Adultery Married lady slips
Debdita  was a very attractive 35-year-old housewife. She was in excellent shape and maintained the figure of a 20-something-year-old. Her body was fit and tone all over. She had a passion for fitness. She engaged in some form of vigorous exercise almost every day. She was happily married and had a 15-year-old son Bobby. They lived in the suburbs and all enjoyed a nice life together.

One Spring afternoon, Debdita  was having lunch with her closest friend Pinky . Pinky  and Debdita  were sorority sisters in college and remained close friends ever since. Pinky  was 38 and married. She had two kids and was also a very attractive woman.

"Are you free next Tuesday?" Pinky  asked.
"I think so. Why?" Debdita  inquired.
"There is this really fun party you should attend with me," Pinky  explained. "I know you will really have a lot of fun. You could sorda say it's a woman's group."
"What do you mean by 'sorda'?" Debdita  asked.

"It can be a touch on the wilder side of things I guess you could say," Pinky  answered. "But it is all women with kids like us. And it is all good fun. Come on. I know you. I know you will love it. Just trust me, ok?"
"Trust you? Pinky , that almost always gets us into big trouble," Debdita  said as she laughed. "But ok. Why not? I'll go." Pinky  told Debdita  what to wear and she arranged to pick her up on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Debdita  and Pinky  drove to the party. It was at a large mansion about a 45-minutes' drive from where they lived. They were greeted by the host as they entered the house. Pinky  then led Debdita  upstairs to one of the bedrooms.

"They have these parties every month," Pinky  explained. "Each month it is a different theme. The host picks the theme and provides all the ladies with matching lingerie to wear. It feels a bit like a pajama party, but sexier. And the best part is, we get to keep the lingerie."
They entered the bedroom and there were numerous neatly organized sets of lingerie laying on the bed. "Looks like it's a garters and stockings theme this month," Pinky  commented. Debdita  walked over to the bed and picked up some of the lingerie.
"Pinky , this is Zivame!" Debdita  exclaimed. "Do you know how expensive this stuff is?"
"I know. I do," Pinky  responded.
"No, seriously," Debdita  remarked. "A bra, panty and garter set from them has to cost like a 5 k."
"I know," Pinky  commented. "The host is loaded. She goes all out for these parties."
"And the guests are all women?" Debdita  asked. "We aren't going to be parading around in our undies with a bunch of men are we?"

"Um. That's right. The guests are all ladies like us," Pinky  remarked as she started undressing. Debdita  followed her lead and got undressed and started putting on the lingerie provided by the host. Once they both had on their bra, panties, garters and stocking, they slipped their heels back on and headed downstairs.

Once downstairs, they began mingling with the other ladies. There were about 15 other women at the party when Pinky  and Debdita  got downstairs. Debdita  was having a great time. She though the lingerie theme was fun and made her feel sexy. She took notice of all the other women and thought they all looked sexy as well. She enjoyed it.

After a couple hours, the host made an announcement saying we are ready to start the competition. "The competition?" Debdita  whispered in Pinky 's ear.
"Ok, here is where the wild part I mentioned comes into play," Pinky  remarked.
"Pinky , what have you gotten me into?" Debdita  quietly exclaimed. Debdita  was used to Pinky  getting them both into a bit of hot water. Pinky  was the wilder of the two friends and liked to push the envelope. Debdita  had a wild side and enjoyed being adventuresome, but she wasn't an instigator on her own. She required a ringleader like Pinky  to stir up trouble.

"Relax," Pinky  said. "It's all good fun. So here it is. The competition is a facial competition." Debdita  stared back at Pinky  with a confused look.
"That doesn't sound that wild," Debdita  commented.
"No Debdita , not like a spa facial, a cum facial," Pinky  clarified.
"Oh my god!" Debdita  exclaimed. She took a moment to digest what she just heard at what that really meant. It occurred to her that that required men to be involved. "I thought you said this party was all women?"
"Well, I guess in complete fairness that wasn't entirely true," Pinky  confessed. "Though technically speaking, I did say all of the 'guests' are women. That part is absolutely true. But yes, there will be a few guys here for the competition."
"Pinky !" Debdita  exclaimed.

"Relax," Pinky  said. "They are just here for the gals competing. We are just going to watch."
Before Debdita  could respond, a lady walked by and handed a scorecard and pen to each of the ladies. "Ok, here is how the competition works," Pinky  commented. "There are three rating criteria. One is Volume, or Facial Coverage really. Two is Distance. And three is Style. Ten points maximum for each category. Each lady and her guy companion will go up on the stage downstairs and 'compete' one pair at a time. Basically, whatever they want to do that ends in the guy giving his gal a facial. All of the 'non-competing' ladies like us in the audience will score each pair. Then they tally the scores and announce a winning pair at the end. And they give out some pretty lavish prizes to the winner. It is really a lot of fun."
"I get volume and distance I think, but how is style scored?" Debdita  asked as she was still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.

"You will get scored higher for giving a blowjob compared to just a simple hand job or the guy merely jerking off for example. And you will almost always get maximum points for having your candidate fuck you on stage. The scores are weighted 50% on style and 25% each for volume and distance. So, for example, if you fucked a guy who shoots an average load, you could beat a gal that has a guy that cums like a porn star only jerk off and cum on her face."

"Do women really have sex here on stage?" Debdita  asked.
"Sure," Pinky  responded. "Sometimes. Not in every competition, but it does happen occasionally."
"Have you ever participated?" Debdita  inquired.
"Yes. A few times. Got second place once. Evidently, the girl who beat me fucked a guy that completely covered her face in cum like it was a porno movie. I don't know how you are supposed to compete with that. The only downside of competing though is that you don't get to watch the other girls compete. They want to make it harder for you to know just how far you have to go to win. So, you kinda have to push it as far as you are willing if you want to have a chance to win. Makes it more exciting I suppose."
"But you haven't had sex here have you?" Debdita  asked.
"No. I've thought about it, but haven't done that yet," Pinky  replied.
"This is all so wild. I can't believe something like this even exists. Or that we are here. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." Debdita  said.

"I know. Right? It is so much fun," Pinky  exclaimed.
"Harish doesn't know about this does he?" Debdita  asked.
"Oh god no. This is my little secret," Pinky  said. "I figure if my husband can order up strippers or escorts or whatever they call them to parties in hotel suites for his clients, and do god knows what with those girls, all in the name of being required for work, then I can do this. We each have our secrets I'm sure. The way I see it, if there aren't emotions involved then it isn't really cheating. I'm sure other people disagree, but that works for me. And I don't want to know about the details of his escapades any more than he would want to know about this. I think that works for us."

"How do women find the guys? How did you?" Debdita  asked.
"Not sure of all the ways. No one talks too much about it. They probably don't want to give up their secretes to keep their competitive advantages. I'm guessing lots of ways. I know some find guys at their gym. Neighbors' kids. I've heard others bring friends of their own kids. But there are rules -- all candidates must be at least 18. No sexual predator kiddie stuff. Oh, and no guys over 25 either. They want to reduce the chance that anyone's husband or co-worker shows up and might know one of the other women here or anything like that. They keep everything very discrete. Even the invitations are private. You have to access them with a unique username and password on a secure website. And let's be honest, who wants to watch some old, out of shape guy up there. I sure don't! Keep it sexy please."
"I've also heard girls have found willing candidates online," Pinky  continued. "I'm sure there are other ways. You'd be surprised how easy it is to find a guy willing to cum on your face. It is pretty much every guy's fantasy."

"And who are all these women?" Debdita  asked.
"They are all friends of someone here who invited them, or someone the host knows," Pinky  responded.
"Are they all married?" Debdita  asked.
"I think most are. A couple are divorced I think," Pinky  answered.
"Because of this?" Debdita  inquired.
"No, I doubt it. I would suspect everyone keeps this a secret from their spouse like they are supposed to do. I can't imagine anyone telling their husband."
"And everyone has kids?" Debdita  asked.
"Yup. Only MILFs are allowed to attend," Pinky  responded. "The host even refers to it as the MILF Facial Club in her invitations, or sometimes MFC for short. She has kids too, but older and off living on their own. I think she started this whole thing to remind mothers they can still be, and are allowed to be, sexy after having kids."

"You think I'm a MILF?" Debdita  inquired.
"Look around Debdita . You are probably the hottest woman here," Pinky  commented.
"Thank you," Debdita  responded bashfully. She had been checking out the other women and thought every woman in the room had a rocking sexy body and was incredibly attractive. "I'm flattered."
A woman then walked by passing out masquerade masks to each of the ladies. "What are these for?" Debdita  asked Pinky .
"To conceal your identity from the guys," Pinky  responded. "Probably wouldn't want any of the guys recognizing you."

"Good point," Debdita  commented as she put on her mask.
"In just a minute, we will form a reception line and each gal competing will parade her guy through, one pair at a time," Pinky  said. "Then that pair goes downstairs to a room to wait to compete and the next pair parades through."
"Has anyone ever brought a guy that another woman knew?" Debdita  asked.
"Yes. Once that I'm aware of," Pinky  responded. "One lady brought another lady's son."
"Oh my god!" Debdita  exclaimed. "What did she do?"

"She kept quiet at first until they passed and went downstairs," Pinky  answered. "As soon as they left the room, she burst out and exclaimed that was her son. After she got over the initial shock, she rationalized that she had brought someone else's son to this before, so guessed it was only natural that someone might bring hers. She ultimately concluded she was fine with it and happy for her son to enjoy himself while he was young and single."

"I still can't even imagine being in that situation. Seeing your own son here?" Debdita  exclaimed.
"I know, right?" Pinky  agreed.
"I still don't know about all of this," Debdita  replied with hesitation in her voice.
"You are already here. Just go with it," Pinky  remarked.
"Ok. I guess," Debdita  responded reluctantly.

The ladies then formed a reception line. The first pair of competitors was slowly paraded through. The competing lady showed off her guy, and the guy looked around and checked out all of the sexy women in their lingerie. The pair then made their way downstairs and the next pair paraded through. After all the competing pairs went through, the ladies made their way downstairs to a small theater-like room in the basement.

There were three rows of chairs lined up in front of a small stage. The stage was empty except for a small daybed like couch. The couch looked more like a piece of art than furniture. It was flat and open ended on the right side. The left side had a high rounded side to it that curved around at the top forming a swirl.
Pinky  and Debdita  sat in the middle of the second row. The other ladies filed in and took their seats. The seats were generously spaced apart and about 75% filled when the show started.

The first pair of competitors took the stage. A bright spotlight was shining on the pair which made it difficult for the pair to see into the audience. There was also a gigantic 120-inch LCD TV to the left of the stage; the kind every guy dreams of for his man cave but can't afford. It showed a live video feed of the couple competing. Debdita  asked Pinky  about the TV, and she explained that it was just a live view for the audience. Everyone was assured by the host that it wasn't being recorded.

The first woman on the stage undressed her guy, then she knelt in front of him as he started jerking off. He eventually blew his load of cum on her face and all the ladies in the crowd clapped and cheered. She turned to look toward the audience and the video on the large screen showed a closeup of the cum on her face. This process continued until each of the competing ladies had performed with their guy with slight variations. One lady gave her guy a hand job, and another lady gave her guy a blowjob, until they came on their faces.

During the competition, Debdita  occasionally glanced around the room to see what the other women in the audience were doing. Some women were simply sitting watching as Debdita  was. Some other women had their hand in their panties playing with their pussies as they watched. Debdita  turned to her right and saw that the two women sitting next to each other had pulled their chairs close to each other's. They each had their hand in the other lady's panties playing with her pussy.
After the last competitor pair had finished, a lady came around to collect the scorecards. After a pause of about ten minutes or so, each pair of competitors was brought back on stage in reverse order of placement and their finishing place was announced as everyone applauded. When the winners were announced, everyone cheered and applauded louder.

The winning lady was then presented with her first-place price. It was a diamond tennis bracelet and matching set of diamond stud earrings. Debdita  had guessed that the prize had to have been worth at least 250000/-, if not substantially more if they were higher grade diamonds.
The ladies all made their way upstairs and resumed mingling. Over the course of the next hour, ladies went upstairs to change and left the party. Toward the end of the hour, Pinky  and Debdita  did the same.
"Hope to see you again next month?" the host remarked as Pinky  and Debdita  exited the front door.
"Of course. I will be there," Debdita  remarked.

"Maybe we will get the pleasure of seeing you enter the competition?" the host asked Debdita .
"Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that," Debdita  remarked.
"You should give it a go," the host said. "It really is quite fun to compete. You won't regret it."
"Maybe. We'll see," Debdita  commented with absolutely no intention of competing.

Debdita 's son Bobby was 15 years old and an avid football player. He played both for the high school as well as a club team in a soccer league in the summers. Various kids from the team regularly came over to Debdita 's house after soccer practice to swim as their house was one of the few houses in the neighborhood with a pool. Kids in Bobby's division on the summer league team ranged from 14-18. She knew most of the kids well, how old they were, and knew many of their parents. They had been playing with her son for numerous years in his current as well as prior age group divisions.

Debdita  had been thinking about the monthly MILF club parties and how it was suggested how much fun she would have if she tried competing. Originally, she didn't give much thought to competing for the single reason of the process of finding a willing young man to compete with her. She couldn't imagine how she could get up the nerve to do that. But as time went on, she began thinking more about it.

As she thought through what competing entailed, she thought about her husband. By no means did Debdita  have an open marriage. However, her and her husband were more sexually adventurous than most couples. They had often talked about and shared fantasies with each other. They had discussed at length about how fun it would be to have a threesome together; them as a couple either with another woman or another man. They were both open to either idea and had actually mildly sought it out on a few occasions. They occasionally went to bars and one would point out someone in the bar they found attractive as a candidate for a threesome. On a few occasions they even tried flirting with a candidate to mildly gage their interest. But the opportunity never really presented itself to the point where they would have been comfortable making a verbal solicitation to a potentially interested candidate.

They had both talked with each other about how fun it would be to watch the other having sex and being pleasured by another partner. They were both givers and enjoyed giving orgasms to their partner more than they did receiving them. They even once went to a swingers' club together when they were on vacation in Europe. They went not just with the intention of 'checking it out', but with the intention of actually swapping partners with another couple for the evening. They met a number of couples that night, but none matched chemistry close enough to try it.

They shared their fantasies with each other in detail. Debdita  knew her husband loved giving her facials and seeing cum on her face. She periodically let him finish on her face. He knew she loved receiving them too. When they talked about fantasies involving sex with other partners, they'd share details and even ask questions of what the other liked. Sometimes the questions would take the form of dirty talk that turned them both on, which led to hotter sex between them for the night.
During one conversation, Debdita  asked her husband in a dirty-talk voice, "Ya? Would that turn you on seeing my face completely covered in cum? You'd get off watching another man cum on your wife's pretty face wouldn't you?" He responded, "Fuck yes that would be hot. And I bet you'd love having a stranger totally cover your beautiful face in his cum, wouldn't you?" She responded that she would.
Debdita  had no complaints at all, but her husband shot a normal volume of cum with no ability to completely cover her face in one load. So, they both got turned on by the idea of witnessing a cumload so big that it completely covered her face. It was dirty talk in the bedroom, not a real-life proposal, but she thought it was a good indication of where her husband might stand on the issue conceptually.

Debdita  was confident that if the right opportunity for extramarital fun presented itself, both her and her husband would have been open to it and gone through with it. She had never really thought about it that way before, but she agreed with Pinky 's view. If it didn't involve emotion and was purely sexual it could be alright. Debdita  had no secrets from her husband and didn't suspect he had any sexual secrets he kept from her. She started to think that she would be alright if he did have secrets; provided it was purely sexual with no emotions involved.

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RE: Married lady slips - by Eswar P - 10-06-2021, 10:32 AM
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