Fantasy Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter
This ended up graduating from Note to Foreword. I got back into writing two years ago, starting with a little experiment in dialogue with no description about two best friends realizing that their soulmate had been staring them in the face their whole lives, thanks to their mind control powers.

In that time, I have deviated from what I assure you that I never would have dreamt of calling if someone else hadn't first, "The Equalsverse," exactly once. The one story that I've gotten actual feedback on, the only story that gets requests for a sequel, has been "Pink Zone Warning." I'd thought that once we knew Larry and Jill would fuck happily ever after, the story was over. I truly hate the villain that I have created. Maybe that's why I find it so compelling.

I haven't kept count of how many people have told me that they'd like to see more of this world, and where it was heading. Not a boast-worthy number; say more than three, less than eight. Enough for me to consider that they might know something that I don't. So, I decided to run with it. Welcome to the second of what I hope might spawn an anthology: Tales From The Pink Zone. Maybe I AM on to something here, who knows? This could end up something like "Master PC;" a world that others might like to write and play in. I'll come up with some guidelines if anyone's interested.

There's no San Finzione in this world. I intend these to be short stories, unconnected except by the world. Larry & Jill got married, he DOES treat her like his wife and friend, not his slave, they're happy. Local news did a human-interest story on them, and Jill's written a book about it; their story's told. On to the next Tale!

And as always, if Dr. Goodall and/or any of her family should read these stories, please accept my sincere apologies. Her name was chosen BECAUSE of her lifelong devotion to science and the protection of endangered species, and my admiration thereof. And because I couldn't think of a less-deserving person whose name could be associated with something that started out with such noble intent and ended up being as horrible as Goodallazine. Conversely, if there IS some real MRA group calling themselves the Sons of Adam, fuck you. It struck me as a good enough name for one that someone might have thought of it already. If so, don't care.

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RE: Pink Zone Rising: A Tale From The Pink Zone by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:18 PM

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