Adultery Cutty - Copied
Sunday morning
Donna woke up with a shock. Her body tensed in a single second.
"HMMM, HHMM." She tried to scream. She looked wide eyed into the brightly lit room of the hotel. Someone was pushing something in her ass! She tried to move but found she was bound spread eagle belly down on the master bed. Screaming was impossible as she had a large uncomfortable ball gagging her mouth. She lifted her head and looked back. She saw Ms. Brendan dressed in some fetish suit pushing a tube into her naked ass.
"What is going on?" Donna thought. "What happened yesterday?" She tried to recall, but after the second time Ms. Brendan face-sat her it all was a blur. "I don't even recall leaving the place..."
Another painful push of the tube deeper into her ass made her twitch again and painfully look back at Ms. Brendan.
"Awake Cutty?" Ms. Brendan smiled, as she looked at the turned head of Donna. "Just a minute, got to fix this properly," and she gave it a final hard push, making Donna squirm once more in agony. She patted the naked round ass of Donna. "I'm giving you an enema, to clean your bowels in preparation for the sexual activities of today."
She walked in her high black heels towards the other side of the bed, were she sat down next to Donna's face.
"Today will be a very tough day for you. We will work you through some real kinky sex acts," she said as she looked down at Donna.
"We?" Donna thought, "Is Rebecca also here?" But then she noticed the driver coming in.
"Consider it part of your next training stage," Ms. Brendan explained. The driver placed a large bag with liquid in a metal frame at the end of the bed and attached the tube to it. Immediately the liquid started to flow into her ass.
"It cleans the body, amongst other things," Ms. Brendan explained with a smile, as she saw Donna's discomfort as the liquid poured into her through the tube, "But mainly we do it so when we ass fuck you, we don't have any problem with your shit."
"Ass fuck, they will ass fuck me?!" Donna thought, highly alarmed.
"Yes, Cutty. Today we will kind of do everything with you that you were always taught to be incorrect." She pulled up her black corset a little and adjusted her stockings.
"You will be tied in various painful poses and fucked silly with dildos." Ms. Brendan gently caressed the face of Donna. "I will be very, very rough on you, and I would advise you not to disobey. It is the best way to get through the ordeal. Yesterday you have been so cooperative, I just hope you will be like that today too."
"Yesterday, how what why..." Donna remembered a bit more now she was wide awake, but now she got distracted by the fluids running the wrong way up her ass.
"An enema ..." she pushed her face into the sheets.
"Relax, Cutty, you will just make it so much more painful if you don't." Ms. Brendan was still lovingly caressing her face and her hair, "We gave you some shots to get your system neutralized. Tonight you'll just need to sleep it off, and tomorrow you will be as good as new, apart from the pain in you private parts."
Ms. Brendan stood up and left the room, leaving Donna with the driver alone in the room.
As Donna underwent the enema, closely monitored by the driver, she recalled vaguely the end of the evening. She had been drunk and even so was still fed more alcohol after the phone call of Robert.
"Robert!! What will he think, what will I say?" The possible consequences of what he had heard were too frightening to think about. Donna just blocked them away immediately.
She recalled Rebecca instructing her to lick her, getting a curious vengeful look from her. Had she been out on revenge for the past? That would be so wrong! It had taken some time and a few more drinks to get her to comply. She had found herself out of control again. So, while drunk, hot, confused, she had licked Rebecca anywhere she was allowed, or instructed. It didn't matter anymore. She gave into her lust, just surrendered and enjoyed. Whenever her mind would become a little bit clear she would be overcome by a wave of shame, disgust, as she found herself licking every body part offered, and heard herself moan, talk, begging for more.
The two women had enjoyed themselves with her, she now understood. She had licked their clits, lips, assholes even. They had used her, and she had loved being used. Drunk she was for sure a completely different person.
"This enema hurts!" Donna thought as cramps brought her back to the present. But the bag was empty now, it was all in her belly. Next the liquid was held for half an hour in her stomach after which it was let out, or better, she shit it out. The humiliation of having her feces being collected by the driver was almost unbearable. She just pushed her head deep into the matrass, hiding her red ashamed face.
The driver, however, did the dirty job without saying a word. She collected the feces expertly in the bucket and wiped Donna's behind clean. This of course caused Donna to feel embarrassed all over again, as her nether region was unceremoniously handled like that of a child's.
Once clean, and all dirt collected in the bucket was disposed of, the room was freshened by opening the windows and lots of air-freshener. Next came another unwanted surprise, as her free butt plug was inserted, causing immediate new discomfort to Donna. Despite the amount of lube that was applied. Once the, according to Donna way too large, plug was in place the driver walked out of the room, her work obviously done.
Five minutes later she came back with Ms. Brendan as she pushed a breakfast table with Donna's 'breakfast'. The rolling table was covered with dildo's in all sized, with clamps, and with whips.
"Look how we will torture you!" Ms. Brendan said proudly as she stood in front of the table. "And we'll start with this," she pointed at the black dildo strapped on in front of her.
"Look," she showed as she picked up a bottle with gel. "You first lubricate it. We'll do it a little more as it is your first time." As she went about to smear the gel around the black dildo she continued to explain. "We'll put some more in your ass too." She instructed the driver with a wave of her hand to get to it, as she was busy with her show.
Donna, terrified, tried to move away, but it was hopeless. She felt the driver first forcibly remove the plug, which was already very painful, then the driver's fingers dug into her ass and started to smear the gel around.
"You'll learn to endure this, Cutty." Ms. Brendan said as she walked to the back of Donna. "Whether you actually like it, I do not really care. You'll learn to pretend to like it at least, trust me."
"She's ready," the driver said as she stood straight up and wiped the gel from her fingers with a paper towel.
Donna frantically wanted to stop them but could do no more than just wriggle and shake her ass. Simultaneously with the statement of the driver Ms. Brendan pushed the strap-on slowly into Donna's ass. Donna felt the large rubber intruder spread her ass wide. She screamed into the gag, and moved around, but found even her waist had been tied to the bed, so she just couldn't do anything to stop the intrusion.
"Stop it, stop it!!" she screamed. This was so much worse than the butt plug!
Deeper and deeper the black dildo went, into the freshly cleaned bowels. Ms. Brendan slowly moved it up and down, every time thrusting it a bit deeper, and using a bit more force. Donna therefore faced a steadily increase of pain in her ass.
"Oh shit, how can people enjoy this? It's fucking painful!"
"How is the housewife hanging on?" Ms. Brendan inquired, as she pumped up and down.
Donna's mind raced at how different her situation was from yesterday, or from months ago. The 'relationship' had turned ugly. She was being bangd, ass bangd! Would she tell somebody, could she tell somebody? All this went through her mind in between the painful thrusts of Ms. Brendan.
"If you lift your ass, it is less painful...," Ms. Brendan told her as Donna's tears were rolling down her cheeks. "...I've been told," she added sarcastically.
"It is, Ms. Brendan," the driver who just watched the scene acknowledged.
Donna, very much in pain, tried to comply. "Anything to lessen the pain," she thought.
However, It didn't help much. After a half hour of relentless ass-fucking Ms. Brendan stopped and popped out the dildo. Donna, relieved, let her upturned ass down and sighed with gratitude.
"At least that is over..." Donna thought miserable. She was sweating like a pig. And the pain was intense. Ms. Brendan had just focused on fucking her deeper and harder all the time. And worse was the silence. Nobody spoke a word, so only her grunts on every thrust into her ass of Ms. Brendan were echoing through the room. The way the driver just drank her orange juice, while looking at the scene, the sun light shining happily into the room, it all made it worse. It all made it clear for Donna she was bangd, and there was nothing she could have done about it. Worse, there would be nothing she would do now, afterwards, either. How would she explain all this?
Ms. Brendan crawled off the bed and walked to the front of it, facing Donna once again. "And? How did your first true ass fuck feel?" she lifted Donna's head by pulling her brunette hair. "Pretty intense wasn't it?"
Donna's face was speaking for itself. She had cried from pain through the whole ordeal, snot was drooling out of her nose, and spit was drooling outside the ball gag.
"Okay, she's pretty subdued now," Ms. Brendan told her driver. "Let's loosen her up so we can double team her."
As the driver went about untying the legs of Donna Ms. Brendan cleaned up her dildo and placed fresh gel on it.
"I'll go into her pussy, you take her ass," she said coldly.
Donna was still in pain as she was repositioned. The cold manner of the two ladies made her fearful. She felt like they could do anything to her, for the first time in her relationship with Ms. Brendan she felt the true debt of how evil Ms. Brendan could be. No comforting words were spoken, no care for her feelings, neither emotionally, nor physically. The way the driver moved her about was rough. Donna felt she was in the hands of some psychos.
"Don't move too much, your muscles have been stretched and are very painful now, Cutty," Ms. Brendan said. "Let us take care of you, just go with the flow, it is the less painful way."
She drank an orange juice as she watched the driver untie Donna hands, and then retie her hands tightly behind her back, causing Donna new discomfort. But her grunting through her gag was to no avail. From her arms behind her back a rope went up to the ceiling lifting her up, so she was forced to sit in a kneeling position, bending forward.
"Spread your legs, so Ms. Brendan can lie between them." The driver ordered as she pulled Donna's legs apart.
"I must be dreaming," Donna thought. "This is so different from the way I have been treated up to now... This is bang!"
Her ass was still in pain, and now she was forced into another uncomfortable position. "Why would she do this to me? I've been cooperating, I've been good..." Yet Donna could not do anything except mumble some complaints, which were silenced by the gag.
Ms. Brendan picked up a short whip, a flogger, consisting of a small handle and several long leather ropes. She tested it in the air a few times, causing chilling whizzing sounds. She smiled evilly at Donna as she walked up to her. The driver behind Donna had finished with the ropes and had also cleaned Donna's face. Donna saw she was putting on a strap-on too. She had a white dildo, of similar size as Ms. Brendan's.
"I hope you are wet and ready, Cutty," Ms. Brendan said as she looked Donna in the eye, knowing it was not the case. She crawled backwards on the bed and positioned herself in between Donna's thighs.
"No time to waist, I need to come, Cutty!" Ms. Brendan said, as she slipped her black dildo into Donna dry pussy. "And you need to work for that."
"HMMMHMHMH!" Donna protested, but she was unable to move away. Her wild movements merely caused her arms to be twisted by the rope from the roof.
Ms. Brendan ignored her as she looked at her driver who came up from behind and pressed against Donna's asshole.
"Fuck no!!" Donna twisted her head back as she had totally forgotten about the driver.
The driver gave her also an evil smirk and pushed forward, merciless.
Donna already in pain now was in sheer agony. Both her holes were filled, and it hurt like hell. She had never been double teamed before. She didn't know how to move, and as she tried, she of course was tied and couldn't move much anyway. In addition, she was dry, and not aroused at all. She was close to a panic attack.
"Fuck me, why, why, oh shit!!" her mind screamed.
The driver started to pump into her ass, which caused her to glide up and down the strap on from Ms. Brendan. The air was filled with the cold grunting of the driver, who really picked up a much faster pace than Ms. Brendan had done before, and Donna who moaned at every trust in her ass, which made her painfully slide up and down the dildo in her pussy.
Ms. Brendan lay rather passively, looking at Donna enjoying the view. The agony on Donna's face, and the large mother breast bouncing on the rhythm of the driver's ass pumping. Donna bucked her head up and down, and had her eyes closed. Her world consisted only of pain right now.
Slowly her pussy became lubricated by her own juices, making the pounding in her pussy less painful. That was the moment Ms. Brendan started to fuck her. Not only that, but she used her flogger to hit the bouncing breasts of Donna above her. Donna with her hands tied behind her back and pinned on the two dildos couldn't do anything against the flogging.
For another half hour she was abused like this. The driver coldly, roughly, fucking her ass, Ms. Brendan fucking her pussy, and flogging her breasts, who turned red from the assault. Just as with her first ass fuck no words were spoken. Ms. Brendan gave Donna only cold, ice cold stares, as she flogged her breasts, making sure every part was inflicted. The grunts in the otherwise silent room were the only proof of the awful ordeal Donna went through. She heard herself making the grunts, she heard the driver grunting in the back of her, she saw the evil smile on Ms. Brendan's face.
And the pain. It just went worse. Even her juices couldn't lubricate her pussy enough to make it go away. Her lips twisted every now and then making it feel as if needles were pushed into her pussy.
Finally, Ms. Brendan came. She grabbed Donna with her left hand by her shoulder and had her eyes closed as she enjoyed her orgasm with a smile. Donna was still ass-fucked by the driver, so she rocked-on on the dildo of Ms. Brendan, increasing her torturer's pleasure.
By that time Dona's breast were whipped raw. They were now a dark red color. No real deep lasting marks were made, but the pain was incredible.
The driver pulled Donna up and Ms. Brendan, smiling and exhausted, slowly got up too.
"Ah Cutty, I've been waiting two months to enjoy you like this, more if you knew how long I've noticed you." She said as she sat on the side of the bed. Donna still stood bend over with her arms backwards up towards the sealing, and her legs stretched down. Her head hung down as she was slowly coming back to the living.
"Oh fuck, my ass hurts, my pussy feels like it has been torn apart, and my breast have been whipped raw!" Donna still couldn't really believe this was really happening.
The driver who had hung her high up after the double fuck came back into the room with refreshments for Ms. Brendan.
As Ms. Brendan drank her second juice, she admired the figure of Donna.
"You're very firm and slender for your age, Cutty," she complimented as she looked at the long thin legs, the nice ass, her beautiful belly. Even her breasts, now hanging downwards, were still pretty firm. "The work-out has done wonders."
"Treat her wounds," she simply instructed as she turned and left Donna in the hands of the driver.
The driver started to oil and softly massage Donna's tortured tits. The message helped and Donna quickly felt less pain. But her mind was still in turmoil.
"I've been bangd, I'm in a hotel room with two women who just torture me, abuse me. I'm defenseless, I have to cooperate, I..." she sighed hopelessly, "What will they do to me next? How do I stop them, how do I get out of this situation?"
She felt ashamed and worthless, as she hung helplessly from the ceiling.
After a good 15 minutes of the cooling message Ms. Brendan entered the room again.
"Are we feeling better?" she asked when she stood in front of Donna. "You want to get out of this rather uncomfortable position?"
Donna nodded her head, her arms still stretched backward, up to the ceiling. Her standing on the bed with her legs stretched, and the high heels which didn't gave her much steadiness, was tiresome.
"Good," she signaled the driver who untied her from the ceiling. Donna fell on her knees bend over. She was glad her arms were not turned upwards anymore. Next the driver uncuffed her arms, but only to lock them above her head once again, and in no time she was hooked up to the ceiling again, forced to kneel upright.
"We have been helping you up to now. Now it is time for you to do it on your own."
A small table was positioned beneath her, and Donna was forced to stand on it.
"We'll need a steady underground, Cutty." Ms. Brendan explained. "Stand on your heels and bend down."
Donna did as she was told and felt herself lowering her body onto something thick.
"Yes, that is a dildo, attached to the table. You will fuck yourself on it. To make it easy you can fuck the dildo with your pussy this time. Later you'll ass fuck yourself with it."
Donna looked wide eyed at Ms. Brendan.
"She can't expect me to do this!" she thought, as she felt her legs were locked in chains to the small table. In addition, her waist was locked with a chain to the table too, in such a way that she couldn't get up, and could only pull herself up just above the dildo. She could not move more than a few inches forward or backwards.
"Fuck, I can't hold this position for too long..." Donna understood. She would have to lower herself onto the dildo sooner or later. She was naked except for her high heels, chained above a dildo.
While Ms. Brendan and the driver looked on as Donna fought to maintain her position, but had to slowly give in, and ever so slowly went down on the dildo. First only the tip, but once it was in, she lowered herself until she was resting her ass on her bended legs.
Ms. Brendan admired the view of the lovely housewife sitting on her dildo, legs spread.
"Good, Cutty." she said. "Now go and fuck yourself with the dildo."
Donna looked at her in disbelief. "She is nuts, I won't fuck myself! It still hurts from her bang!"
Ms. Brendan picked up a long whip this time. It looked like a whip they used for horses, it had a long stiff part, and at the end a flexible thin part, ending with a knob.
Before Donna could even wink, she heard a whirling sound followed by a sharp pain on her left breast. Another eerie sound, and yet another sharp pain, this time on her left arm. Next she was hit painfully on her face.
"I will keep on whipping you until you go up and down that dildo, Cutty." Ms. Brendan warned as she sat down on a chair, whipping her again.
The pain was intense. Unlike the previous flogging this one gave a lasting sharp pain, and on top of that Ms. Brendan hit her everywhere, not just her breasts.
Donna gave in after another few blows and pushed herself up. The whipping stopped.
"And down" Ms. Brendan said and whipped her once again.
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Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:02 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:45 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:09 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:10 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:11 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:12 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:13 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:14 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:15 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:22 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:23 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:24 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:10 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:11 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:17 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:19 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:20 AM

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