
With Sudhir's late hours and my fears, our sex life ended until after my next period some three weeks later. I know it is silly, but I was afraid that somehow Sudhir would detect something different about me if we had sex.

After my period was over, I felt better about having sex again and lost my fear that something wouldn't be right. We had wonderful sex two or three times a week as Sudhir had returned to his normal hours.

A few weeks later, as I had gotten myself back in order and was putting my indiscretion behind me, the kids and I made our usual trip to Sunita's. When I saw her that morning, Sunita had that radiant face of a woman who has just had some great sex. Until this day, Sunita had been good about keeping her relationship with Barun out of our conversations. But today at the park Sunita was quick to tell me what a fantastic time she had with Barun last night. I asked her to please change the subject and she did. But the damage had been done. My memories of the romp in the sack with Barun came flooding back. I could even feel wetness start to build.
I can't deny that the fucking Barun gave me was one of the best I ever had, but it was wrong. I wrestled with the recurring thoughts and after a while I was able to dismiss them. When I got home I showered and changed my underwear. The children were late getting down for their naps and I was hot as a firecracker. I knew Sudhir would be home soon so, after the shower, I put on my short nylon robe and nothing else. When Sudhir got home, I almost bangd him before he could get through the kitchen.

When we went to the bedroom, I didn't even allow him to take a shower before I was on him. We made wild love. I explained that I had been thinking about him all day and that we could shower together when we finished. I did something new. I performed oral sex on him and swallowed his sperm. The oral sex wasn't new but swallowing his load was. Swallowing made me feel good because I was giving him something I had never given anyone else. I discovered swallowing was not all that bad and being the first time it was kind of exciting. Oh, how I love this man and how great he is in the sack. His loving is powerful yet always tender and I always feel so loved and completely sexually fulfilled when we finish. It's not the same as with Barun where it is just pure lust and sexual gratification.

Later when we went to bed for the night, we played with each other for a while before Sudhir fell asleep. I couldn't sleep right away because of my mental turmoil. I was extremely satisfied and content with our love-making. So why was I getting excited whenever I recalled my time with Barun?

Was it the forbidden fruit aspect? Was it his large cock? Was it the fact that he was black? Was sex with Barun more satisfying? The answers didn't come except to the last question. The answer there was that it definitely wasn't better. However, it was different. I had to admit that the experience had been exciting. Then I shocked myself into tears with an admission to myself that given the right opportunity I would probably do it again. I quietly cried myself to sleep hating that part of me that said I would do it again.
The next day Sudhir was called out of town to help with a system installation in a city over 200 miles away. He expected to be gone two weeks and likely wouldn't be home over the weekend.

On Tuesday morning of the second week of his assignment, Sunita called me and told me she was feeling very ill and asked if I could bring the kids and spend the day and maybe the night and look after her kids. She could only offer the sofa for me and air beds for the children. I told her I would be happy to help. I packed a few essentials for an over night stay and the three of us spent the day and the night. I called Sudhir and told him what had happened and that until I told him otherwise, to call me there or use the cell phone.
As it turned out, Sunita was not feeling better the next day so I agreed to stay on. Again and I let Sudhir know the situation. That night, or I should say the next morning, Barun came home from work about 2:30 a.m. He went to his room and, apparently while he was preparing for bed, he decided he wanted a glass of milk.

The previous night I had slept like a log and never heard Barun come in. Tonight I was having a fretful sleep and was awake at the slightest noise. Barun passed by me on the way to the kitchen and I could see from the refrigerator light that he was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts.

As he headed back to his room I made a big mistake and said, "Goodnight Barun."

He stopped and turned in my direction and told me he was sorry to have awakened me. I told him it was not his fault, that I was having a restless night. He asked if it was OK if he sat on the edge of the couch and talked while he drank his milk. I told him I didn't mind. He wanted to know how Sunita was doing and then we exchanged pleasantries and talked for a few minutes. He finally got around to telling me that he hoped I wasn't too upset with what had happened but that, seriously, he had really enjoyed it.

I don't know why, but I told him that I had enjoyed it too and that I didn't hold it against him (poor choice of words).

He said, in a joking manner, "I wouldn't mind it if you did hold it against me."

It had been two weeks since Sudhir and I made love and I was feeling a little horny. Though there wasn't much light except what came in from the street light across the street, I could see Barun 's cock starting to rise slightly in his shorts. It gave me a little thrill to know that I was causing 'junior' to get active. His back was to the street light and I could not see his eyes but he could see mine and that I was looking at his shorts. He reached over and gently took my hand and placed it on top of the tent that was forming in his shorts and with a big smile, said, "Do you mind if I hold you against it?"

When my hand rested on his shorts, his cock reacted as it had before and then started to rise some more. I started to withdraw my hand but instead, I found myself wrapping my fingers around it. Again, I knew I should stop but I also knew what was coming if I let things continue. The memories of our first encounter flooded my head and I found myself in turmoil. My logic finally gave in to the thinking that infidelity is not based on the number of times it happens. It is based on the fact that it happened at all. Added to the fact that I was feeling horny, I let lust take control.

I reached through the fly of his shorts and pulled his love tool free. With just a slight twist, I was able to get my mouth positioned in front of his cock and without a second thought I let my lips engulf almost half of his cock. The move was perfect because Barun was able to lift my nightgown and shove his tongue into my waiting pussy. I wanted to scream out, but I controlled the impulse lest I wake the whole house.

We gave each other oral pleasure for a few minutes and then Barun started to position himself to enter me. Just then it hit me that Barun was about to enter without protection and I spoke up.

Barun told me that since Sunita was on the pill he didn't have any more condoms.

I told him we could continue only if he promised to pull out before he deposited his seed.

Barun agreed to pull out and I was quickly rewarded with that beautiful cock entering me and completely filling my pussy. I don't know if it was the naughtiness of my actions or the fantastic feeling of being completely fucked again, but I lay back and utterly enjoyed our sex.

I'm glad that Barun was good to his word and he pulled out as he was ready to cum. By the time he shot, I was so hot that I would have allowed him to deposit his load in me and then I would most likely have ended up pregnant and divorced. I was feeling so hot that I took his cock into my mouth just before he erupted. I swallowed most of his cum and then cleaned his cock completely.

Barun pulled me up and swabbed my mouth with his tongue. He said he had never tasted his cum before. I had to admit that this was only the second time I had swallowed cum. This had been one of the most erotic adventures I had ever experienced. I wish I could say I felt guilty, but I didn't. I had enjoyed every moment of it. I had soared to a sexual height I had never known before. I knew for sure that I wanted it to happen again and I now realized that I would probably fuck Barun any time it was possible. This mental acknowledgement scared the hell out of me. I wanted more of Barun and I didn't want to hurt or lose Sudhir. One thing was for sure, if I was going to play with Barun, I needed to go back on the pill. Sunita was up and about on Thursday so I didn't need to spend the night. When I talked with her before going home, she asked if I had fucked Barun last night, that she had thought she heard activity. I blushed and admitted that I had but asked her not to use that nasty four-letter word. While Sunita looked after the kids I went grocery shopping and I stopped at a pharmacy and bought birth control pills.
I was not getting any idea the place where I could hide it safely. At last I kept it in the kitchen drawer. I knew Sudhir will never put his hand there. I was able to start the pills the following week.

I had some deep pangs of guilt as I started the pills the day after Sudhir returned from his two-week assignment. Mentally I battled with the deceit I was preparing to carry on and with the sexual spike I would get when I thought of fucking Barun again. It was unfortunate that Sudhir's return coincided with the beginning of my period so we were unable to make love upon his return.

During this time I had serious conversations with Sunita. She knew I wanted to have more of Barun and she was more than willing to share. It seems that Barun was turning out to be more than she could handle. We agreed that on one or two days a week she would take the kids to the park and I could have the house and Barun to myself. It so happened my period ended on the Sudhire day that we made our final arrangements.
I went home that afternoon with a mixture of emotions and feelings again. I was excited about having more of Barun 's cock and knowing it would be on a relatively frequent basis. The other side of me was about to cry as I mentally acknowledged that I was going to continue to deceive and be unfaithful to Sudhir. I vowed that I would be very careful and would end the affair soon. Sudhir would never know and would not be hurt.

Two days later I told the kids that I had some extra errands to run and that Sunita would take them to the park. After they left I went into Sunita's room and got out of my shirt and slacks and slipped into a very daring baby doll set that I had brought with me. Sudhir had given it to me for my birthday and I had only modeled it once for him. While I was changing, I heard Barun come in and go to his room. When I had finished my transformation from 'wife and mommy' to 'unfaithful wife looking for sex,' I went to his door and knocked. He opened the door and his jaw dropped when he saw me.

I asked, "You receiving visitors?"

He smiled and said, "Hell-l-l yes," and pulled me into his arms.

He guided me to the bed, removed my thong, and sank his tongue into my pussy. I immediately squirmed around until I could get his cock in my mouth. We were playing the sixty-nine game and we continued until we both came. We rested a few minutes and thankfully, Barun recovers fast. Shortly, we were in the missionary position while he pumped in and out of my pussy and I lifted my hips to meet his thrusts. He now knew I was on the pill and he pumped a huge load of warm sperm into my convulsing cunt. It was fantastic and I was on cloud nine.

Afterwards I went into Sunita's bathroom, douched, and showered and while in the shower I couldn't help but rub my still tingling pussy. I left the baby doll outfit on the bed to take home. I would need to get a new something sexy for use with Barun.

When Sunita and the children came home we had lunch and put the children down for naps. Sunita took me to the kitchen to hear how things had gone. Well things had gone well. Sutapa has successfully transformed from 'wife and mommy' to 'unfaithful wife.

Sudhir continues………..
Well I knew everything from her dairy now. How she started her affair and how it is going now. But the million dollar question is what I should do about it. Should I divorce her making the things bitter for her and making her a villain in the eyes of her children, family and society? She is cheating me just because Barun is having an extraordinary large cock and he can fuck like an animal for long. I know Sutapa loves me very much. I love her too and she knows that very well. Her relation with Barun is based on pure sex and lust. There is no love or other emotional bond between them other than pure sex. Yes….. I am jealous because she is having fun with another man. But I can’t deny that our sex life was also improved dramatically after she started her affair. I am having plenty of sex from her. I have to admit that she was making me completely satisfied in bed. Barun is not taking something from me. Actually he made my wife satisfied, energetic, and happy.

I want to know what will happen next if I let Barun continue fucking my wife. I want to know how long Sutapa cheats me. Just because he is having an enormous cock and he fucks really well, some day will Sutapa leave me? Just for fucking another man is it possible for her to leave her children’s too. I don’t think so. So I have decided to give the matter a pass and continue to love my wife as before. I know that things can go other way too because she is a women and no one knows how woman thinks. But I have decided to play the game. Pl tell me your opinion about it. (end)
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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIFES by stranger_women - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 04:13 PM

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