Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
How could she do it? What would Arun think of me now?
Judging by his reaction then, he had probably not heard Kavita's moans of pleasure on Friday night.
But if Kavita had introduced Amir to him as her 'boyfriend'...
My name would be mud.
Well, perhaps not.
Perhaps Arun now knew my wife, my lovely wife Kavita, had a live-in 'boyfriend'.
A dark muscular  live-in 'boyfriend'.
And then another thought occurred to me: maybe she had introduced Amir as 'Prem', to him.
Since Amir went by his nickname among 'his friends', maybe she would have introduced him as 'Prem'.
Then, at least, Arun wouldn't know that the dark brawny guy my lovely  wife was going out with, was a '..
It would be some small amount of face-saving.
Nevertheless, regardless of whether Arun knew Amir by his nickname or not, he would think of me, like that restaurant manager would be thinking of me: a wimpy  man, who couldn't satisfy his attractive  wife in bed, on account of which she ended up openly having another man, a dark muscular man as her 'boyfriend'.
That still didn't mean he would go shout it from the rooftops.
He would still view me with pity, without any respect, but if he didn't 'spread the word', the damage could possibly be contained.
I was about to think on how I could keep him from talking, when the doorbell rang.
I was elated. Maybe Kavita had changed her mind and came back, I thought. Or maybe she decided to come back so we could go out together.
I opened the door smiling. My smile vanished when I saw who it was.
It wasn't Kavita. It was Arun.
I averted my eyes. I couldn't wipe out what I had just been thinking about.
He spoke up, "Uncle, how are you?"
I said wearily, "I'm fine Arun. What do you want?"
I didn't really want to talk to him at that time, and had made that clear.
He seemed to get the message, because he came to the point quickly, "Uncle, I just met Kavita ji downstairs."
He gulped before continuing. I guess he was visualizing her ass outlined by her tight pants.
He then continued, "She asked me to give you a message,Uncle."
I went red at those words. Kavita could have called me or SMSed me, why did she have to send me a message through HIM?
I asked wearily, "What message?"
"She asked me to remind you about the floor, Uncle."
I was puzzled. I asked irritably, "What floor?"
"I don't know, Uncle. That's all she told me."
And then it dawned on me. She wanted me to wipe the floor of Amir's room.
My ears went red yet again. So first she introduces Amir to Arun. Apparently, as her 'boyfriend'.
Then she sends me a message through Arun. To wipe the floor of Amir's room. Her boyfriend's room.
I wearily said thanks, and closed the door before he could say more things and twist the knife in my wounds.
I limped across the hall to the laundry balcony room, and found a mop and a bucket.
I filled some water in the bucket, added some soap, and took them across to Amir's room.
Then, I sopped the floor a few times, where he had left his sweaty clothes earlier this morning.
I let it to dry for a few minutes, and went back to the hall, idly watching some TV. In my mind, I was seeing Kavita walking with Amir outside the movie hall in those ridiculously tight pants.
I went back to inspect the floor. It didn't seem sticky now. I wiped it again with water, to remove the remaining soapiness on the floor.
I sighed and went and lay in bed, thinking about my predicament, and if at all I could stop it from deteriorating as it had over the last 2 days.
I visualized again, Kavita in those tight pants, being ogled at by hundreds of people, even couples, visiting the cinema hall. Would any of them recognize her? I hoped not.
She had put on sindoor between her forehead, and in the parting of her hair, before she had stepped out of our bedroom.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-12-2018, 03:21 PM

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