Adultery Cutty - Copied
Soon Donna found herself going up and down the dildo. If she slowed down Ms. Brendan would hit her with the whip without mercy. Even if she kept up her pace, she would get a hit every now and then if Ms. Brendan believed she was not enthusiastic enough.
Donna was forced to fuck herself faster and faster. Soon her pussy was reacting to the assault by producing the necessary juices. A sopping sound could be heard mixed with the heavy breathing of Donna. She humped up and down as fast as she could, keeping a scared eye on Ms. Brendan with her whip.
"I want you to come, Cutty." Ms. Brendan said after what seemed hours to Donna. "Or a least convince me you came..." A smirk on the face of Ms. Brendan showed that she did not believe Donna could fake it convincingly.
Donna herself was using her tied up arms by now to push herself up, together with her tired legs. The beautiful housewife was sweating all over.
"Oh fuck, I can't keep it up any longer." Donna thought, "If I slowdown she'll whip me, if I fake it she'll whip me, and I don't feel aroused at all!" she wished she could come on command!
Donna decided to go for the fake option and started to moan as if she got aroused.
"Faking it, aren't we!" Ms. Brendan responded, and the whip came down hard on Donna's right breast. 
Donna stopped acting and frantically started to hump the dildo, trying to stimulate her clit by moving her hip forward and backward as she moved up and down.
"Don't slow down, Cutty," Ms. Brendan remarked and whipped her again a few times.
Soon Donna was really fucking the dildo with vigor, just to stimulate her clit, just to come. Donna hopped up and down, moved her hips forward and backward, and even looked down to find out how she could best stimulate her erotic areas. She finally found a way of bucking up and down and rotating her hips and ass that stimulated her the most. She found out how to rub her G-spot with the large dildo and how to rub her clit on the large shaft as she went up and down. These movements were the ingredients for a very erotic 'dance'. By the lack of whips she knew she was doing a good job, which encouraged her to continue, and as she rubbed faster and faster she did get aroused. 
She decided to close her eyes and pretend that it was Robert fucking her as an ultimate attempt to come. It worked slowly. With the absent of the whips she could block out her real situation, and soon she got into it. She bucked faster and faster, up and down the dildo, her Robert. She moaned through her gag all sweet encouraging words to keep her Robert aroused, to keep him stiff as she usually did. 
Her juices started to flow freely, and she felt the dildo, Robert's dick, was now completely drained in her juices; she was coming! 
Standing on her high heeled shoes, tied, naked, she pulled her head up with her eyes closed and enjoyed her nearing orgasm. She bucked harder and harder, pushing the dildo on her G-spot, rubbing the tip on her clit, and along the shaft as she went down on the fake dick. She pushed her head back and stretched her upper body as she felt she was about to come. She moaned loudly into the gag... and she came. She bucked a few more times, but basically her whole body spasmed, and she just enjoyed the moment, she had completely forgotten her real situation. She was sweating from the intense exercise, breathing heavily, with a nervous smile on her lips. 
She was like that for a long time according to herself. When she opened her eyes, the awful reality was back again. Ms. Brendan and the driver were looking at her, Ms. 
Brendan still holding the long whip. The hotel room, the sunlight, her nakedness...
She hung her head down in defeat.
"Good, Cutty," Ms. Brendan said, "A very, very good show. It took some time, but you managed to convince me you came." She stood up and walked to the naked housewife.
"Who would have thought you had it in you to fuck yourself on a dildo, in front of an audience!" her fingers went down to the exposed pussy of Donna. Donna shuddered as she touched the sensitive clit.
"Here, smell yourself." Ms. Brendan said as she wiped her wet fingers dry underneath the nose of Donna. "You are a real slut at times, Cutty!
"And as you know now you are learning more and more to come on command. You needed some encouragement, but I think next time you'll do it much more willingly. Tell me honestly, you did enjoy your orgasm, didn't you?"
Donna meekly nodded. "No sense in denying it now," she thought, "It must have been quite obvious."
"But you hated the whipping?" Ms. Brendan continued.
Donna nodded again.
"You understand now once again it is better to do as I tell you to, than to try to disobey me?"
Donna nodded again and let her head hang down as a sign of the ultimate submission. She knew she had to do what Ms. Brendan told her to. "At least right now, I have no other option."
"Good." Ms. Brendan said. "Untie her." she instructed the driver.
Thankfully Donna looked at the driver as she untied her. When indicated she got up from her dildo, which made an embarrassing plopping sound as it went out of her pussy, followed by more juices splattering down on it, the slimy juice stretching up to her pussy. Her hands were still tied together but she could walk around and actually was told to.
"A sort of cooling down," Ms. Brendan told her with a wicked smile.
Next, she was instructed to stand in front of Ms. Brendan again, her hands down alongside her body.
"Have a drink, you must be thirsty." Ms. Brendan handed her a glass of water. She eagerly gulped it down and got another one.
"Now you're back to the living, Cutty, please lick yourself clean." Ms. Brendan said.
Donna looked at her and submitted. She was too tired, too exhausted, to fight. And she knew it would be useless anyway.
And so she wiped the slimy juices between her legs on her fingers, and sucked them clean. All while her hands were still tied and standing in front of Ms. Brendan. Ms. Brendan forced her to look her in the eye as she did her disgusting task.
"How does it taste my dear?" she asked.
"Disgusting," Donna thought, "Salty," she said, knowing the answer had to be positive, or neutral at least. "Normally I would throw up doing this, now it is just another one of those things that I had to do this weekend." She thought.
When she was clean enough according to Ms. Brendan, she was told to kneel, and, as expected, told to lick the already wet Ms. Brendan to another orgasm.
By now Donna started to learn what Ms. Brendan liked and did not, so she got Ms. Brendan going very fast. Or it was her previous shows that had heated Ms. Brendan up already.
When Ms. Brendan came, she smeared the face of Donna with her pussy, making sure she had a nice new mascara.
"That was good and fast Cutty," she complimented.
"Thank you, Ms. Brendan."
"Now we are both satisfied, we can continue." She signaled the driver to get ready.
"We are going to have another butt fuck session, this time we try it just with your hands tied behind your back, and no ball gag." She looked Donna in the eye, "Unless you start screaming too loudly of course, in which case the gag returns to its usual place."
"But in that case, we also will punish you severely for disobeying orders." Ms. Brendan said. "So I would, if I were you, really try not to make too much noise..."
Donna hung her head down again, and let the driver put her in position on the bed again. Meekly she bended over and as instructed lifted her ass into the air. Her face was down into the sheets.
"Smart, Cutty," Ms. Brendan said, "But not allowed. I want to see your face at all times. I want you to talk to me and tell me how much you love me, how much you love all that I'm doing for you, how much you love to be butt fucked.
"Trust me, if you concentrate on the talking it will be easier for you ass."
Thus the tied naked Donna humbly complied and looked straight forward at miss Brendan, while her ass was lubricated again.
"Start talking, little bitch." Ms. Brendan said. She picked up her small flogger again.
"Ouch, ouch," Donna said unwillingly, as she opened her mouth to talk. The driver had just inserted another finger in her ass. "The bitch does it on purpose to maximize my incompliance!" Donna thought, as her pain increased.
"It's... kinky," Donna tried again, concentrating hard on just speaking words, not grunts. "What she is doing to me, Ms. Brendan. I... I feel the cold gel inside my ass, I feel her fingers wiggling in the small space."
Another finger entered her ass, forcing her to stop from the pain.
"Don't stop Cutty, don't stop!" Ms. Brendan said, as she started to play with the flogger.
"Oh shit, the pain!" Donna thought. Her eyes were filled with tears once again, as she desperately tried to talk again.
"Hnn... she's a bit rough on me right now..." the displeased look on Ms. Brendan's face was not good, "But.. hnnn... I like it that way!" Donna looked at Ms. Brendan and saw she had saved herself, for the time being.
"I can't wait...until she fucks my ass once again." She tried, and saw Ms. Brendan nodding approvingly. She knew now the type of sentences Ms. Brendan wanted to hear.
"I have to thank you, Ms. Brendan, for this lovely... sexy experience."
"No thanks, Cutty," Ms. Brendan replied. 
"This is what she wants to hear, she wants me to act as if it is the most wonderful experience in my life..." Donna thought, as she felt the fingers leaving her ass to her relief.
"I am still a bit inexperienced in sex, especially in ass-fucking," she continued, "But up to now it has been wonderful!"
She felt the dildo of the driver search for the opening of her ass.
"Help her a little, position the dildo correct, inexperienced slut," Ms. Brendan instructed.
Donna's tied hands stretched, found the dildo, and positioned it against her ass hole.
"And just relax your ass." Ms. Brendan advised.
"Ok, Ms. Brendan," Donna said, as she tried hard to relax her ass
"No, look at me, tell me about Robert, how does he fuck?" Ms. Brendan said.
This humiliated Donna, her face turned red as she thought about her husband. "If he only knew!" her mind wondered.
A flog on her shoulder made her come back to reality.
"I said talk, not think." Ms. Brendan said, as she sat down on her chair in front of Donna
"He is very good." She quickly replied.
"Why?" Ms. Brendan asked.
"He...he is considerate, he can hold up his ejaculation, he knows how to please me, he knows my tender spots..."
At that moment the driver pushed deep into Donna, and although it did hurt like hell, it was less painful as before. "OUGH!" she yelled anyway.
A harsh flog and a stern remark from Ms. Brendan followed: "Watch it with the noise little bitch!
"Now continue the story as you're being ass fucked."
"He...he..." Donna didn't know what to say more, and the driver picked up her pace once again.
"Ouch, he is gentle, and can keep up a fast pace!" she just blurted out.
"He has a big dick?" Ms. Brendan asked
"No, it's average, ouch." Donna replied automatically, she surprised herself with her honest answer.
"Hmm, tell me everything: how much do you fuck with each other, give me all the gory details Cutty. I'm eager to know all about my employee whose wife is having sex with me."
Humiliated Donna told her all the details she could think up, while the driver hammered into her ass. The talking helped as it distracted her from the pain in her ass, though at times she had to let out a yelp as the driver went too deep, too hard.
In what seemed an interrogation lasting ages she answered all and told all of her sexual adventures with her husband. Which were few actually, but they used to be private. 
Next came her experiences with other man when she was younger, she gave out names, addresses, and at last all her own fantasies were told.
Donna couldn't fake answers as that needed her thinking, which was impossible while her ass was on fire. So, she reluctantly decided to tell all, and tell the truth. It came out much easier, and talking, letting go, did relieve her a little bit.
Finally, Ms. Brendan told the driver to stop.
"Thank you, Ms. Brendan," an exhausted Donna said gratefully. She was sweating again, and her back hurt from the awkward position.
"You can sit up now and masturbate for me." Ms. Brendan simply said, as she signaled the driver to untie Donna's hands. Quickly they were tied before her again. The driver handed her a big dildo.
"What are you waiting for?" Ms. Brendan asked as she picked up the phone.
Donna miserably tried to insert the dildo.
"That won't go in like that. You first have to wet yourself and the dildo, Cutty." Ms. Brendan said as she dialed a number.
Donna looked at the big dildo and started to lick it. As she remembered her lesson from yesterday she spit on her fingers, and started to masturbate with them. She surprised herself at how fast her pussy reacted. "It must be all the dildo's that makes me react so fast, it must be a natural reaction to prevent damage." Donna thought, hoped. But wet she was, and after licking the dildo, coating it with her spit, she pushed it inside her.
"If you pull up your legs it will go easier." Ms. Brendan advised.
Donna immediately lifted her legs, tired as she was, but she knew it was an instruction. She rested her high heeled shoes on the side of the bed, giving Ms. Brendan a perfect view of her naked body. One hand was stimulating her clit, the other shove the dildo in and out her vagina. Her stretched pussy easily received the dildo, much to her own surprise.
Ms. Brendan looked on approvingly, to the relief of Donna.
"This isn't so bad," she thought, " I can do this, I've experienced worse."
The driver came from behind and fitted a ball gag in her mouth once again. This made Donna fear the worse, as she knew they are expecting her to scream.
Ms. Brendan meanwhile went into a conversation with the person on the other line. It was a board member of one of her factories, and they were discussing a business strategy for the release of the next product. This as Donna was pumping the dildo in and out her pussy, as Ms. Brendan had a full-frontal view of her debasement. The noise had to be heard on the other side of the line, but Ms. Brendan didn't seem to mind.
Donna quickly built up her heat, and she was nearing a climax.
"One moment, please." Ms. Brendan told the person on the other line. She laid down the phone and picked up the clamps, and before Donna could do anything the clamps were attached to her aroused nipples.
"MMMMHMMM!!" Donna shouted into the gag. The pain was awful. With fearful eyes she looked down at her nipples. Two big clamps with sharp teeth dug deep into the nipple flesh, even causing them to bleed a little. Also, it trapped the blood flow, causing a growing pain as the nipples grew larger as more blood was pushed inside and couldn't go out quick enough.
"I'm back, sorry for the small interruption," Ms. Brendan had picked up the phone and continued her business call. She signaled Donna to continue with her masturbation.
Donna, now in pain, started again to fuck herself with the dildo, but due to the pain her pussy didn't react. She had to pull the dildo out and squat on her fingers and dildo, through her gag, to wet herself. This time her body didn't react so fast, so she frantically was rubbing her pussy. The pain in her nipples was awful.
When she finally started to feel her pussy respond Ms. Brendan was already busy with another call. All the while she barely looked at Donna. Donna herself didn't worry anymore if anyone could hear her masturbating, she just concentrated on getting off as told, in the hope they would release her nipples if she did.
That was why it was all the more frustrating that her body didn't react so fast as she wished. The constant piercing pain was too distracting at times. But eventually she managed to get to the point where her pussy finally responded, and she felt herself heating up once again.
But just when she almost reached her climax once again, Ms. Brendan finished her fourth or fifth phone call and released the clamps. This caused a new wave of pain as the blood rushed through the mutilated nipples.
"MMMMHHM!!" Donna yelled again, as she was distracted from her actions once again. And just like before her whole feeling vanished, and she had to start all over again.
However, now her pain was much less, and subsided slowly, so she could concentrate better on her masturbation, which resulted in her being able to get on with it much faster.
With a watchful eye to Ms. Brendan, for fear she would pick up the clamps again, Donna started to pump the dildo in earnest into her wet pussy. A loud sopping noise could be heard through the room, and Donna knew the other person on the phone would be able to hear it.
"Hello Robert?" Ms. Brendan said rather loud, obviously to get the attention of the masturbating Donna. "It's Ms. Brendan, listen..."
Donna stopped automatically. She didn't want to have her husband hear her sopping noises, nor her squirming into the gag.
Ms. Branden picked up a strong sturdy whip and before Donna could react she hit her several times on her breasts. An intense bold pain went through Donna's body, as it felt as if she was hit with a baseball bet. She screamed through her gag, as tears flew out of her eyes, and snot out of her nose. The driver walked up to her and briskly cleaned her face. 
Ms. Brendan continued talking as she signaled Donna to continue her performance. In pain Donna followed the instruction, but not before her body received several more whips, which Robert heard obviously, and made her scream and cry again.
"... Yes, Donna is busy right now, I am now calling for business." Ms. Brendan went on.
Donna tried to masturbate but the fact that Robert was on the line made it difficult. A few whips on her back from the driver with a flogger forced her to comply anyway. 
"I have no choice..." she thought as she started to pump herself fast, making the sopping noises she hated so much. "They will beat me to death if I don't!" 
"You better focus just on getting yourself off, else we will whip you raw, the pain will be much worse, and you still will have to fuck yourself" the driver whispered in her ear from behind, as she whipped Donna several times.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" Donna thought as she frantically started to work herself with the dildo. She had no choice but to comply, and she rubbed her clit with her hand, looking over her shoulder to see if the driver was going to whip her some more. This in turn made Ms. Brendan whip her with her awful hard whip, as she signaled she had to keep eye contact with her.
"This is mean, sadistic!" Donna thought as tears welled up in her eyes from the harsh pain and humiliation. "Robert will hear what strange things are going on here, how will I explain?"
Yet she continued to masturbate, pumping the dildo in and out, rubbing her clitoris with it as much as possible. She knew how to get herself off now and used it to her 'advantage'.
"Listen Robert, I just had a talk with the board, and the Asia project got the green light," Ms. Brendan continued with Robert now she had eye contact with Donna. "In turn I talked with your boss to ask who would be the best to do the job, and it turned out you are the best option."
Ms. Brendan listened to Robert as she watched his wife hump a dildo in front of her, looking into her eyes as ordered. She returned the humble stare with a cold look.
"... We understand Robert, but this is urgent, and we need to use the momentum. You will leave tomorrow afternoon, after you have transferred all your work to Milton, or whomever Peter tells you to. Next you will fly for two weeks to Singapore, where you will start setting up our new image."
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Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:02 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:45 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:09 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:10 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:11 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:12 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:13 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:14 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:15 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:22 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:23 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:24 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:10 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:11 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:17 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:19 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:20 AM

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