Fantasy An Intermission Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
Julie took another deep breath and sighed it out. She dimly became aware of a shifting weight on the bed, followed by a soft hand gently parting her unresisting legs.

"Troy? What's..."

"It's ok, honey. It's just Susan. I told her what I have in mind and she asked if she could do anything to help."

"Oh...ok," she said distantly, never looking away from Troy's eyes. "Hi, Susan."

"Hi, Julie. Hope you've had a good day," Susan said seductively, crawling between her legs.

"Mmm...I have a feeling I'm abo...OH! Ohhh..." Julie was interrupted by Susan giving her pussy a little kiss, followed by a long, slow, loving lick up the length of her slit.

Troy stroked Julie's hair as he spoke. "Go deeper and relax, My Love."

"Mmm...thank you, Master...ohhh..." Again, Susan's tongue gave her a gentle lick.

Troy took a deep breath. "Julie, there has never been a moment in my life when I haven't loved you. I didn't have to put a lot of thought into the whole sleepover theme for the evening because every night with you is a sleepover with my best friend."

Julie smiled and nodded. "Mine, too. The orgasms are a nice addition, though. Ohhh!!!" Susan recognized a cue when she heard one and lapped at Julie's clit for a few seconds before continuing her previous slow, deliberate pace. "I've said before that if I ever need to send a letter to my best friend, mmm... the man I love, and the sexiest man alive, I'd only need one stamp."

It was Troy's turn to smile now. "Every good thing that's happened to me, your smiling face has been there."

"And every bad thing that's...ooh...happened to me, your arms have been there, Troy." Troy looked down at his arms around her. She picked up on what he was looking at. "I don't mean NOW, Master. This is really nice... mmm... REALLY nice..."

Susan stopped licking and looked up at them. "May I add something?"

The two broke their gaze and looked down at her. "Sure, hon," Julie said to her. Troy nodded as well.

"I just wanted to say that I think it's so cute the way the two of you still hold hands when you cross a street. I don't think either of you is even aware that you do it; like it's just a reflex for both of you. We'll be out somewhere and the crosswalk sign changes to the little green man and one of you just reaches out your hand and the other takes it. Then the two of you walk across the street like that. Even if I didn't know you and I saw that, I'd think that you'd been doing it that way since you were kids."

Troy and Julie turned their heads back to look into each other's eyes, both picturing crossing a street. When they looked back down, they saw Susan smiling broadly at their joined hands.

"Hmm...I never noticed that," Troy mused. "Thank you, Susan."

"Yeah," Julie said. "You're right. Thanks."

"My work here is done," Susan replied with a grin. "Or, almost, anyway." She bent back down and continued her slow, deliberate licks of Julie's pussy.

"I guess I just always know your hand is going to be there," Julie told Troy, punctuating it with another little kiss, followed by a moan as Susan did her work.

"It is. And I always want it to be there for you. I found something recently that's had me on the nostalgia kick." Troy reached over to his nightstand and pulled something out of the drawer. He held it up and let the antique gold pocket watch dangle above them. Julie let out a little squeal.
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RE: An Intermission Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:08 PM

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