Fantasy Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter
"We're back," Carlton Sage told the camera. "And we're ready to take our first call. Hello, Nick from Orlando. You're Live, Fire Away." He said his trademarked catchphrase with a serious nod, as always.

"Hi, Carlton." Nick from Orlando's voice said over the studio speakers. "Longtime viewer, first time caller. I just wanted to ask: What about the GOOD that Goodallazine has done for the world. I mean, yes, Adam One has twisted it for evil; but there are scientists working on a cure, and it's been serving its original intended purpose well. Species that were once on the brink of extinction are making a comeback.

Carlton turned back to the panel and looked them over.

"Nick has a point. Goodallazine appears to work across species. The bald eagle, the panda; even the whales are slowly returning. Some are suggesting that in time, the Great American Buffalo may roam the plains in herds again. Dr. Park, you look like you have something to say on this."

"Yes, I do, Carlton." Dr. Jennifer Park replied as the camera cut to her and displayed her name and credentials at the bottom of the screen. "At what cost, Nick? Women are losing their free will to this biochemical, agreeing with 'whatever Master says.' Some men have harems, women who are still US citizens, with the right to vote, who'll vote whatever way their man tells them to if he promises them a ride on his cock afterwards. One man can now have between five to ten votes! Politics is becoming the realm of a handful of privileged men again."

"If I might interject a moment, Dr. Park." Jason Litwack said. The camera immediately turned to him. "It almost sounds like you're suggesting we repeal the 19th Amendment or create some new 3/5ths Compromise."

"Certainly not! We need to rethink, not repeal." She replied. "This is not a slippery slope fallacy, this is a foreseeable chain of events. Human endeavor will shift focus to procreation; to the exclusion of all other pursuits. We can forget about going to Mars or curing cancer, because everyone will be too busy fucking and consuming enough food to survive before going right back to it to care. Until the food runs out, too; because no one's farming anymore. We'll become a planet that does nothing but starve and fuck in the dark when people stop maintaining the electricity. But hey, at least the Siberian white tiger will be OK, right?"

"Looks like there's no easy answer there." Carlton Sage cut in. "Thanks for calling, Nick. Next up is Chloe from Chicago; one of the cities to fall prey to Goodallazine. Chloe, You're Live, Fire Away."

"Hi, Mr. Sage!" Chloe's voice bubbled over the speakers. "First time viewer, first time caller. I just wanted to tell Dr. Park that Goodallazine is the best thing that ever happened to me." The sound of fingers on wet flesh could be heard over the phone. "I love my new life, and so do my Master's other girls! I used to be a wanton slut. Men, women, I didn't care. Now I am HIS slut, and I have a purpose; and now when I play with other women, it's for HIS enjoyment. And nothing could make me happier. I look forward to giving him many children, and so do my sisters. What could be wrong with that?"

Dr. Park was about to speak when Kenzie Starnes cut her off.

"You weren't given a choice!" She yelled. "If the Chloe who existed before you were the victim of a terror attack were asked if this was the life she wanted, what would she say? The contentment that you feel is artificial, brought on by a chemical that terrorists released into the atmosphere! And you called him 'master!' Doesn't that tell you anything?"

The wet sounds on Chloe's end became more intense, as did her breathing. This was also becoming a commonplace occurrence; that women afflicted by the chemical, in the absence of the man it had bonded them to, had mostly been able to rejoin society, albeit now with a never-ending lust for their man's cock. A woman touching herself discreetly in public was becoming something that people politely ignored, unless she was being too blatant about it. Arguments about women breastfeeding in public became a thing of the past, once arguments about women trying to quietly attain orgasm in public, so that they might be able to function in society for a couple of hours before the lust rose to uncontrollable levels again, became prevalent. It was now regarded as tacky for anyone but her man or another Goodallazine-afflicted woman to "offer their assistance" or join along.

"It tells me..." Chloe was starting to gasp her words out. "That I'm happy. Who cares... NNGH... Ohhhh fuck!" she breathed heavily for a moment. They patiently waited for Chloe to recover. "If some chemical is making me happy. The point is that I am, and you should mind her own business."

Chloe ended the call.

"Artificially-induced or not." Jason Litwack spoke up. "There's no denying that Chloe's found some kind of happiness in the world. Isn't that what we all want?"

The question was rhetorical, but Haley Smoot answered it.

"Americans are guaranteed the rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Not the infliction of it, Mr. Litwack. This chemical forces women into a specific life, deprives them of liberty, and then convinces them that they're too happy to care!"
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RE: Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:20 PM

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