Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
Amir was sitting there by himself. I tried to avoid meeting his eyes, as I had been doing for a while now.
Still, I took a glance in his direction when his eyes seemed to be on the TV. I felt yet another pang as I saw what seemed to be a lipstick mark on the left side of his neck.
Kavita had been sitting beside Amir for well over an hour. Regardless of what may have happened in the past, I was sure, now, that she had kissed him.
That is how, I was sure, that lipstick mark had gotten there. After the events of last night and today morning, this was no longer a "mind game" being played by the bully Amir.
My sweet wife Kavita had kissed him on his neck. Lovingly, probably.
Like she had kissed me a short while earlier.
While her tender kiss in the kitchen seemed genuine, I couldn't deny that she had probably, intentionally, kissed Amir as well.
Did she love me, still?
If she did, was she also falling in love with Amir at the same time?
It didn't make me any less jealous, the thought that she might be in love with both of us at the same time.
It didn't feel any better than the thinking that Amir was "stealing" her from me, that I was losing her to Amir.
I reflected on Kavita's behavior for a while, not really paying attention to the TV.
I lost track of time after a while. I was brought out of my trance by Kavita, who walked up and announced that lunch was ready.
We went and had lunch. I was quiet by and large. I had almost totally lost my voice in the presence of Amir. Thankfully, Kavita kept her distance from him during the meal.
After the meal, Amir and I went back to sit in the hall.
Kavita joined us in a minute, and came up behind me and stroked my chest and said, "Aren't you tired, Manu? You look tired."
I was grateful for her attention, especially in front of the bully Amir. I gratefully answered, "A little, Kavi. I wouldn't mind a nap."
She said, "Take a nap then, you don't have to worry about dusting the shelves or sweeping the floors now. You're already tired."
I gratefully got up, and walked towards our bedroom. Kavita followed me in.
I lay down on the bed, and turned towards her. I was wondering if I should discuss what she had done last night, and today morning with Amir.
Amir was still sitting in the hall, I was sure. I didn't want him to overhear our conversation, and there was the risk that it would get loud.
As I mulled over whether to close the door, my attention went back to Kavita. She hadn't yet joined me in bed, but was instead, combing her hair in front of the mirror.
It hit me with a jolt. I had assumed she was going to join me in bed for the nap. But it looked now like she was planning to go out. Leaving me behind at home.
Nervously, I probed, "Are you going out, Kavi?"
She was putting on a fresh layer of lipstick. I gulped as I realized it was the same color as I had seen on Amir's neck.
She finished applying it and answered, "Yes, Manu. Prem and I are going out for a movie."
I felt cheated, deceived, manipulated. She had got me to take a nap, without informing me that she was going out with Amir. Yet again. This was becoming a "regular" feature of our weekends. I was aching for the times when her weekends would be spent with ME.
She had apparently caught sight of the pained expression on my face, in the mirror.
She approached me with a softened look on her face and said, "Prem wanted all 3 of us to go today, Manu. I told him you looked quite tired. The 3 of us will go for a movie tomorrow, OK?"
She stroked my chest and kissed my cheek again. I felt the stickiness of her freshly applied lipstick. I wanted to feel it, but she turned and picked up her hand-bag quickly, and walked out of our bedroom.
I followed her out. I was hopelessly in love with her still, I knew. Even if I knew she was "two-timing" me, openly.
Amir was standing and ready to leave. He had put on a sleeveless t-shirt, which didn't make me feel good at all. It was like telling me he was going to be flaunting his physique and my wife at the same time, in public. So people could know my wife was "going around" with this muscular hunk.
He swiftly put his arm around her waist, and they walked out of the door, closing it as he left.
Before I could say anything to Kavita.
I hurriedly went to our bedroom and got out of the ridiculous pink pyjamas.
I then put on my shorts and a t-shirt, and hastened to the balcony.
As I got to the balcony, Kavita and Amir were walking towards his motorcycle. His arm was no longer around her waist.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-12-2018, 02:59 PM

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