Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 14 Pt. 1

As I joined Kavita in the kitchen, I felt relieved to be, at least temporarily, not in the company of Amir.
Not satisfied with "pushing me around", not satisfied with seducing my wife, he was rubbing it in my face, when we were together, in Kavita's absence.
It was with some degree of anticipation that I approached Kavita in the kitchen, trying to help in whatever way I could.
I did feel some amount of resentment towards Kavita, as well.
She had cheated on me the previous week.
I had hoped since then, that it would be a one-night stand.
But the events of last night and today morning had put paid to that hope.
I could still have hoped, after last night, that this may be a "short-term fling".
After what happened today morning, on the back of last night's events, this didn't seem like a "fling", either.
Kavita had her part to play in this.
Amir could not have taken my wife Kavita to bed this morning within earshot of me, if she had not arranged to "send me out" to buy bread and eggs at that time.
It could have been somewhat innocent, on her part. We did run out eggs regularly, and she had asked me to replenish groceries in the past.
And Amir could maybe have exploited the opportunity he got, alone in our house with my wife.
Still, she had given herself to Amir, twice within in the last 16 hours.
She had given Amir sexual pleasure, and also experienced what sounded like very satisfying sessions in bed. With Amir, not with me. I was flushed with jealousy as I thought about how satisfied she sounded, from her moans during their lovemaking.
Still, I could not evade confronting her any more.
Last week, I had not confronted her.
Then, I had seen signs that she was feeling guilty. I had hoped her guilt would make her resist Amir's further advances.
Indeed, I had seen her resist Amir's advances over the last week. Or, at least, avoid him sufficiently, so as to not give him opportunities to make advances.
Her repeated sexual encounters with Amir gave me no option. I simply had to confront her.
A pang of jealousy passed through me yet again, as I approached my wife Kavita. My adulterous wife.
She was still dressed in the same blue nightie.
She was facing the stove, her back was facing me and I didn't see what she was doing She didn't notice me approach her. I gently asked, "Kavi?"
She jumped and then said, "Don't creep up on me like that, Manu!"
Before I could say anything, she continued, "Do you want something?"
Last week this time, she had been feeling guilty, I thought, for her cheating on me the previous night.
Now, I couldn't tell if she felt guilty.
It did sound like she was "uncomfortable" over my presence there in the kitchen, with her. To that extent, it seemed like she did feel guilty now, as well.
I collected my thoughts and said, "Can I help with anything, Kavi?"
She spoke with some irritation, "No, Manu. I'll rather do things myself, it seems to be too much for you."
I was stung at her words. I thought I had done a good job of helping her, the previous weekend.
I continued, "Kavi, I would like to help, am sorry if I didn't do something right last weekend, I'll try do better if you tell me what I didn't do right."
She paused, and responded wearily, "It's not about doing it right, Manu. You just aren't used to these things."
"Like what, Kavi?"
"Like...looking for dust and sweeping, wiping off dust. I saw dust everywhere when I got back last Sunday."
I should have expected this, perhaps. I had been far more distracted on Sunday when I swept and wiped the floors, compared to Saturday. And I hadn't done any inspection of the shelves or other areas.
"I'll watch out more next time Kavi. But in the meantime, is there anything I can help with now?"
"Not right now, Manu. Am making khichdi for us, and boiling eggs for Prem. I can handle breakfast making today. Thanks!"
After she said this, she paused, and almost as an afterthought, she walked over to me, smiled and kissed me on my cheek.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-12-2018, 02:50 PM

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