touching mine . she is in
hospital green dress . her face looked pale due to
yesterdays strain and sleepless night . she placed her arm
on my face , caressed my face with affection . we were
looking into each others eyes . our eyes were speaking the
unspoken words , we lost track of time and even world .
She was disturbed due to cry of newborn baby . she sat up
on bed and pulled thread of cradle . I got up and closed
door . within few minutes baby slept . I was lying on bed she
cam and lay beside me . I took her into my arms and hugged
her . I was seeing her after long gap of three months . she
gave a smooch , we lay hugging for some time . her big boobs
filled with fresh milk were being crushed between us . it
was wetting her dress she moved
away remembering some thing . she opened her nursing gown
provided by hospital . there was magnificent boob half nude
before me . she offered me to drink her milk . I was
hesitant to suck ,
fabulous boobs but thinking newborn I was hesitating . she
called me again come on shree darling I have preserved this
for you only . in fact since morning my breast are filling , I
wanted you to be first to suck my boobs and drink fresh
milk . I haven’t even feed baby till now . oh come on darling
be the first to taste . I went to her . she was lying on one
side , I lay beside her facing her . I took her heavy boob in
my hand . I knew by experience that I am not supposed to
press them hard or squeeze them , otherwise milk will start
spurting . I took one delicately and kissed it first outside ,
she said hey you fool don’t excite me , I asked you to suck
not to fuck . I am not in a position to get fucked , smiling at
me .
I took nipple in my lips and sucked like baby . at the same
time applied some pressure to release milk . sweet milk
started flowing into my mouth and descending into throat .
though this is not first time I am tasting milk , but this is
first time tasting first milk . first I had tasted didi’s milk
of coarse many times , she used to feed me , whenever I
went home town . she hasn’t come from there till date . I
will reason later .
It was fun to drink milk , direct from source . I raised my
head to look at aunt , she was caressing my head . there was
look of satisfaction and relief from pressure .
I asked aunt , do you know advantages of breast milk , she
thought for a moment . wanted to say some thing but
changed her mind and asked me to tell .
I said this aunt , she did laugh to her hearts content .
Shall I stop drinking , I asked . she said no need , there is
enough for her in other . but you are not going to touch
other as its reserved for her only . I drained one boob
complete , while I caressed other . she was moaning while
she feed me . I was not intending to excite her as this was
not right time for her . but however she was excited due to
my sucking and milk flowing from her boob into my mouth .
it was first experience for her .
We lay hugging for some more time . then baby cried , may
be she was hungry this time . I took her from cradle and
handed over to aunt . she was already sitting , she took it
into her lap . opened other breast , took hold of her nipple
and guided it to her mouth . baby became quite and started
sucking it . baby was sucking her moms nipple , I moved from
there , as its not good for baby to be seen feeding . I went
to bath got freshened and came back . I unbolted door and
took seat on chair , placed it beside cot .
By then there was knock .
please come in , door is open , I
shout . it was sheela . she looked at me and smiled , I could
not understand her smile . she took baby and sat chatting
with her sis . they to had met after long gap , sheela was
happy for her sis delivering baby after lot of delay . after
an hour or so eldest sis came with food for shyamala aunt .
we bid bye to shyamala aunt , headed home . all the girls
were happy to see me at shanthala aunt’s house . they too
missed me . evening passed in chatting and roaming around .
in night both mangal and akshatha sneeked into room ,
where I was sleeping . it was expected we had lots of fun
that night .
early in the morning after another round I sent them back
to their room . in the morning sheela and her sis were
talking , they decided for some small tour visiting their
relatives at a distant place . I was also involved in the troop
. sheela her sis another co –sister (jethani) of her were to
go . I was asked to accompany them . I was not interested in
this tour . all the ladies would be gossiping and would be lost
in their own talks . I would get bored so I pretended to be
busy with my own schedule . and I have to return back on
same day . after persistence I had to agree to accompany
them . I was not happy with the arrangement and still there
was an hour time for departure . I thought its better to
roam around before we left . I would utilize journey time in
sleeping while they gossiped as driver would be there . I
went to rohit’s shop and returned after I received call
from aunt .
I reached their house , had tea . by then I was
amused to find radha there . she too was to come with us . I
was bit happy that I would get some company but
remembering her words which she had said before her
helping episode made me sad . she smiled at me , I too
smiled but didn’t talk to her . its past story but I could not
forget the way she behaved with me , though later she must
have realized when I was hurt while I conquered her enemy
car was overcrowded so they dropped driver . I had to drive
, what I had thought was gone wrong . I wanted to have
some sleep as both kids had made me loose proper sleep
yesterday night . un willingly I took driver seat , radha with
other aunts sat in back seat and sheela occupied beside me .
it means another headache . they will speak loud to involve
sheela aunt . so that I cant even switch on audio system . as
expected they didn’t allow me to switch on audio till they
dozed off and later I was allowed to listen to music , that
too with low volume . some how we reached destination by
afternoon , without any eventualities .
there all were strangers to me , I was introduced to everyone ,
then only they remembered seeing me at marriage . all were
happy to see all of us , after getting freshened up they took us
to nearby sight seeing . we returned at night , we all had food ,
hosts were pressuring me to stay for another couple of days ,
so that we can go for some more sight seeing .
but I was
reluctant to go back . at last they advised me to go for water
falls , it was not far from my route . I had to take bit diversion
and it would be few km round . they said its proper season to
visit and we are sure , you will enjoy the trip . I said let me see
, I didn’t think much about this proposal . as some how I wanted
to leave and reach hubli , lots fo work was piling up for me .
they said they would awake me early so that can leave early . I
was given a separate room , I was tired due to journey and
sight seeing . I slept peacefully , next day I got up and got
ready to leave . I was waiting for aunts to get ready , but there
was no news of them . later I came to know that they had
postponed , I was happy that I could go alone , I could listen to
music and could smoke as I like .
but another surprise was waiting for me . radha was ready to
come with me . I tried dodge , I told sheela aunty to keep her
with them and they would need car to come back . I will make it
convenient to go by bus . they were not ready to listen to my
words and repeatedly told , not to forget water falls program .
I was not ready and we didn’t go well along . I was not at all
interested in this program . but I didn’t deny but said I will
think on the way and lets see how things can be managed .
radha was reluctant to go back for sake of college . she was
repeatedly telling that her periods will be missed and made
them agree to send her with me . it became almost inevitable
to take her with me . I left rear door open and sat before
steering . she took cue and sat in rear seat .
I was avoiding her
all the time . I started car and geared up , both of us were
silent , after some time she coughed and cleared throat , that
means she wants to talk , I switched on tape and increased
volume . couple of times she tried to talk but I behave as if I
didn’t hear her . she gave up idea of speaking , though I never
behaved rude to any one , here I just wanted to avoid her . all
the times her words pinched me and kept me away from her .
at one point she asked me to stop car as she needs water and
forgot to bring . I kept quite but she did shout again . I pulled
car to side near a restaurant . I waited for her to get out and
bring for herself . when she saw I was not moving , she pleaded
me to get bottle . I said why don’t you help yourself . she said
its not big task but unfortunately I have forgotten my purse at
aunt’s place . I wanted to fish out some money from valet and
hand her money . then I thought against it as it would be too
rude to do so .
I got down and brought two bottles one warm and other chilled
as I had not asked her preference . so that I should not go
back and exchange . but by the time I was back she had
shifted to front seat from rear . I saw that , I didn’t feel ok
for this . I dumped bottles on my seat . I waited for some time
outside so that she should go back to her seat , but she didn’t
make any move . so I went back and lit a cigarette , she looked
with bewilderment , as she was seeing me smoking for the first
time . then turned her head , she was reluctant to sit there
only . even after I threw butt she didn’t make any move .
I had
no reason to ask her to go back side . I got behind steering ,
there a smile flashed on her lips of victory . so it was all drama
to ask for water , she didn’t want it and what she had planned
is to shift to front seat . she could not ask or rather I didn’t
allow her to speak , otherwise she would have asked me to stop
and shifted . I felt as if I lost .
We must have covered another half an hour distance , she
wanted to speak , again I neglected her . she reduced volume
but I increased again . she switched off system , I took out
cell and earphone . at last she was sure that I am not going to
listen to her .
She did a worst thing , she bend forward on steering wheel and
tried to turn of ignition , by her bending her right tit smashed
on my left hand . I pushed her hand . she really got angry and desperate to draw my attention . in her next attempt
she not only switched off but pulled key . probably she was not
aware of result . steering wheel was locked and I could not
even take a curb . I pressed break with all the pressure , tyres
screeched but managed to stop vehicle and for our good luck
there were on other vehicles from both sides . I slapped her ,
it was bit harder than my expectation , she was taken aback .
she didn’t even know what happened and why did I slap her .
later I realized and begged sorry for my deed , I told her
about consequences , she too realized her mistake . she said
sorry and apologized that she was not aware of it . and her only
intention was to draw my attention .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 14-12-2018, 10:56 AM

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