Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"That was a month ago. Whyte knew about The Elders long before then. He would have had to in order to set up the Raymond Chen thing in the first place! Last month, Helena had them scared enough to send her a severed hand. Today, they're brave enough to hit her hotel? And now they INSIST Helena come to a face-to-face meeting. Why? To listen to the recording? They need HER to work an MP3 player? Whyte had a whole month to operate while nobody knew his name; when he was just Yorkshire. Who knows what he was doing besides putting out ads for deaf mercenaries? Maybe he didn't have a deal with The Elders back when all this started, but he could've made one since."

Julie grabbed Troy by the upper arms and looked him in the eye.

"He knows he can't outbid her by himself, Master. What if he and the Elders went in on it together?"

Troy stopped and took a couple more seconds to examine the thoughts.

"The Elders needed the justification of the limo hit to attack the hotel. Helen has just as many friends as she does enemies in organized crime; friends whom she permits to operate in San Finzione, as long as they play by her rules. A straight-up hit would piss off some other old, well-established organizations with good relationships with Helen. However, a retaliation; a 'matter of honor,' would be a different story." Julie raised an eyebrow at that. "San Finzione was founded by Italians, Mistress. Helen owns casinos and resorts. You don't need your Math Boy for this one."

"Yeah, I get it, Master. We watch The Godfather movies every Thanksgiving, you know."

"Well, it IS time to be spent with The Family." Troy replied. They both gave a tiny smile at the joke that was now automatic for Troy whenever the subject of their marathon came up, before Julie continued.

"So," She remarked as they looked both ways and joined hands again before crossing the street. "Whyte sends Morgan after Helena. Morgan gets to her, but he fails to kill her. So, then he goes to the Elders and says 'Raymond Who? I'm the one who almost took down 'The Viper That Whatevers' for you. Got closer than you ever have, anyway. With your help, I can finish the job.'"
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 02:52 PM

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