Blackmail: Taming of Anushka (xossip story)
Blackmail: Anushka strikes back

Anushka was shivering in anger as she drove back home. The metallic lock inside her private part was making her very uncomfortable. She was more annoyed when she received a message:

“well done Anushka, I am proud of you. I have the key safe with me. You will be unlocked at an appropriate time. Now please drive home safely. I will soon tell you the next steps.”

She drove home fast in that angry an uncomfortable mood. She parked her car and quickly went to her apartment. She slammed the door at her back and then literally burst in to tears. She was crying like never before. This was now too much to take. Someone had put a ring on her private part; she was locked as if someone’s possession. For the first time in her life she was feeling being owned.

Slowly she stopped crying and put on her thinking cap. She thought of telling her parents. But what was she going to say? Would they not ask her why did she wait so long and isn’t it simply unbelievable that a girl like her would become so submissive that she got herself ‘locked’? Anyone who knew her wouldn’t believe that, not even her parents.

Also certain things are more embarrassing in front of parents than strangers, this was one of them perhaps. She was a proud girl and not someone ‘bechari ‘(poor girl) . In retrospect even she was not sure why did she allow this to happen? What made her so weak to submit and let someone put a lock on her as a collar to a dog?

She opened her saree and sat on the bed. Her tears were yet to dry, she dropped the petticoat and sat on the bed with legs spread. She saw the ring. It was so weird, every time she touched it sent some sensations through her spine as it was located just below the clit. Given the size and position of the ring, it was not possible for her to have a good look at it. Could she use her engineering knowledge to open it?

The ring was of platinum and couldn’t be cut that easily; and anyway who would she approach in this primitive town? In case she does, the news will spread like a wild fire. She was thinking quick. She now had to find a way out otherwise this was going to take a toll on her future life.

She thought deep and then made-up her mind. She was going to take a chance. She calculated, what worse could happen? He will circulate her photograps? Well, that will be an embarrassment, but then she could take help of her parents and nab him. Once he is nabbed, she can reveal the ring and get it opened. Indeed, it can be nastily embarrassing but that seemed to be the way out.

She went back to basics and noted down the important phone numbers on a piece of paper. Then she drained the battery of the phone and let it die and didn’t charge it again. Next morning, she woke up very early. She drove all the way to the city; it was a good 5 hrs drive. She made sure that she was not being followed. Once she was in the city, she located a mobile shop and bought a new I-phone. She spent all her pocket money and savings on it, but it was important as she thought it would be very difficult for the blackmailer to hack it. She was also betting on the assumption that the blackmailer can follow her in the town but not beyond.

Happy with her new I-phone she now threw her old phone in a gutter. This was a big step, but she was ready to take it as an attempt to get free of all this.

At the back of her mind she was scared; always contemplating what action the well-wisher would take. She had her eyes and ears open. She in fact started visiting porn sites on regular basis, not for pleasure but with fear of being famous. This time she shared her number with a selected few and went off WhatsApp. She was taking extra care and yet she was nervous every time her phone rang.

Her bold move seemed to be working. There was no communication from the blackmailer for 2 weeks. There was no mail in her mailbox or letterbox. She was anyway going to ignore it if he did so. She though may be he gave-up getting scared of she taking such a bold step?

This was just a part of her strategy, because she was sure that this man will come back. This move was only to see his reach and power. She had to strike back when he was not expecting it. She did the same. It was Friday evening and she knew that everyone was busy with their Friday plans. She sneaked out and drove to the main security officer station of the town. This was the first time she was stepping in a security officer station. She was nervous and worried as she looked around.

She got hold of a lady security officer and narrated her complaint. The security officer lady diligently recorded the details. Anushka was smart enough to exclude the embarrassing details of Sharma uncle and Bahaddur auto rickshaw incident. She just mentioned physical threat and attack on privacy but did not explicitly mention the ring. She just wanted this guy to be found and captured and she knew she could handle there on.

The lady told her that she has recorded the statement and she will be called soon to convert it to a formal complaint. Anushka didn’t bother about the formalities of FIR etc, she was happy that the lady took her complaint and was hopeful that the action will be taken. The town was not very big anyway.
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RE: Blackmail: Taming of Anushka (xossip story) - by chattychic - 09-04-2019, 09:54 PM

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