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Adultery boss and my wife 1
Dipa looked at the Boss with some disappointment and said, "Ok, in that case, I shall be with you in just a moment. I shall change and return to join you. Be a good boy and wait for me in your bedroom. I shall join you in a few minutes."

As soon as the Boss was gone, Dipa shook me up and said, "Are you ok? I hope you didn't drink all that the Boss gave you?"

I was half asleep. I opened my eyes with some difficulty and saw Dipa looming over me with her well filled breasts rubbing on my nose. I held her head in both my hands and pressed her lips on mine. I kissed her on lips and said, "You were right honey. I think I have had one too many."

Dipa sucked on my lips and said, "Well better that way, I think. Go sleep and enjoy." She smiled and quickly disengaged from our kiss. I held her tight and said, "Ok, honey, but you promise, you will tell me everything that happened verbatim. Ok?"

Dipa said, "Well, I will. Now go back to sleep. Ok? I have a lot to do tonight." I thought I knew what she meant. Well, I didn't. I had underestimated her statement.

I saw her go to her dressing table and get busy in opening and closing of drawers. She was getting ready. I briefly saw her humming up a tune while styling her hair. I was too tired and drowsy. I fell off to sleep.

It must have been a good one hour when I heard some loud sounds from the Boss's bedroom. Initially I thought I was dreaming. I hurriedly got up and walked up to Boss's room. The door was not bolted. I opened the door a little.

I was horrified and could not believe my eyes when I saw my Boss's ex-wife Shikha standing right in front of my Boss in a threatening posture. Her back was toward the door and I could only see her back and a part of her face. Her eyes had popped out in anger.

She seemed furious at the Boss. I could not see her properly but could feel huge anger in her voice. She was throwing choicest abuses at my Boss, "You termite! What are you doing in my absence? I could see that slob; your employee isn't he, sleeping in my bedroom? What is that fucking guy doing in my house? Where have you hidden his wife? I am sure you must be fucking his wife; that whore, what is her name, Dipa isn't it?"

I was horrified at the way she was speaking to her husband. She was treating the Boss like dirt. Her voice reflected her grossly inflated ego of her father's immense wealth. She hollered at my Boss, "I know you have paid her lakhs of Rupees. Was it to fuck her? Where is she? Must be hiding in the bathroom or one of the closets. I don't care. She must have seen me, so she has run away. Tell me, you spineless, money less stooge of my dad, are you fucking wife of that middle class man or not?" I was horrified at the loudness and brazenness with which Boss's wife was threatening my Boss. That was the first time I heard unusually crackling unsteady voice of Boss's wife Shikha.

I was aghast at the horrible invectives coming out of the filthy mouth of my Boss's wife. I had never seen my Boss so helpless and shocked. Well, I couldn't blame him for reacting that way. That was also the first time I had seen Boss's wife's tigress form.

I tried to look into the room to try and find Dipa. She was not there. Was she hiding in the bathroom as Shikha was saying? How come Boss's wife Shikha suddenly popped in after so many days and after serving my Boss a divorce notice; were puzzles that I couldn't piece together. I cursed her for destroying my plan completely, which otherwise was progressing so beautifully. Dipa had managed my Boss very well. Now with Boss's wife returning, I was not sure about how things will shape up. I had no way of knowing whether Boss's wife would stick to her divorce notice or would reconsider it out of fear that my wife would swallow her husband. I focused my attention back inside the room.

I saw my Boss stand up. My Boss's eyes were red with rage. I had never seen my Boss so angry before. It looked as if he had had enough. He moved forward threateningly coming closer to his wife. He caught her one cheek in his hand and twitched it hard roaring, "You shameless bitch! You are now coming after slapping me with divorce notice to ask me who I am fucking. What does it matter to you now? What were you doing, fucking that man, your lover, on my bed when I was away on tours? Why have you come now, after so many days? Did you speak to me before slapping divorce notice on me? I gave you everything I had. I loved you; I respected you and tried to make your life as good as I could. Why then this cruelty Shikha?"

Boss collapsed on the bed. He was distraught. He said, "I loved you Shikha, in spite of all your stupidity and insulting behavior. I wanted to make our marriage work. But I failed."

"Did you say that you wanted our marriage to work? How could it work, you small man? You are just half a man. You have no balls to satisfy a sexy woman like me. Besides, you are bloody broke." hollered Shikha, Boss's wife.

As soon as these words slipped out of Shikha's mouth, I saw my Boss get up angrily; he caught Shikha, raised his hand and slapped his wife hard across her face. Boss's face was devoid of any remorse, which I had seen just a few moments ago. Remorse was replaced by rage and ferocity that I had never seen before. My boss was a decent person, rarely got angry. I do not say never for the sake of moderation; although I had never seen him angry. As the hard slap landed on her face, Shikha turned and fell down on bed.

"I have no balls to satisfy a woman like you, you say? Ok baby, see now what balls I have. I am not only going to show you my balls, I am going to fuck you out of shape tonight, which I did not do in our married life for years; because I wanted to give you space and time."

Boss looked with the rage at Shikha that can only be compared with the rage of a lion looking at his catch which made him run hard and fast for a very long distance. Boss caught Shikha's top and pulled it hard. The cloth gave way. Shikha had to cover up her breasts hidden under a flimsy bra with both her hands. Even under her arms, her plum breasts showed up. Bra was just unable to contain the bulge of her breasts. Shikha looked at the Boss like a terrified prey caught by a ferocious lion.

I decided that I did not want to interfere in that couple's internal brawl. I was heartbroken. Dipa had planned all these things so beautifully. This Boss's wife comes out of nowhere and shatters our plans and perhaps our future. She had neither desire nor capability to motivate my Boss to revive the fortunes of our company. Boss's life, which was on the verge of seeing an upswing, was condemned to be doomed. I did not care to see Boss's fights with his wife. Besides, I was too tired and fuzzed to focus. I walked dejected to my room. I decided that unless we were thrown out that night, Dipa and I would leave Boss's house next day morning. Sad and depressed, I fell off to sleep immediately.

That night something terrible happened after I left the job of peeping tom and went off to sleep. I was not privy to the happenings and Dipa told me much later all those terrible things that happened that night.

Shikha (Boss's wife) was taken completely by surprise by her husband's aggressive act. She had never seen her hubby like this. Until then she always had her way. In their married life of about two years, her hubby never tried to dominate her. In fact he had always meekly surrendered to his wife's thinking. However, that night was different. Perhaps that night could well become Boss and his wife's honeymooning night. She not only never allowed her hubby to have sex with her; she did not even let him see her naked. On the first night of marriage, her hubby had fumbled with her blouse buttons and uncovered her bra before she stopped him from going further.

Boss did not force sex on Shikha thinking that perhaps Shikha was frigid and would need some time to accept sex. However, as the time passed, instead of accepting the Boss as her husband, Shikha rejected him completely. She threw insults at the Boss and brazenly indulged in sex with her boy friend. Shikha treated her wedded husband with utter contempt. Boss did not want to create a scene and therefore carried on tolerating her. Since the first night, they slept in different rooms and had never consummated their marriage.

That night was the first time the Boss had dealt with his wife in this ruthless manner. Boss was a gem of a human being who had learnt from childhood to respect women. However, this was quite different. Here was a woman that had shattered his life in pieces. He was morally shattered, socially belittled, physically not allowed his rightful sex as a husband, professionally demoralized and now even financially pulled down by this abhorrent woman.

Boss had decided that that night he will take full revenge on her for the torture she had made him suffer. She had gate crashed that night. Perhaps she had decided to come when she heard that Dipa was going to come to stay at their house. Perhaps that inherent female to female jealousy overpowered her decision to divorce her husband. Perhaps she feared that her husband might fuck Dipa that night. This could have been the only explanation why Shikha rushed to this house quite late in the night, in spite of her utter disdain for her husband.

Boss's fury knew no bounds. He pounced upon Shikha and began pulling down her trouser belt. In no time he flipped open her trousers and pulled it down. Shikha was in her panties. He tried to force open Shikha's arms hiding her breasts. He was partially successful also. Shikha's ample bosom opened up barely covered by bra. However, Shikha once again covered them up with her arms.

Boss started pulling open her panty. He had decided to fuck his wife for the first time that night to show her that he had balls to fuck her and fuck her hard. It was perhaps driven by the sense of revenge rather than feeling of any emotion or lust. However, Shikha kept resisting him. When the Boss tried to force open Shikha's panty, Shikha gave one violent jerk and pushed Boss away.

Boss was hell bent upon fucking her. There was some struggle between them. Finally Shikha got up from bed. When Boss was unable to control her, he slapped her hard once again on her cheeks. However, instead of calming her down, the slap enraged Shikha more. She shouted at the top of her voice and said, "You nincompoop. All you can do is slap me. That is all the virility you have. I hate you and your guts. Were you trying to make our marriage work, you said? You never deserved me. It was only because of my dad that I agreed to marry you. But you were always broke. You could not afford even my small expenses. You useless man! I will sue you for this."

My Boss's face turned redder with anger. He rushed to his desk, pulled out a drawer and took his pistol out. He pointed the gun at Shikha and shouted; "Are you going to sue me? You will sue me if you are alive. You want me to go to jail? Ok, I will go to jail but not for hitting you. I will go to jail for killing you. I do not care what happens to me. I am fed up with you and I am fed up with any relationship with you. I don't want to see you anymore. I am going to kill you bitch!"

Shikha's eyes bulged out in horror as she looked at her husband take the gun out from the drawer. She had never expected her husband to react in this aggressive manner. She was sure that when she would reach her husband's house and holler shout and throw all the tantrums, her hubby will meekly surrender and ask his staff member and his wife to leave the house. Perhaps then she would return to stay with the Boss again. However, things were not happening as she had thought they would.

Shikha looked at the Boss horrified. She asked, "What are you doing, Som? Don't touch it. Leave it there. That's a real gun. It's not a toy."

Boss looked back at his wife and shouted in great anger, "Shikha I bloody well know it is a real gun, filled with live cartridges. I am not playing games. All our married life, you played games with me, I didn't. I was damned serious about our married life. You played with me, you played with that guy. No I never played and I am not playing any games now. I am damned well going to shoot you for ruining my life. I wish I had done that earlier." Boss said holding the gun unlocking it and pointing it out at her

Boss's wife Shikha's all bravado evaporated looking at the gun being pointed at her. She said in terrified voice trying as hard as possible under the circumstances, to sound sweet, "Look baby, we can resolve our crisis. I have no intention to ruin our lives. See, have I not come back to rebuild our relation? Put that gun aside."

In spite of the graveness of the situation, she was unable to sound genuine and a trace of her arrogance did emerge out in the end.

Not impressed by his wife's sudden change of tone, Boss said, "Why sudden turnaround in your behavior darling? Because of this gun, isn't it? When I demanded to fuck you as your rightful husband, you bitch, rejected me. You said that I have no balls. Didn't you? I will show you that I have balls. Bigger than that guy who came to fuck you in my absence."

Thinking that the Boss was distracted by her diversion, Shikha lunged at the Boss to try and snatch the gun from his hands.

Not wilting to the force with which his wife tried to snatch the gun from Boss's hand, Boss pulled the trigger and fired a shot at Shikha. Shikha looked bewildered at her hubby as the bullet hit her. She closed her eyes as sharp pain enveloped her. Shikha fell to the floor flat on her face. Blood oozed out from the wound.

Boss saw his ex falling on the ground. He suddenly realized he may have killed his wife. Rage replaced fear. He looked at his wife lying in a small pool of blood. Boss was scared shit. He was shivering in his trousers. He did not know what to do. Did he murder his wife? Was Shikha dead? What was the way out? He suddenly remembered Dipa. Where was she? If she was around, maybe she could find a way out of this mess. He perhaps thought of waking me up too. However, perhaps he had more confidence in my wife Dipa than he had in me.

He wanted to run to Dipa and get into her arms, cry out hysterically and tell her what had just happened. He had never witnessed such a violent incident in his entire life except in movies. He could not believe that he was at the epicenter of the murder. Was Dipa also a witness, hiding in bathroom or in closet? Boss's mind was racing, going through a whirlpool of fears, thoughts and questions.

He had a lot of questions and no answers. Boss looked down and saw Shikha lying on the floor. Her top was full of blood. Out of sheer fright Boss looked around, sitting by the side of the body, shouted, "Dipa, are you there?" However, voice barely came out of his dry throat. He shouted again and again for Dipa.

The first ray of hope and harbinger of a great relief was to hear Dipa's sweet voice, "Yes I am here Somji. What is it?"

What was that? Boss looked all around him. Dipa was nowhere in sight. From where was the voice coming?

"Where are you looking for me? I am here Somji." Boss was shocked to see his wife rising from the floor smiling. She looked fine. Huge relief descended on the Boss, seeing his wife alive. He had not murdered his wife after all. But what was that? Why was Dipa's voice coming from his wife?

In a shocking instant, Boss realized the ruse Dipa had played on him. It was Dipa and not Shikha, his wife, whom he had slapped, tried to disrobe and shot at. Dipa used the apparent similarity between her and Boss's wife to don the role of Boss's wife. She had done such expert makeup that my Boss could not identify Dipa disguised as Shikha in semi bright light.

Boss looked with panic as Dipa looked in some pain. She staggered as she rose. She walked to the Boss. Boss could see Dipa's top drenched in blood. He was not sure, if he had missed the shot at such a close range. The gun in Boss's hand was still smoking. With the shot fired at this range, Dipa should have been dead.

Dipa took Boss in her arms and hugged him hard. All that the Boss could do was to look at Dipa sheepishly with eyes that showed relief and affection for Dipa. His voice betrayed not so much love, but relief for the fact that she was alive and not dead. When Dipa cried out in pain, the Boss got alarmed. He asked, "Dipa what happened? Are you hurt?"

It was a stupid question to ask. Dipa was in pain. Blood oozed out of her side close to her left breast. The bullet seemed to have grazed past her side. The next few words Dipa spoke were historical. Dipa exclaimed, "Somji, this is me Dipa, not your ex-wife Shikha." Dipa emphasized the word 'Ex-wife'.

Dipa quickly picked up a comer of the hem of her dress and wiped makeup from her face; as shaken Boss looked at her speechless. He was completely out of wits.

The Boss had perhaps seen Dipa as Shikha for he had a strong frenzy of confronting Shikha and punish her. It is said that you sometimes see what you want to see. True, Dipa had done an expert makeup and could turn herself into Shikha convincingly.

For the Boss the first thing was to check how badly Dipa was hurt. Boss asked in concern, "Dipa, let me see your wound."

Dipa said demurely, "Somji, you can't see it. The wound is here." She pointed her finger by the side of her left breast.

"Come on now. You call me an intimate friend and then you say that you can't show me your wound; that too under these circumstances? Do you know what an intimate friend is?" Boss asked amused. He was getting over the initial shocks.

Dipa turned her eye lids down and nodded her head smiling. Boss rested Dipa's head on a pillow on bed and laid her fully along the bed. It did not matter to him that Dipa was bleeding and blood could stain the bed sheet.

He got up and returned with the first aid kit. He unhooked Dipa's bra and saw for the first time Dipa's wonderful breasts standing upright with her light fair chocolate brown areolas centered by a set of erect nipples. At that moment he was trying to focus on checking her wound; although a strong desire of sucking Dipa's succulent breasts was raging inside him.

Boss said, "It is not a wound, although there is a deep scratch. This will cause you some pain, but not much." Boss cleaned the wound with a sanitized cotton swab wetted with ethylated spirit and applied tincture benzene. Dipa winced as she felt a stinging pain briefly. Boss then sprayed some boric powder and applied a strip of surgical tape that reached just below her breast.

Dipa was looking lovingly at the Boss as he completed the procedure. Boss looked at Dipa and held her breast in his palm lovingly, playing with her erect nipple. Dipa's full breast weighed in his palms. He took another breast in his hand and squeezed it lovingly. He pinched its nipple and asked, "Why this subterfuge Dipa?"

Dipa said, "Somji you had developed a kind of vehemence to beat your wife Shikha violently. I saw your madness to take revenge on Shikha. I realized that unless you took your revenge on her, or at least you thought that you took revenge on her, you would not dump that bitch Shikha out of your mind. I wanted to wrench that frenzy of punishing her out of your system and I had to wrench Shikha out of your conscious or sub-conscious mind. I had to let you have the satisfaction that you punished Shikha."

Boss looked attentively at Dipa. Dipa continued, "I therefore had to do it through a subterfuge. I would never allow that bitch to come again in your life and hurt you more. So I had to become that bitch Shikha. I took advantage of some similarities in our face and appearance and made good use of my makeup experience. And I am happy that the result was not bad. For a short while at least, you were convinced that you punished Shikha. I thought you needed a shock treatment."
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