Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
Our fight continued and he all the time overpowered me . I was no match to him as
he seemed to karate champion , and his reflexes were much faster than mine . he kicked me
again , I could not balance and fell on ground . this time produced chung chain , by mere
seeing it I was dead feared . I had seen in Jakie Chan films how they are used . before
he hit me with it I had to do something to escape . he was swinging chain to get rhythm
and probably was showing me how good he was in it . this must be the reason why most
of the people were scared about him and his group . suppose if I had not managed to get
him alone , and with his group of thugs I would be dead by now . his show gave me
some time to recover and I managed to get on my feet and he was waiting for it .
as he
raced at me I threw mud into his face . this trick did it , it filled his eyes and he started
rubbing his eyes and with another hand he was trying to hit me , sort of shooting in
darkness . I had seen Chinese films how they fight in darkness also like shabdh vedi but
in his case he was not expert like that too with pain in his eyes . I used that moment and
moved behind him and kicked on his back with all the strength I had . he went reeling
and fell on his face . swiftly I snatched chain and as didn’t knew using it , but I hit on
his head with handle . he cried of pain , he tried to grab from back , I managed to escape
. I had to use my remaining sense and found I stick . I came back , he was rubbing dust
away from his eyes and was in intense paint due to hit on his head . I started beating him
with stick , now I was definitely over powered him . I started abusing him with all the
bad words I had in my dictionary and was all the time shouting at him , its just a advance
if you don’t stop you will have to face me again . that time I will not spare even life . he
was rolling on floor to escape from me . I went on hitting him wherever I felt like . I
warned him repeatedly to stop teasing other females or else you may find your family
women brutally bangd and you murdered . I don’t know how much he heard of my shouts
. he tried to get up I jumped on him , I wanted my feet land on his stomach but as he
moved I landed on his folding leg . he cried with severe pain and within seconds he lay
still . I was in such a rage I don’t remember where I hit and what I said to him . I was
angry towards his and his friends misdeeds as well I was mad at my own pain . when he
lay still I tried to get him up but he slumped back like slack of grains . then I was
shocked like hell , whether did I kill him was question . I looked for his breath , he was
breathing , oh my god at least he is alive . I patted him to bring him to consciousness but
of no use . he lay like dead meat , I was terrified , I had never thought I would do such
thing in my life to any one .
 but I had done it , in sudden anger and to defend my self I
had committed such a thing . I must have been very cruel . I wanted to run away leaving
him like that . but I could not escape from his fellows or security officer , suppose if he dies that
would be end of my life . I had to do something to save his life at least .
decided to call ambulance I dialed 108 for ambulance and said him one fellow has met
with bike accident and he is unconscious and told him are . I thought of moving from
there but decided against it . I remained there within few minutes I saw ambulance
accompanied by security officer bike .
when I saw security officer I was shaken , I had not thought of security officer reaching so fast . always
they are alert and smell it whether it is an accident or not with the scene . I started
thinking to cook up story to tell . if he dies I will be charged with murder crpc 302 , or at
least culpable homicide 299 or even if he survives then also at least attempt to murder sec 324 or 325 .and as
they have political back ground they will see that I pay for my deeds .
they came and asked for the injured I show them . doctor after attending him said he is
unconscious , he is severely injured we may need to shift him to big hospital . looking at
me he asked , it seems you are also injured come with us , I will drop you to hospital and
take him to big hospital . head constable came to me and said hey man was it you called
for ambulance , I said yes sir . tell me what exactly happened here , I knew once they are
on site they will smell it fast and I should be the first suspect . I told him to get me some
water and I will give all details . they provided me water and asked ambulance to leave .
and he would take care of me .
once ambulance went he started taking survey of the spot . after taking a round he came
back , I am very sure as much as you are , you better tell me what exactly happened here
its case of fighting and not accident , I asked him how could he tell it so surely . he said
foot prints of people running around and a chain falling marks and dragging of person on
land . forget about it , If I study bit more I can give account of number of people
involved . he kept looking at me , I wanted to buy some time , I asked him can I have a
smoke , he said sure , you can . I took cig packet from packet , it felt crumpled but cigarettes
in it were sure in usable condition , I took one and stretched hand to him . he fetched
one we lit together . I could think in the mean while using the time given .
I said I had been to the place told near by village where I had to pay some amount to
earthen pot maker for as advance . I was on my way back , I found this man who was
shifted , I think his name is raju he was surrounded by few of people and they were
pulling and pushing , I thought they must be joking , when he started shouting for help .
my attention went to him , then on observation I found them to be quarrelling and by the
time I reached them they started fighting .
On seeing me they asked me to quit from there , but this boy was asking me to help . they
were shouting at him , you being our friend how dare you tease our family members .
what have I done he was asking , but they didn’t give much of answers before they
started beating him like hell . one of them was shouting you have been teasing my sis
and you were persuading for sex with his bhabhi pointing one of them .
I tried to interfere and cool them . you can see result of my effort on my body . while he
was beaten up by few , some jumped on me and beat me up . in between I managed to
snatch a stick and fight with them . I was not expecting this assault and they were ready
with weapons . naturally they overpowered me and beat me also .
raju fell on ground but
they didn’t stop thrashing him . some one stopped among them as he might be dead or
may die . within minutes they wrapped fight and fled away . I too had fell on ground and
it took hell of a time to recover . so I stayed back and checked him , he was still
breathing as natural instinct I called for ambulance . without thinking much of
consequences I sang song . by this I could save my neck or can have time to think . he
suggested me to go for check up , one of them took my bike and I went with another .
though I felt like I could ride but they insisted me to go with them . I was hospitalized ,
doctor suggested for few x-ray’s and thorough investigation . I was bothered about my
story , if they investigate , they will come to know that it was me responsible for all this
and none of his friends involved in this . that could make situation more grave than
admitting with real cause . I was frightened by just thinking about it . then I decided to
call known officers at hubli . I called deputy sp and detailed him entire story .
he scold me for misleading department , he said I should not have taken law in my hand
when it was inevitable for self defense it could be justified but the cooked up story is
real problem than what you did to him . I said one thing is that I wanted to get cleared
and another thing is , I wanted to involve his friends into this and to be punished
indirectly . this was my simple thinking and I could not just think other way to safe
guard my self as his family is reputed one and they have lot of influence . he assure me
to cover it and inquired of my well being , I thanked him for both .
I informed about me admitted to hospital and I said I met a minor accident and nothing to
worry . she must have informed rohit he came to hospital and met doctor . he must have
assured him , then he came to me . he asked how it happened , I gave him some false
story . he looked worried by then shama aunt too came with radha .
when they came they
had worried look on their face . rohit was not ready to accept my story , might be doctor
had given him some hints , he was pressing me tell truth . at last I had to bend for his
pressure and concern . I told him I had a fight with some person and I cant give any
details right now . I will talk to both of you later . I tried to close my eyes , shyamala
aunt sat beside me on bed caressed my hairs and ok dear now you can rest . we can talk
later she was caressing my face now . I turned to her side and closed eyes as I had
observed radha wanted speak something . I didn’t meet her eyes , I was just avoiding her
. rohit sat for some time and left us saying take care . we only were left out in room .
shyamala asked again with whom I had fight . I said not now , I will tell later . radha
could not stop herself from asking me . are you hesitating because of me ? . I didn’t
bother to answer her . after some pause radha asked how I am feeling , her words were
still ringing in my ears . keep away from me , its none of your business , I snarled at her .
I could see her face saddened and tears filling her eyes . she went towards window may
be to wipe her eyes . shyama got bewildered by my words , she knew I never hurt any
one . my behavior with her sil made her think . aunt said to me , see shree you cant
behave like that . what happened to you , we all family members are worried about you .
me or she are concerned about so we are asking . I could feel her getting emotional , I
slid towards her and placed my head on her lap . she soothed me by caressing my face . I
didn’t respond to her , none of us spoke but radha didn’t come closer . shyma aunt
probably understood that our relation is no more good . she too didn’t attempt to talk for
a while . I must have dosed on her lap as I had received couple of injections , before they
came . when I opened my eyes I found I was still sleeping on aunt’s lap . I felt bad for
keeping her locked in same posture . she could not have moved a bit to avoid disturbing
me .
I got up and sat on bed , radha was still sitting at corner looking out of window .
when she heard creaking of cot she looked at me with blank expression , I found a ray of
me speaking with her . I had no such intention . she was unaware of what I did for her . I
had asked aunt and rohit not to disclose it . and I had not done it for her sake or to
impress her . when both wife and husband requested me I thought it was my bounden
duty . even if she was not related then also I would have interfered into the matter . its
sort of my weakness and many times I had to pay for it . this time it was more serious ,
still I am not clear of what blunder I had made .
shantala eldest sis of shyamala aunt came with Tiffin box in her hand , I looked at watch
it was over 8 pm , means I must have slept for at least two hours , and both of them were
waiting for me to get up . shantala asked her sis to go home and she would take care of
me . there was small argument between both sisters , volunteering to stay back with me .
after some argument radha asked both of them to go and she would stay back , I said
there is no need to for any one to stay with me . I am not a child and I can take care of
my self plus I am not in that bad condition , I would prefer to to go home . but doctors
are insisting to keep me on observation . so pleas all of you go , I turned to shantala aunt
, why did yo take unnecessary strain to bring food , I could get from canteen . she cut
my words and asked me to have food . though it was much early to have but some how I
wanted to send them . I had food and forced all to go home . none of them were willing
to leave but I was successful to send all saying rohit would come here and take care . so
all left after confirming with rohit . once they were off I sneaked out of hospital to have
fag . I knew no development with raju and I was even worried about his survival .
I sneaked back to room and stretched , there were lot of bruises on my body .
I got up and sat on bed , radha was still sitting at corner looking out of window .
when she heard creaking of cot she looked at me with blank expression , I found a ray of
me speaking with her . I had no such intention . she was unaware of what I did for her . I
had asked aunt and rohit not to disclose it . and I had not done it for her sake or to
impress her . when both wife and husband requested me I thought it was my bounden
duty . even if she was not related then also I would have interfered into the matter . its
sort of my weakness and many times I had to pay for it . this time it was more serious ,
still I am not clear of what blunder I had made .
shantala eldest sis of shyamala aunt came with Tiffin box in her hand , I looked at watch
it was over 8 pm , means I must have slept for at least two hours , and both of them were
waiting for me to get up . shantala asked her sis to go home and she would take care of
me . there was small argument between both sisters , volunteering to stay back with me .
after some argument radha asked both of them to go and she would stay back , I said
there is no need to for any one to stay with me . I am not a child and I can take care of
my self plus I am not in that bad condition , I would prefer to to go home . but doctors
are insisting to keep me on observation . so pleas all of you go , I turned to shantala aunt
, why did yo take unnecessary strain to bring food , I could get from canteen . she cut
my words and asked me to have food . though it was much early to have but some how I
wanted to send them . I had food and forced all to go home . none of them were willing
to leave but I was successful to send all saying rohit would come here and take care . so
all left after confirming with rohit . once they were off I sneaked out of hospital to have
fag . I knew no development with raju and I was even worried about his survival .
I sneaked back to room and stretched , there were lot of bruises on my body .
they ached
as I walked , doctors must be right to keep me admitted . there was a surprise kamala
appeared into room . I wondered how come she was here . I smiled at her , she came and
pulled a chair beside cot and sat . what happened to you , I saw you coming with security officer
on bike and I though you did something wrong and you are going with security officer . I watched
you entering hospital , I watched you . security officer helped you to get down from bike , I
wanted to come then only . but my mom and sis were with me and I could not find any
excuse to come in , I am here since long time , when I peeped last time there were some
females here so I avoided . I said sorry to keep you waiting , you could have called me if
you had saved my number . she said yes I do have your number but I wanted to come
and see you personally . I said thanks but objected her for coming at this hour . she said
nothing to worry my friends house is near to this place . I have told them that I may be
bit late to home .
She – do you know news .?
Me – what news ?
She – raj is injured and admitted to hospital at belgaum in kle . he was unconscious when
he was shifted from here . I wanted to relay that news to you so I wanted to deliver this
to you personally .
Me – [I wanted to know what news is spread in town .] what has happened to him ?
She – I am not sure , some says he met with an accident and some others say there was
fight with unknown person .
Me – how is he now , has he gained consciousness ? .
She – there is no proper news as his entire family has gone there . I have not tried to
gather information by contacting them .
I said oh , then he must be injured badly .[ it means security officer have not spread news so far forunknown reason]
after few more minutes talk she wanted to leave . I thanked her for
the concern she has on me and for taking trouble . after bidding bye she left . rohit came
and stayed with me , I briefed incidence and said it was total unplanned and I wanted to
warn but the things took turn . I had to tell him at least in case of security officer arrests me and I
would need help . I tried to contact security officer officer at hubli for further information . but he
was out of reach . it was the only perfect source for information . I didn’t dare to contact
local officer .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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RE: How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages) - by bigman - 13-12-2018, 11:55 PM

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