Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 14 Pt. 2

I was exhausted. I had been sitting on my haunches for the over an hour.
I wiped my brow, and approached the hall on tired legs.
Kavita and Amir were sitting next to each other on the double-seater sofa. They were still watching TV. Worryingly, Kavita's arm was around Amir's shoulder.
I had, till then, only seen Amir put his dark hands over her fair skin. I hadn't seen my lovely wife put her arm around him. Until then.
It was yet another knife wound on my psyche.
I walked around to the front of the sofa and told Kavita that I had finished washing and hanging the clothes.
She got up from the sofa and walked briskly towards the balcony room where the clothes were hanging.
I followed her on tired legs. I was physically tired, and couldn't think of why she was going to the balcony room.
When I got there, she had already removed her "cropped" blouse from the clothes line. She was inspecting her blue nightie.
Presently, she took the nightie off the clothes line as well.
She brought them both to me, and held them out one by one.
First she held out the "cropped blouse", and pointed to a couple of spots on it. Then, she did the same with the blue nightie.
These were both areas on the clothes where the splotches had gone in deep, and the marks were visible faintly.
They weren't prominently visible. Yet, Kavita gave them both to me and said in a cutting voice, "Manu, please wash them thoroughly if you are going to offer to wash them. I don't like to put on clothes dirty after washing, or clothes with soap stains."
My eyes welled up with tears as her words sunk in.
She knew as well as I did, that they were semen stains, not "soap stains".
She was criticizing my washing of the semen stains on her clothes as though I was a "servant" not doing his job well.
I hung my head, averting her eyes and nodded.
She seemed to have noticed my hurt reaction, though. Her voice softened as she spoke next,
"It's OK, just rinse out those spots and hang them out Manu, you don't have to rewash them."
She patted me on my shoulder and made to leave the balcony room.
As I turned to get down on my haunches again, I felt for an instant, her soft lips against the back of my neck.
I turned to look at her, but she had already turned and was walking away.
Did I imagine it?
I got down on my haunches and soaped out the two spots she had indicated, and then rinsed them out as she had said. I still couldn't see much of a difference. It seemed like the sort of fabric where stains would go away after multiple washes.
Still, I finished rinsing the 2 garments, and hung them up to dry again.
For a brief instant, I contemplated if I should ask Kavita if she wanted to inspect the clothes again. I dismissed it, as I was feeling somewhat tired.
I walked back towards the hall and noted Amir was sitting by himself.
I glanced at the kitchen: Kavita was there. She appeared to be starting to prepare lunch.
I walked in and said, "Kavi, I've rinsed the clothes and hung them out to dry again. Can I help you with something now?"
She gave me a misty look, and to my complete shock, walked up to me and kissed me tenderly on my lips.
She then said, "You're a sweetheart, Manu. You must be tired. Are you sure you don't want to take some rest?"
I was tired, but I didn't want to go lie in bed, and I wanted to avoid the company of the bully Amir.
And there was a part of me that still hoped to appeal to Kavita's loving, caring, sensitive and rational side.
I still hoped if I hung out around her as much as I could, she would appreciate me better.
I said, "Not that tired, Kavi. Can I cut up onions or vegetables, roll out chapatis?"
She continued smiling tenderly, and said, "Am making a rice based lunch, so only onions and vegetables need to be cut. If you can help out with those, that would be just great!"
I did those tasks and went and sat on the sofa, on weary legs.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-12-2018, 02:55 PM

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