Non-erotic Salma and Aslam (NOT SEXUAL-but romantic) by Shah Khan of Mauritius.(Casinar)
Salma and Aslam… part 5

Continued from part 4.

So Salma’s brother learnt that she was not at work a day when all at home believed that she had been to work….. He could not believe it and went to enquire at her office and verified the dates where she has taken local leaves and the Sundays which she pretended to go to work were all false, she had never been to work. The supervisor of that factory was a friend of Javed, and he gave all information about Salma to him.

Javed reported the matter to the parents and she was questioned about her whereabouts on those days. She gave no replies but was quiet all along the interrogation.

The next day Aslam, not aware of anything was waiting for her in the morning but she was not seen at all. The bus left Phoenix yet she did not come! At Belle Rose he waited for her expecting to see her passing in another bus.... he waited for long on the pavement of the bus stop and yes, she was in another bus, Aslam was relieved to see her, but to his surprise she did not look at him at all!!..... He was so eagerly waiting for her, and he needed her smile and her looks to start his day, she knew it so very well, but she was looking down in a bus...... Aslam wished to knock the window pane of the bus, when his eyes went on the boy sitting next to her, he was looking tough and rough, and was gazing at him. Aslam had seen him many times before in Phoenix and in the bus, and he understood that he was Javed, Salma’s brother! ‘Oh! That was the matter, that’s why my love did not dare look at me this morning? Never mind my heart; we will see each other this evening at Rose Hill!’ Aslam comforted himself with these words.

And it had been a very difficult day for Aslam. He found Salma pale in the morning. He had a bad feeling. He got like an intuition that something bad was to happen.... he has a heavy heart the whole day and felt like having difficulty to breath.... he was worried and tensed. His forehead and eyes pained, he wished to rest...... but he had lots of works too..... So he started thinking of the happy moments he elapsed in her company to forget the stress..... He started thinking the way he felt her warm breath over his neck when she is enlaced in his arms, he thought of her warm touch, he felt her voice humming in his ears..... That way he felt much better, and he out of sudden remembered that the next day they had to meet and they had another 10 hours to spend at that very special place they had created for themselves in the bush, in between nature. He was very much eased and glad thinking of their next day’s meeting.

At 5.30 PM they met at the terminus. And as usual he reached there before her and was waiting in the queue when she joined and he left a space for her in front of him. She had a sad look and smiled with him and once in the queue she said “Let’s go to the garden!” amazed he looked in her face asking “At this time? But we are going there tomorrow isn’t it?” he questioned. She answered “I have to talk to you Aslam and I won’t get the time to say what I have to say while travelling. We are in summer and the sun sets at 7.15 so we have almost two hours to be together. Let’s go please” He agreed and they left the queue, he walked to a taxi which dropped them at the botanical garden.

In the garden it was very quiet with some students in couples at some corners and some elder couples to another side and some older person performing physical exercises. Salma pulled Aslam by his hand to a wooden bench and asked him to sit there. He proposed to go to their secret place, but she said it was too late to go there, and suggested that they sit there on the bench for an hour and talk. He accepted but reminded her that the next day they are going to their secret place down the valley. Even on the bench they sat was a lonely area as it was evening and people who passed by moved away seeing them sitting there so as not to disturb them as they looked like a couple in love.

“So what is the matter my lovely baby? Why are you looking pale today and why a sudden change of trajectory this evening?” he started the conversation. She gave a long sigh, and smiled at him looking deeply in his face and searching something in his eyes. She took a deep breath, screwed her lips and childishly said “You are very hot tempered isn’t it Aslam? You get irritated very easily and you are very easily angered am I right?” “Hey, come on don’t tell me you asked me to come here to talk about my getting nervous!” was Aslam’s reply. She had a lovely smile and took his hands tightly into hers and said “I LOVE TO SEE YOU IN THIS JOLLY MOOD. I love your sense of humour and happy- going way, I like your funny talks, I love your smart ideas and thoughts. I know very well that you are a bit authoritative, and I also know that you have leadership qualities as I often have seen you among your friends the way you lead the group. I know you are loved amongst your friends too and I also know that you are very sensitive and intelligent. I also know your importance at your home and at your work place, and I know someday you will make it big in life.
Aslam was not understanding where she wanted to come saying all that and pronounced “Hey, hello! What is this lecture all about? I did not ask you to predict my future my dear, what’s going on? Are you alright? You seem to be drunk! Hehehe!!” and he started laughing loudly, which made her go on laughing too.

They were still holding hands and she pulled out one of her hands and put it to his cheeks, looked into his eyes for a long while, kissed his both cheeks, held both his cheeks in her hands, kissed his forehead, and her eyes filled up and she dropped some tears. Aslam was perplexed and took her into his tight arms and cajoled her asking “Hey baby, what’s the matter? Why are you crying? What happened? Tell me, I want to know. You seem to be hiding something aren’t you?” she looked fixing in his eyes again and burst into a cry loudly. He held her to his chest and was tapping her shoulder, amazed, and was going on asking why she was crying. She moved her cheek close to his, she wished to feel his cheek over hers and Aslam felt her warm tears over his cheek, she was surrounding his shoulder into her arms and she kissed him, exploring his mouth, and Aslam felt the salty tears on his tongue mixed in the kiss..... he kissed away her tears from her eyes, and gently brushed off her hair which were stuck over her cheeks, with his lips, and whispered in her ears “My sweet sweet baby, my love, please don’t cry anymore, I can’t bear to see you in this state, please tell me what is the problem, won’t you share with your love?” On seeing such love bestowed on her she cried more and more and talked with the cries “Aslam I will NEVER be yours, I cannot be yours, I AM ALREADY ENGAGED! I WILL BE GETTING MARRIED NEXT MONTH. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I ONLY WANTED TO KNOW WHAT ISTRUE LOVE. I WANTED TO KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE IN LOVE, I NEVER LOVED THAT MAN, MY PARENTS FORCED ME TO MARRY HIM, I DO NOT LOVE HIM AT ALL, I ONLY LOVE YOU. I HAVE NEVER EVER LOVED ANYBODY ELSE IN MY LIFE. I LEARNT WHAT LOVE IS WITH YOU ONLY............ Her cheeks, nose, were all wet with tears, and while she was saying all that, Aslam was silently listening, his eyes wide open, he did not even blink them and Salma lifted her head to look why he was silent, and she found tears running from his eyes all along his cheeks, reaching his chin, he had a running nose too, he said no word and stood up silently rubbing his nose and eyes, and she held his arm to stop, and she was going on crying too, he grasped his hand from her, looked furious, and walked some steps, returned to her, walked away again and did to and fro from the bench to another one...... she was staring at him and going on crying.... he was not saying any word, but only drying his eyes and walking to and fro.... when he came near her, she pleaded with sobs “Aslam I wish to hold you in my arms, please come near me, please my love, let me hold you hard to my heart” and she burst into a big cry again........
He neared her, took her tightly in his arms and said in a grave voice “Don’t marry him, run away with me, and let us elope!”

to be continued in part 6.

written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.
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RE: Salma and Aslam (NOT SEXUAL-but romantic) by Casinar - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-04-2019, 05:58 PM

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