Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I woke up in the morning to the early alarm. Drearily, I brushed my teeth and inspected myself. I didn't see much of hair growth, but to be safe, I ran the razor lightly over my underarms. I had a quick bath, put on the same pink pyjamas, got some towels and walked across to Amir's room.
The room in which Amir had fucked my wife last night.
He continued to glare at me as I waited nervously.
He didn't say a word, both when I waited, and when I toweled him off. But he continued glaring, and I was getting progressively more and more afraid.
As I finished toweling him off, he said,
"Stand up."
I stood up on shaky legs.
I knew he was going to do it. My hands came up instinctively to soften the blow, to cover my face, as he slapped me hard with his right hand.
He saw me try to shield my face with my hands, and held both my hands with his left hand.
Then, when I couldn't shield myself, he slapped me again.
My cheeks were stinging with the pain, and my mind was stinging with the humiliation.
A tear ran down my cheek as I asked in a weak voice, "Why?"
He curtly replied, “You know why." And he slapped me again. And again. And again. It seemed endless. Surely Kavita would hear the sounds of his slaps and wake up.
Surely then, she would protest. After what felt like an eternity, he finally stopped slapping me and said, "Do my bed, P.B."
He wrapped himself in a towel, and strode out to the hall to read a newspaper. I tidied up his bed, removing the crumpled jasmine flowers from it and folding up his sheets. I then picked up the pile of Amir's vest, his shorts and the used towels, and made my way to the washing machine.
Kavita seemed to be still in bed. I mechanically went to the kitchen like I did the previous Saturday, and made coffee for the 3 of us. I took the coffee tray to Kavita, in our bedroom. She was stirring as I got there.
She got up and stretched, then smiled at me and took the cup of coffee from the tray.
She made her way to the hall, and I followed her there, and gave Amir his coffee as well.
We sat down on the sofa and had our coffee in silence, each reading a newspaper.
I took the used coffee cups, and took them to the kitchen wash sink. As I came back, I saw Amir and Kavita having a low, whispered conversation.
Kavita got up presently, and went and looked in the refrigerator. She then turned and announced,
"We're out of eggs, Manu. Can you go get some eggs? And some bread too?"
I nodded and went to our bedroom to change into something I could wear outside. I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
I drove to the nearest stores open at that hour, and got the eggs and bread. I got back in about 20 minutes.
I came up to our apartment door, and was about to ring the bell when I heard the now familiar, sickening moans of pleasure from Kavita.
Her moaning continued.
I hung my head in shame. She couldn't WAIT for an opportunity to get more sex from Amir.
Her moaning got progressively louder, then softer. She continued to moan his REAL name in bed.
I stood outside our apartment quietly, hanging my head down, waiting for them to finish making love.
I walked to the window of the hall, unable to resist myself. I could hear her moans more clearly, from there.
I looked towards the neighbor's apartment. The lights were off, it didn't look like they had woken up.
Presently, I heard Amir's grunt that I had now known to recognize, as the kind of sound he seemed to make before he climaxed. It was going to be over shortly.
And then I heard Kavita's long moan, indicating she had had her climax.
I pulled myself back from the window a little, waiting for them to emerge from Amir's room.
They emerged in a few minutes. I went to our apartment door and rang the bell now.
Kavita opened the door for me this time. She was still wearing the blue nightie from last evening.
I gave her the bag with bread and eggs, and she said,
"Thanks Manu!" with a smile.
I didn't feel any warmth from her smile, though. It felt cold, to me. Maybe it was my aching heart speaking.
Kavita shortly withdrew to have her bath. I finally met Amir's eyes again, after having been slapped by him repeatedly, a short while earlier.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-12-2018, 02:35 PM

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