Fantasy Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter
Pink Zone Rising

Images played on the screen. Stock footage of scientists working with chemicals and animals. Ominous music played as the announcer's voice came in.

"Goodallazine," he said. "A chemical created with only the best of intentions. But now..." The image switched to the scales of justice, a stack of papers falling on one side, knocking them out of balance. A graphic of the word "DIVORCE," in lettering to make it look like a red rubber-stamp slammed across the screen diagonally with a loud thud. "It's cost you your marriage!"

The image changed to a serene duck pond with a park bench in front of it. A man in an expensive suit leaned against the back of the bench, looking into the camera. A peaceful, friendly smile was on his face; as if he'd been for a nice stroll around the park and hadn't noticed his old pal, the camera, sitting there and decided to stop by. Everything about him exuded serene confidence, and the music changed to stock tranquil commercial music.

"Our society is being changed dramatically," he said calmly to his old friend. "New laws on marriage and divorce are being written practically every day. It can be a scary, confusing time, and that's why the law offices of Jason Litwack are here for you."

A caption identified the man as "Jason Litwack, Attorney at Law" as he took a seat on the bench to continue his brief chat with the camera.

"My team and I are charting new areas of Divorce Law every day. Unusual new terms are coming into our profession all the time; such as 'Involuntary Adultery,' 'Non-Consensual Abandonment,' 'Medically-Compelled Public Indecency,' and so many others. We're here to help you through this devastating period." He bowed his head and shook it on the word "devastating." Jason stood up and looked back into the camera.

"Goodallazine has cost you your happy home. It shouldn't have to cost you everything."

More tranquil stock music played as the phone numbers and addresses of the various law offices of Jason Litwack appeared on the screen.

The image changed, and the end of the commercial was seen playing on a screen in a television studio set up for a panel discussion. Carlton Sage, the veteran newsman who hosted the show and sat at the head of the table, turned to face the studio camera.

"That was the latest commercial from one of our guests, Jason Litwack, Attorney at law. Good evening, I'm Carlton Sage, and you're watching LiveFire, live from our Washington D.C. studio." He changed tone from a welcoming one to a stern one. "Goodallazine: often called the 'Pink Plague.' One year ago, today, San Francisco; the first attack by members of the so-called 'Sons of Adam' terrorist organization and their hood-wearing, voice-disguised leader, Adam One."

A picture of the now familiar hooded figure filled the screen. A figure seen many times in the media, and many more in the nightmares of free-thinking women the world over, always with some famous former lesbian servicing him in his videos, now devoted to him and his cock by the pheromone's effects.

"And in that year," he continued. "As the global manhunt for Adam One has continued, seventeen more cities around the globe; and the authorities are still unable to agree on a discernible pattern, have fallen prey to them. Tonight, we take a look back on how the world has changed in that time. We'll open up phone lines at our second commercial break. Let's introduce our panel."

He turned to face the guests. The camera cut to each one as he introduced them, and they all nodded sagely as their names were given.

"Jason Litwack, Attorney at Law; whose commercial we just viewed. Seated next to him, Father James McKenna of the local D.C. parish will discuss how Goodallazine has affected the Church. Haley Smoot is here, from the newly-formed Department of Women's Security, to talk about what the government is doing to take care of Goodallazine victims. Dr. Jennifer Park, a Sociologist with Georgetown University will discuss changes in our society in the last year, and what they mean for the future. And next to her is Kenzie Starnes, representing the Coalition for Women's Rights Now; credited with creating the #WhileWeStillCan hashtag. Our panel tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen. They're under LiveFire!"

The opening graphic to the show displayed each word of the title being shot around the bullseye of a target until the line above it said "Live," and the line below said "Fire." They merged into the LiveFire logo over the bullseye.

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RE: Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:19 PM

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