20-06-2021, 11:08 AM
(16-06-2021, 11:42 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Chapter 102 - Inside Out 2 {Season 10, episode 17, time: present}
There is a naughty Tamil saying about innocent boys – “Indha Punayum Paal Kudukkuma?”
Translation: “Can this Cat also drink milk?”
Broader meaning: Is this naïve boy capable of doing bold (sexual) things?
And Gabe is now proving “he can drink milk.”
This guy who just minutes ago was kissed for the first time by a girl now exploited the situation to kiss all the three women in the room.
Both Samantha and Chai are taken aback by his brazen behavior.
While Chai is thinking if it was too risky to involve him in their assignment,
Sam is thinking exactly the opposite. She is getting horny thinking of the next steps with Gabe
and what he will do to her once she gives him the liberty and he gets comfortable.
Samantha’s clean-shaven pussy was oozing juice into her super sexy red panties.
She even feels she can smell her cunt.
(19-06-2021, 06:44 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Chapter 103 - Inside Out 3 {Season 10, episode 18, time: present}
Sam sitting on Gabe's thighs
Then, Sam did something very clever.
“Oh Chai! I love you! You are the sweetest husband, Chaitanya Ji!” She said loudly.
And, soundly kissed Gabe on his cheeks.
Muuuuchhhh Muuuuucchhhhh Muuuuchhhhhhhhh
Once. Twice. Thrice.
And again loudly said, “my darling hubby!”
Sam got up from Gabe’s thigh and gave a final whisper
“your punishment is coming for sure, Gabe! Be prepared”, went back and sat down in her place.
Chaitanya had no problems with vision, obviously, and quickly bent down,
kissed Noor gently on her cheek, and leaned to her ear and said:
“Noor you are a nice girl. I know David is taking undue advantage of you.
Don’t let that ruin your life. Give Gabe a chance. He is a nice guy!”
Chai kissing Noor
Kissed count: Veda/Sam/Chai once each. Gabe/Noor twice each.
The question is simple: Are you a Virgin?
Not God but Chai knew what is going to happen today.
Chai’s thoughts, “well Gabe! Say goodbye to your virginity! Your virgin days will be forever over tonight.
That is the primary purpose of this party. And. It will be someone else indeed. Well beyond your imagination.”
OK Chai, how about you? Samantha said with all the sarcasm in the world.
The humiliation of his own wife asking him if he was a Virgin that too in front of his own employees
was beyond his expectation, even considering Sam’s Vixen-ness.
Veda couldn’t control her laughter. Neither could Noor a bit. It was a hilarious talk.
Off course I am not a virgin, Sam. You off all people know this, he managed to say.
Oh Chai, my sweet, sweet husband! I think maybe you are!
Sam put out her tongue teasing Chai
OK, I guess that leaves just me.
Sam had thought of this question to be asked in this ‘truth’ round and had a well prepared answer.
You want to hear? Here you go.
I am an one third Virgin, Sam cheekily said.
The dishes Sam made were Lamb kabab, chicken curry, potato peas curry, jeera rice, and really well prepared rumali roti.
Sam being vegan restricted to her selected dishes.
As they continued eating, Sam then proposed a talent round, with each one getting a chance.
(19-06-2021, 07:41 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Chapter 104 - Inside Out 4 {Season 10, episode 19, time: present}
As they continued eating, Sam proposed a TALENT ROUND, with each one getting a chance.
Chai's turn...
Chai shied away saying he’s got no talent. No, you do! Sam said smiling.
“Folks, try asking Chaitanya Ji about any country in the world.
He knows them in and out. I challenge there is no country that he does not know ”
It was true. Chai’s GK was splendid.
And now, time for Samantha’s performance!
(19-06-2021, 08:37 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Now, time for Samantha’s performance.
She put her dinner plate away.
Samantha smilingly looked at all, switched on the music system, and dimmed the lights a bit.
The audience knew they were in for a show.
Sam was gonna dance and the song is TU CHEEZ BADI HER MAST MAST
Noor dancing with Chai | Veda dancing with Gabe
OK, my turn with the Guys. I want to dance with both the guys!
Samantha kissing Chai while dancing with both Chai & Gabe
Being sandwiched was a totally new experience for our Slutty Sam.
Sam’s breathing increased…
“Gabe! You are still going to get full punishment tonight before you go!” she was whispering to him.
Gabe’s fears were mostly gone. If punishment meant more of kinky behaviour from his Boss’s wife.
He was ready for more and more and more punishment.
“Samantha Mam! Yessssssss! Punishhhh meeeee…. Pleaseee…..”
Then Samantha turned in the direction of Chai again, and whispered to him:
Chai, tell Gabe to obey everything I say and keep me good company.
Tell him to please me in every manner that I ask him to.
Go drop Noor at her home in your car and wait in our garage until I message you.
Once I message, come tiptoed into the home.
I will READY everything by then.
So saying Samantha pinched Chai’s cock. Chai twitched!
There was so much more coming tonight, Chai knew! Vera Level night!
(19-06-2021, 10:21 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Chapter 105 - The two & half Virgins 1 {Season 10, episode 20, time: present}
In Sam’s Apartment…
Sam was smiling to herself - now she had Gabe all for herself while her hubby will wait in Garage
And Gabe is waiting with thrill & anticipation & a little bit of fear.
In Velan’s apartment…
Veda giving darshan to Velan in bra & panties
In the car…
And Noor was stretching her body as if to expose her Boobs to Chai.
Chai knew Noor had some wine.
But he was alarmed and bit nervous on what Noor is trying to say.
Sir. So many people have taken advantage of me.
Even David Sir you know that. Even Leo our security guard.
But I have true feelings for you only. It is true Sir. I swear.
For first time, I want to voluntarily have sex with a person.
And that is with you.
Noor looked at Chai and spread her legs a bit wide.
Chai hit the brakes Hard!!!! Noor jerked forward.
Thankfully she was wearing a seat belt!
Noor is shocked at this sudden stop and wondering if Chai got angry with what she said and did.
My my....what a series of updates bro !!!! Fucking Awesome!!!!!!!
One way is to appreciate your writing is just getting hard reading the updates and shagging ourselves and afterwards saying "brilliant..mast (superb)....extremely hot update....."
Another way to comment is first enjoying properly, getting rock hard while reading the updates then with the help of our imagination power having a great masturbate session. And then giving a detailed update chapter by chapter.
I opt for the second option. I have already enjoyed yesterday night and now giving a thorough review -
Chapter 102 to 104 (Inside Out 2, 3, 4) -
Here basically Samantha gets out the inner self of Noor, Veda and Gabe...
In Chapter 102 - Gabe's brave and cunning behavior really surprised Chai and Sam and us also. In a true sense he performs the "Tenali Rama" act. Splendid.
Yes Gabe is the smart-ass cat who can drink milk... Mmmmm Gabe will suck Sam's succulent boobs so well... will make Sam hornier....
In chapter 103 - Now its turn of Samantha to surprise Gabe. Ohh what a solid description man.... Slutty Sam sitting on Gabe's lad grinding her cunt with Gabe's already hard cock and whispering in Gabe's ear that she will punish him.... This makes us fucking super horny.....Ahhhhh...
Similarly Sam's humiliating Chai by taking his name while kissing Gabe and during the "Truth" session Sam declaring herself anal virgin (her face and pussy is already fucked heavily) is really kinky. But I think this humiliation is nothing....compare to what is going to happen in the upcoming chapter where Sam will fuck Gabe.........
The touch given by you describing delicious dinner menu items adds a creative angle to this story. It shows your detailing nature which I love very much....
Chapter 104 - This chapter again gets out the animalistic sexual nature from myself. While reading Slutty Sam's solo dance or her being sandwiched between Chai and Gabe, enjoying Gabe's cock while kissing Chutiya chai... just at that time wanted to rip the bitch's dress and fucking her right at that place like mad. It reminds me of the character Rana. We have accused him but sometime in the heat it seems just to make Sam a fucking whore by taking her in the midst of some raw muscular men who will just fuck her without any compassion.
Here in this chapter Sam's manipulative side again comes out when she is clearly gives instruction to Chai what to do next. Her plan has started to getting a shape here.....
Chapter 105 - The title "Two and Half Virgins" is not clear yet. What is clear three horny adultery (one among them is taboo - grandfather/granddaughter) scenes are going to happen. I personally prefer Chutiya Chai and drunk Noor sex must not happen. Chutiya Chai must properly drop Noor at her house and then come to their apartment garage and getting humiliated by Slutty Sam. Veda and Velan thing is just curious for me.... Love to see what shape you (the author) give this relationship....
So dear Sammie Bro, you are doing your creative passionate hobby of emptying male readers' cock (and guess female readers' pussy) absolutely perfectly.
Looking for so many chapters like this in near future...
Thank you and happy writing!!!!